Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 189 Ellie's Provocation

After more than a month, Ai Jing has already forgotten the name of the little boy who hooked up with her daughter.

Hearing her question, he was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he remembered that the boy who was with his daughter that day seemed to have the surname Yan.

When I thought of this, my heart burst into flames.

After watching my daughter for so many years, she was stolen by a little boy.

Although the daughter's physical body is still here, her heart has already gone to her.

Every day, I don't know when it will be the head.

I wanted to get angry at first, but seeing the unconcealable smug look in my daughter's eyes when she said this, I felt a little abnormal.

So he remained calm, snorted, and said, "What's wrong?"

"He started a company with someone last month, and he holds 80% of the shares." Ai Lili said.

Ai Jing still had no expression on her face: "So what?"

If her daughter can't say what happened to Yan Xin after starting the company, she will mock her.

Ai Lili said: "In just one month, he earned more than two million yuan."

When she said this, although she wanted to keep her expression calm, she couldn't hide the smug look in her eyes.

In fact, I didn't make more than two million yuan, but the revenue was more than two million yuan.

Half of them are distributed as artists' dividends.

The remaining one million yuan is attributed to the company account, and various expenses have to be deducted.

All in all, I made some money, but I didn't make much money.

——It is still in the development period, and a lot of money needs to be invested. Only when it is actually done in the future can it lie down and make money.

Of course, it's not that Ai Lili doesn't understand that revenue is not equal to profit, but she thinks it's okay to exaggerate moderately.

Especially in front of people who look down on Yan Xin, it is even more necessary to exaggerate to win his face.

Anyway, the number of more than two million is real, so there is no problem.

Hearing these words, Ai Jing felt turbulent in her heart, but she remained calm on the surface, and said lightly:

"That's a long way from a month."

Ai Lili said: "However, he can earn more than two million yuan in the first month, and he will only earn more and more in the future."

Ai Jing said with a blank face: "When he earns 100 million, his status and vision will be high, and he may not still have you in his heart."

Ai Lili froze for a moment, suddenly feeling a little sour in her heart.

She felt that this possibility was not impossible.

Looking at Ai Jing's eyes, there was some resentment, and she thought to herself: "If you didn't come to break us up, we could have been together forever."

It's just that she didn't dare to say it.

Ai Jing glanced at her and helped her out:

"Do you think I broke you up? You can stay with him forever without me?"

Ellie didn't speak.

Neither admitted nor denied.

It was the harshest protest she could have made.

"It's so naive!" Ai Jing sneered, "Without my stimulation, would he start his career? He'll just be a little boy around you, what can he do?"

Ai Lili thought to herself: "It seems to be true. Before that, he was the security squad leader in the company. If it wasn't for that time, he wouldn't have resigned to start the company, but would have continued to be his security squad leader."

Thinking about it this way, it seems that her mother scolded her and Yan Xin because she helped Yan Xin start a business.

But then I thought again: "But what does it matter if he starts a business or not? Even if he has no money, I will be very happy with him. A person's happiness does not depend entirely on the accumulation of money, even in the future He continues to be his security monitor, and I am my assistant to the director of the management department. We have no other sources of income, and we can live happily. Even if I can't do my current job, I can only be an ordinary migrant worker , we can also have a happy life with our own hands."

Thinking about it this way, I felt that she was misled by her mother before, and actually thought that her mother was kind to her.

The happy life her mother thinks is that as long as she has money, it is completely different from the happy life she thinks.

I remembered that Yan Xin said that day that her mother regarded her as a tool to make money, instead of treating her as her own daughter.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is the case.

Ai Jing continued: "If he is really promising one day and earns 100 million, you should be grateful to me. Without my stimulation, would he work so hard?"

Ai Lili couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "But didn't you say that if he has 100 million, he won't have me in his heart anymore?"

The implication is nothing more than that he is not with me anymore, and whether there is 100 million or not has nothing to do with me. Why should I be grateful to you?

"Then you need to be more grateful to me," Ai Jing said confidently, "I let you see clearly an ungrateful scumbag and saved you from being fooled. Isn't it worthy of your gratitude?"

Ai Lili didn't make a sound, she lowered her head to eat, and just snorted softly in her nose, expressing her disdain for this statement.

She never dared to do this before. When she was with her mother, she carefully controlled her expression every day, for fear of making her mother angry by accident.

Today, I did this for some reason, and I didn't feel anything unusual when it was over.

Only Ai Jing was secretly startled, thinking to herself: "What's wrong with this girl? Has the rebellious bone grown again? Or is that little boy giving her something to rely on?"

I was very depressed: "I have guarded her carefully for more than 20 years, and I have used so many methods. Is it no match for a little boy to get along with her in such a short time?"

He wanted to reprimand him a few words, but when the words reached his lips, he gave up the idea and thought to himself: "Forget it, let's bear with it for another two years. What if that little boy really made 100 million in two years, it's too ugly It's not good..."

Thinking about it this way, he just pretended not to see her daughter's provocative behavior.

She has a temper tantrum in front of Ellie, but that doesn't mean she can't stand it.

As long as she has enough interests, she can tolerate it better than most people.

When she was pregnant with Ai Lili, she was still an employee working in a guest house in a small county in a neighboring province. Cai Qixiang was already in his thirties, a truck driver in a factory, and had a wife and children at home.

At that time, she didn't know that the other party had a family, and she only thought that the man could take her out of the poor family, so she committed herself to him and conceived a child.

Later, with a big belly, I found this place, only to find out that this man had already had a family.

At that time, she could make a big fuss, get Cai Qixiang out of work, and even put him in prison.

But she still endured it, because Cai Qixiang promised how much money she would give her every month.

Just like this, I returned to my hometown, and under the strange eyes of many people, I gave birth to Ai Lili.

After a few years, I couldn't stay in my hometown anymore, so I brought Ai Lili here again, relying on Cai Qixiang's support to live.

Knowing that the other party has a wife and children, she didn't choose to make trouble, but was at ease being the other party's underground lover.

until now.

She knows the existence of the other party's wife and children, but the other party's wife and children don't know the existence of her and her daughter, because she has always been cautious and consciously acting as a shameless person.

Because Cai Qixiang can develop from a truck driver to the boss of a real estate company today, which has a very important relationship with the strength of his wife's natal family.

If it gets too big, the heartless person who coaxed her back then will be finished. This may relieve her breath, but the affluent life she has now is also finished.

In order to maintain the current standard of living, she can endure many unbearable things.

Not to mention the daughter's little provocation.

There will be a day when that little boy really earns 100 million yuan. To her, it won't be a big deal for her to beg him to marry her daughter.

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