: After taking down the mineral spring, your son feels a little drifting?

In the next few days, Li Shanshan perfected his plan while waiting for news.

Of course, the premise of the plan is to win the right to use Longshan’s mineral springs.

Only by getting the mineral spring in hand can subsequent plans proceed smoothly.

So no matter what, succeed.

Dad Li Yang has been worried all the time these days.

Although I believe in the energy of my old comrades, after all, things have not landed and I always feel uneasy.

In fact, Li Shanshan’s request can be regarded as a new attempt to develop the local economy for Tang Zeguo.

Tang Zeguo came with the task of developing Longshan City’s economy.

If he can help local enterprises develop during his term of office, it will not only solve local employment problems, but also increase local fiscal revenue. These are his achievements.

But before 1995, there was no precedent of handing over mineral springs to private companies, so Tang Zeguo would also bear certain risks.

If the business develops smoothly, everything will be easy.

But once a problem occurs, Tang Zeguo will bear the responsibility of misunderstanding people.

So whether he should carry out this project or not, this is the time to test his courage.

Finally, with his years of experience, he felt the project was feasible.

Of course, it was also out of trust in his old comrades that Tang Zeguo decided to support this project.

To this end, he specially communicated with superior leaders many times.

Finally, the leader told Tang Zeguo.

Allowed in principle!

This is also an attempt at economic reform!

Therefore, after Tang Zeguo took office, he immediately established a special negotiation group.

Send a special person to coordinate and lead the entire negotiation work and discuss with Li Yang related issues related to the use of mineral springs in Longshan area.

“Dad, you are still too impatient.”

“The negotiation team asked you if you had one million, and you just agreed. This is not good. You have to bargain. We can negotiate more conditions.”

Li Shanshan looked at his father with hatred, and said, “Okay now, we want one million, what should we do?” ”

But I feel like we made a profit!”

His father said, “The negotiation team knows that we We want to build a mineral water plant in Longshan, agree to issue us a mining license, and at the same time contract the entire Longshan to us.” ”

And we were also granted a hundred acres of industrial land. Such generous conditions are actually not worth one million. It’s too expensive.”

“Dad, think about it again.”

Li Xianxuan rolled his eyes and said helplessly: “You also know that Longshan is far away from the city center, and the land there is not valuable at all.” ”

And as far as I know, Now there is no one else competing with us, so we can definitely lower the price.”

“Can we lower the price and bargain with the negotiation team?”

Li Yang couldn’t help but take a breath, looked at his son and said, “You’re not Are you kidding me?”

“Of course, you can take me with you to negotiate tomorrow.” Li Shanshan said helplessly.

“But Dad, how much money does our family have now? Please tell me.”

Li Yang hesitated for a moment, then slowly said: “It doesn’t hurt to tell you, there are still around five million.” .”


Li Shanshan couldn’t help but complain. It turns out that he is the second generation of rich people. In this era, the monthly salary of an ordinary worker is only more than 400 yuan, but his father who runs a water plant actually saved it. So much money.

“You kid, please remember this. Don’t tell anyone. Don’t tell anyone. Do you hear me?”

Dad Li Yang became stern: “This is no joke!

” After a while, he naturally understood the principle of not leaking wealth.

In the next few days, Li Yang was shocked by his son.

Li Shanshan turned on the performance mode and complained to the negotiation team every day.

He calculated all the expenses clearly and said how hard he was. He wanted the mineral spring just because he wanted to do good things and contribute to his hometown.

The most unbelievable thing is that the price was really driven down by Li Xianxian.

In the end, the Li family obtained the mining rights for 30 years at a price of 500,000 yuan, and contracted the entire Longshan area, which was also valid for 30 years.

Of course, it is limited to the production of mineral water.

In addition to these, Li Shanshan also proposed that the factory should expand production, requested that the land around the current factory be also allocated to the Li family, and hoped to receive three-year tax exemption benefits.

In fact, these are what Li Xianshan said in the lion’s mouth.

But in the end, the negotiation team only reduced the tax exemption from three years to one year, and the land around the Lijia Water Plant was still given to them.

After all, that land is not valuable now, and it is also used for the company to expand production.

This is a happy outcome for all.

For the Li family, not only did they spend more than half a million yuan less, but the most important thing was to win the mineral spring, laying a solid foundation for future development!

For Tang Zeguo, this was an attempt at economic reform and the first thing he set off as a new official.

Under normal circumstances, there will definitely be a group of people who will object, or someone who will question whether there will be any behind-the-scenes operations.

However, it really didn’t happen this time.

The most important thing is that people still don’t realize the huge value of mineral springs.

Moreover, as China’s reform process intensifies, the upper levels increasingly support the development of local small and medium-sized enterprises.

Li Shanshan took all factors into consideration and was able to negotiate a price of 500,000 yuan in front of negotiators.

So no one can succeed casually!

This bargaining operation also shocked dad Li Yang. It turns out that his son is really good!

At first, Li Yang just wanted to give it a try and let his son go through the trouble. He was already mentally prepared to lose money.

Unexpectedly, during this period, his son first persuaded his old comrade Tang Zeguo.

You must know that Old Tang has rich work experience and experience, otherwise ordinary people would not be able to achieve the top position in Longshan City.

After several days of negotiations, Li Yang realized that he had really found a treasure this time!

So when the negotiation team initially offered a price of one million, Li Yang gritted his teeth and agreed.

But what surprised him the most was that his son was still able to bargain, tell the truth to negotiators, and finally succeeded in cutting off half a million!

How much water can I sell to earn half a million?

Li Yang couldn’t help but sigh, it seemed that he was really old, and he had already begun to want to live a retired life.

After being overjoyed, Li Yang couldn’t help but said: “Son, let’s go home and celebrate. Let’s try to make him millions this year!”

Li Shanshan looked at him: “Dad, let me tell you that your vision is not far-sighted enough. , I’m still not brave enough.”

Li Yang was dumbfounded when he heard what his son said, and the son seemed a little heartbroken.

Li Shanshan didn’t pay attention to his father’s expression, but said excitedly: “This year, we will make tens of millions, and next year, we will make hundreds of millions!” Li Yang was stunned for a moment. He felt that his son was a little floating


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