Personnel Adjustment

Magic City, Wawaha office building, event lounge.

Several company executives who took the lead in submitting their resignations gathered together.

“Lao Hu, you said we won’t really be fired if we submit our resignations this time, right?” Li Changqing, the manager of the finance department, was a little uneasy, but as a direct descendant of Zong Qingqian, he had to follow suit out of face.

“Yes, Lao Hu, why do I feel that this young chairman is not a good person?” At this time, Luo Yongyuan, the manager of the product research and development department, also spoke. You must know that he can make a lot of money in the company. This time Hu Daniu found him He asked everyone to submit a fake resignation. Once he figured out that there were many people, it would be fine, so he agreed.

“Don’t worry, we are doing this firstly to save the old chairman’s face, and secondly to let the new chairman know that the company cannot do without us and will pay more attention to us in the future. Besides, there are so many of us and the company will definitely not fire us. “.”

At this time, as the leader of this matter, office director Hu Daniu was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

While he was comforting everyone, what he was thinking about was, I’m sorry, brothers, it’s all about living.

It turned out that Hu Daniu, as the office director, had been bribed by Li Shanshan a long time ago, because the previous acquisition agreement with Zong Qingqian stipulated that employees could not be fired, but Li Shanshan, the company executives left behind by Zong Qingqian, did not want to use.

So he found Hu Daniu and promised to transfer him to Longshanquan Company for a management position after the promise was fulfilled, which made Hu Daniu ecstatic.

He knew that even if he was not fired after changing to a new boss, he would definitely not be able to continue his position as office director. The new leaders of these important departments would definitely arrange for their direct descendants to take over.

But now if I can complete the tasks assigned by my new boss, I will definitely be reused in the future.

So now he is working very hard, basically killing all Zong Qingqian’s direct descendants, and deceiving them into resigning on their own initiative.

Just as these people were discussing, Li Changqing suddenly saw Zhao Ruijun, the deputy minister of his department, passing by outside.

“Xiao Zhao, what are you doing?”

Li Changqing shouted at the top of his lungs. You must know that he is the one who speaks the truth in the department. As long as he is in the company, no one in the department dares to leave his post without permission.

“Minister Li, the Human Resources Department has just notified all employees of the company’s deputy and above departments to come to the conference room for a meeting.” Zhao Ruijun explained and asked curiously: “Minister, didn’t you receive the notice?” “Oh, I understand, you go ahead

. “Li Changqing said casually, then turned to Hu Daniu and the others and said, “The HR department is so careless right now. We didn’t even notify our managers.” “That’s right. How can we hold

this meeting if we don’t go?” “Luo Yongyong was very angry about this matter.

“Let’s go to the meeting.” Hu Daniu said calmly, pretending to know nothing.

However, when these people arrived at the door of the conference room, they were stopped.

“Sorry, you can’t enter the conference room anymore.” At this time, an employee from the personnel department said.

“That’s unreasonable. Don’t you know who I am?” Li Changqing was very angry.

“Your resignation application has been approved, and you are no longer an employee of our company.” The employee from the human resources department said calmly.


The executives who proposed to resign looked confused. They never expected that they would fake their resignations as promised?

Wawaha company headquarters, conference room.

Li Shanshan is sitting in the middle of the conference room. On his left is Li Lihong, the general manager of Wahaha Company, and on his right is Zhang Honghui, the team leader of Wahaha’s product research and development department.

“Dear backbones of the company, before this meeting, I have a question to ask you. Is there anyone else who wants to resign?”

Li Xianshan glanced around the people present, and then continued: “I am very As an enlightened person, if someone takes the initiative to resign, I will never stop him. He can propose it now.”

After a minute, the venue was silent.

Just before the meeting started, the department managers who took the initiative to submit their resignations were not even allowed to enter, which made everyone present feel nervous.

They were all secretly glad that they had not acted on their own initiative before, otherwise they would have been shut out now.

“Okay, since there is no more resignation, we will be a family from now on. I am very happy to become a family with everyone here!” As soon as

Li Shanshan finished speaking, there was warm applause in the conference room. At this time, everyone Want to leave a good impression on the new boss.

“Now I am announcing a new personnel appointment. Zhang Honghui, the former team leader of the product research and development department, is now the deputy general manager of the company and the director of the product research and development department.” Everyone present was shocked. They did not expect that Zhang Honghui, who was originally unknown, would now rise to the top

. Served as a senior leader of the company.

Speaking of Zhang Honghui, everyone knows that he is a capable person with first-class research and development capabilities.

However, during the Zong Qingqian era, these truly capable people were buried.

Zong Qingqian is an extremely authoritarian person in the management of the company. He wants to monopolize every detail, and most of his subordinates are obedient direct staff. In his own words, “As long as I am obedient, it is enough. I like the ability to execute.” Strong employees.”

In other words, those employees who are capable and thoughtful are not suitable for development in Wahaha because they are more independent-minded and may be disobedient. This challenges Zong Qingqian’s dictatorship and affects his prestige.

Therefore, Zhang Honghui has never been reused, but he has been quietly developing products. It was not until he developed the famous “Very Coke” that he was able to rise to prominence.

Now that the deputies of various departments here see Zhang Honghui being reused, everyone realizes that their opportunity has come. After all, there are still so many vacancies for department heads, maybe they can stand out?

“In the past two days, everyone must submit their own work plan and department’s future plan, and the company will evaluate and score everyone. After all, there are still many vacancies in various departments of the company.” Li Shanshan’s words completely inspired everyone’s enthusiasm

. Motivation, after all, a tailor who doesn’t want to be a cook is not a good driver. Who doesn’t want to try being a department manager?


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