Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 188: Love or Friendship

Unknowingly, Ai Lili and Yan Xin haven't seen each other for more than a month.

At the beginning, her mother was quite worried about her, and she would go to her place of work every day to do a spot check, just to see if she was at work, whether she was at work or with Yan Xin.

I had to go home on time at noon and night, and I even followed up on the road a few times, fearing that the two of them might be in touch.

Needless to say, Saturday and Sunday can only be at home.

Even if he went out to buy something, he would follow her, just to prevent her from taking advantage of it.

I don't care much about her when I'm at home.

After doing this for more than half a month, I don't know if it was because the weather was too hot and I couldn't bear it, or I followed it for a while, but found no problems, and finally gave up tracking and surprise inspections from time to time.

However, the commuting time is very tight, and if I don't go home after the time, I will call to ask what's going on.

Basically have to stay at home on Saturday and Sunday.

It made Ellie very headache.

She has less personal space - before she could go out to buy something or something, just talk to her mother, as long as she doesn't go too far, it's fine.

Now even when I go out to buy something, I have to follow him, or I won't let him go.

——At the end of June, she still wanted to buy a pair of black silk and take a photo of them for Yan Xin to see, but more than a month passed, and she couldn't even do this.

If there's anything better, it's that you haven't arranged for her to go on a blind date for more than a month.

The blind date was really a torment for her, she didn't know how to reject the other party decently, and ended the blind date without angering her mother or the blind date.

Every time you go on a blind date, you will be nagged by her mother in the end, saying that the family's conditions are already very good, why do you look down on her?

What do you mean you are so old, and you haven't found someone to marry, so do you want to be single for the rest of your life?

Ai Lili really wanted to say to her: "If you really want me to marry someone, you can let me find someone by myself, and don't arrange a blind date for me according to my own wishes."

But every time the words came to my lips, I didn't dare to say it, I could only say that it didn't feel right, and then I continued to bear the nagging.

Until a new blind date appears.

She would rather bear the nagging than marry someone she doesn't want to marry. It may be that someone is nagging in her ear and she is in a bad mood, which makes her mentally stressed.

She hadn't arranged a blind date for more than a month, which saved her a lot of nagging, but it made her a little surprised.

At the same time, she was thinking: "Could it be that she has already searched for all the unmarried people in this place that she likes, and that's why she didn't introduce new blind dates?"

When I met Yan Xin every day, I didn't have a deep feeling for him. I just thought that he was a very good boy, serious at work, cheerful, and would joke with her from time to time, so that she could experience To the joy of having friends.

No deeper thoughts either.

In other words, sometimes I have some ideas, but I dare not think deeply about them, and they will soon be extinguished.

Because she felt that Yan Xin was a few years younger than herself and his family was poor, the two of them would definitely not have any other development.

She just hoped that this teenager would get better and better.

Seeing this boy every day makes her feel very happy.

But she thinks more that this is friendship and the joy of seeing friends.

She doesn't know what love is like, and she doesn't know what friendship is like at the same time, she only knows that it is a very happy way of getting along between people.

Sometimes I think about this boy, even dream about it.

But she still felt that the two were just friends.

It can only be friends.

That was the day when I went hiking with Yan Xin, her mother came over and insisted that the relationship between the two was not normal, and said that she was dating a man, and that she was looking for a handsome boy.

She didn't listen to any explanations, but her mother insisted that she was interested in that man.

Then she thought about it, and found that what her mother said seemed quite reasonable, and she became more and more guilty of arguing, and then she slowly accepted this setting——I really like that boy.

Friendship and love between opposite sexes are often only separated by a thin layer of paper.

If you don't poke it, that's friendship.

Open it up, that's love.

Ai Lili didn't want to pierce that layer of paper, and didn't want to admit that there was such a thing.

But her mother poked her open and told her: "You just like that little boy! You just want to be with him! You just want to back up! You shameless thing!"

Then she realized that she seemed to really like this boy.

In the conflict that day, Yan Xin quarreled with her mother, and in order to help her get freedom, she made her more fond of Yan Xin.

Although she felt that there was no possibility of success.

But at least the boy she likes is willing to do such a thing for her.

This made her feel that her life was worthwhile.

Even if the two of them can't be together in the future, or even have no chance to contact each other, at least there is such an outstanding young man who has paid for her like this, that's enough.

With this lingering thought, the natural attitude of chatting with Yan Xin later became different. In her heart, she regarded Yan Xin more as the person she liked, not just a person. Friends only.

Therefore, sometimes the scale of chatting will be moved up a little bit.

In such an atmosphere, Yan Xin would gradually let go of his words.

Yan Xin will also tell her about starting the company, and from time to time, he will also mention the company's current progress to her.

Apart from being surprised, she was also pleasantly surprised - she never thought that this young man would be so good at making money.

In the early stage, she heard from Yan Xin that there was a little difficulty in capital turnover. If there was more money, she could make greater strides.

She also mentioned that she had hundreds of thousands in her hand and could transfer it to him, but he refused.

The reason for Yan Xin's refusal was: "Your mother thinks I'm a liar. If you give me the money, then her guess will be confirmed. And if you use your money to make money, even if I earn 100 million in two years , she won't admit it either."

Ai Lili felt that what he said was quite reasonable, so she didn't insist anymore.

On August 1st, when Yan Xin was chatting with her, he mentioned that the company's CRBT downloads exceeded one million, and with the singer's performance, the monthly revenue reached more than two million.

It made her very excited, as if she saw the hope of earning 100 million in two years.

That night, when eating with her mother, Ai Lili couldn't hold back the joy in her heart, and suddenly mentioned Yan Xin to her mother:

"Mom, do you remember Yan Xin?"

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