Continue to expand and march into the imperial capital

Soon, the interview with Li Yang was reported by “Longshan Metropolis Daily”.

Through this interview, Longshan Spring Water Factory has established a responsible and responsible corporate image.

Especially the locals of Longshan City, after hearing Li Yang say that they should “pay more taxes and recruit more workers”, their favorable impression of the Longshan Spring brand became overwhelming.

In fact, what they don’t know is that the water plant does not have to pay taxes in the first year.

Enjoying the tax-free policy for one year, this can allow the Li family to make more money.

However, in the long run, Longshan City Government will not lose money.

In the future, Longshan Spring Water Plant will definitely be a big taxpayer, not to mention providing so many jobs.

Therefore, the Longshan Municipal Government is now sparing no effort to support the development of Longshan Spring.

After all, this is a local brand. If the local brand itself doesn’t support it, then who will?

At the beginning of October, Li Shanshan came back from Shengtian City and talked to Tang Zeguo about government procurement.

Finally, the two parties signed a purchase agreement.

In terms of government meetings and daily office drinking water, the government fully purchases Longshan Spring mineral water.

This order has also given Longshanquan another steady increase in sales.

After all, the human body needs drinking water every day. The government purchases local mineral water for employees to drink during working hours. There is nothing illegal.

After signing the agreement, Li Shanshan couldn’t help but sigh.

This purchase order will allow the water plant to increase sales by at least tens of thousands of boxes every month, and it will also be a long-term growth.

At present, Longshan Spring mineral water has fully occupied the province’s drinking water market.

Next, Li Shanshan has a new goal, which is to enter the imperial capital!

The population and consumption power of the Imperial Capital are many times greater than those of Shanbei Province.

Of course, the difficulties and competition we face are also considerable.

But once the sales are opened, the returns are quite generous.

Li Shanshan sent Ye Joey back to the Imperial Capital early to understand the local market in advance.

Within a month of returning to the Imperial Capital, Ye Joey lived up to his expectations.

She first negotiated an advertising contract with Imperial TV Station.

Although the price is higher, it is expensive. After all, it is determined by the population and economic level of the imperial capital.

Next, Ye Joey began to contact various shopping malls, supermarkets, and even convenience stores one by one.

In just one month, she traveled all over the streets of the imperial capital, and with her hard work and persistence, she negotiated orders one after another.

In the beginning, some merchants looked down upon a girl coming to market.

And merchants are also worried about whether Longshan Spring mineral water will be accepted by people?

Especially in the current imperial capital drinking water market, Wahaha pure water launched by Zongjia dominates.

When Ye Joey told Li Shanshan about Wawaha pure water, Li Shanshan couldn’t help but recall many stories.

Speaking of the Zong family, we have to mention Zong Qingqian.

In 1987, the school-run factory suffered losses due to poor management, so Zong Qingqian decided to contract the school-run factory.

He led two retired teachers, borrowed 140,000 yuan, and started their business by selling soda drinks, popsicles and stationery paper.

In 1989, Zong Qingqian began to develop and produce Wahaha children’s nutritional solution, which quickly became popular once it was launched.

In 1991, Wahaha Food Group Company was formally established, and the company’s output value exceeded 100 million yuan for the first time, reaching 217 million yuan.

In 1995, Zong Qingqian targeted the bottled water market, and Wahaha purified water was born.

He started his business at the age of 42, starting with a loan of 140,000 yuan, and then had a wealth of more than 100 billion, becoming the richest man in mainland China.

Zong Qingqian’s history of struggle is undoubtedly a live-action “inspirational blockbuster”.

This is also the biggest competitor Li Shanshan has encountered so far.

Competing with Wahaha Pure Water for the Imperial Capital market was something he never dared to think about before, but now it is really going to happen.

Li Shanshan knew very well that the main reason why Longshan Spring was able to spread rapidly in Shanbei Province was that there were no big brand competitors.

When the advertisement “Longshan Spring Water is a bit sweet” was aired, it quickly defeated those small drinking water brands in a crushing way.

However, now that there are strong opponents in the Imperial City market, it will no longer be as easy as before.

Especially now that Longshan Spring Mineral Water is the challenging party, it will face even greater pressure.

However, the stronger the opponent, the more it can stimulate Li Xianshan’s fighting spirit.

Li Shanshan decided that he would personally come to the Imperial Capital to direct this war without gunpowder and rob the Imperial Capital’s drinking water market.

When Li Shanshan came to Imperial City, he met Ye Joy on the campus of Imperial University. This was the first time the two met in more than a month.

Today, Joey Ye is wearing the professional suit he wore when the two met for the first time, and a pair of black high heels.

Different from the first time we met, she now looks more mature and stable. The experience in the past few months has sublimated her temperament.

“Boss, long time no see.”

“Thank you for your hard work. You must have been exhausted these days.” ”

It’s okay, mainly because I was a little busy in the first month.”

“You take a few days off and leave the rest to me.”

“Yeah Yeah.”

Ye Joey nodded, it felt so good to have a backbone.

This time Li Shanshan came well prepared and brought ten sales staff, all of whom were carefully selected outstanding employees.

Next, Li Shanshan’s plan is to recruit these ten people part-time at the university to temporarily form a sales team.

The main reason why he chose college students was that he felt that young people learn things quickly, are eloquent and can endure hardships.

Another important reason is that he wants to recruit part-time students to discover talents and try to recruit them to his company in the future.

After all, if your company wants to develop, it will still need more outstanding talents in the future.

With this purpose in mind, Li Xianshan offered a very high salary.

With a high salary of 50 yuan a day, even students from Imperial University want to try it.

After all, the monthly salary of ordinary people is less than 500 yuan now. If Li Shanshan worked for ten days, that would be an income of 500 yuan.

As the saying goes, money can make all the difference. In one day, nearly 100 college students were hired part-time.

This is also due to Ye Joy. She actively promoted it at Teito University, and many people who knew her came to sign up.

In this way, a temporary student sales team was established.

After a day of training, these people officially took up their posts and went to the streets and alleys of the imperial capital to start carpet propaganda.

No one today would have thought that it was these students who formed a temporary sales team.

In the next month or so, one sales miracle after another was created!

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