Wawaha’s future plans

At this internal meeting attended by deputy and above senior executives of Wahaha department, Li Shanshan first made personnel adjustments.

Zhang Honghui was appointed as the company’s deputy general manager and concurrently as the director of the product research and development department. Later, a new assessment system was proposed to mobilize the enthusiasm of these people.

In Li Shanshan’s view, if a company wants to develop in the long term, it cannot rely solely on the dictatorship of the leader.

He prefers to involve employees in the management of the company. In the future, he will only propose general directions and leave specific matters to Li Lihong and Zhang Honghui.

After handling the personnel issues, Li Shanshan announced an important decision.

“Starting from today, Wahaha purified water will stop production.”


This big news suddenly caused chaos in the entire conference room. After all, Wahaha purified water is now the company’s flagship product. This If production ceases, the losses will be too great.

“Everyone, be quiet.”

Li Lihong spoke at this time: “This water source incident has hit us hard. Even if we resume production, our sales of pure water will inevitably decline in the future. Why not take this opportunity to heal our wounds and give up on our own initiative? This product.”

“Mr. Li is right. The cola-type carbonated drink we have developed is about to be completed. I believe it will sell well after it is launched. You don’t have to worry about future profits.” Zhang Honghui also quickly added.

Hearing that the two company vice presidents also spoke, the venue suddenly became quiet.

Li Shanshan looked at the two right-hand men beside him and thought that the two of them cooperated well. It is really not tiring to work together as a man and a woman.

The reason why Li Shanshan decided to stop the production of purified water is mainly because he had previously published an article boycotting purified water, and Longshan Spring mineral water focuses on the concept of health and naturalness, which itself is opposed to purified water.

If you continue to produce pure water after acquiring Wahaha Company, then this will be contradictory to your previous philosophy.

He didn’t want the positive image he had finally established to be destroyed, so he simply stopped producing pure water. In this way, although Wawaha Company would temporarily lose money, Longshan Spring would make more money.

“Don’t worry, everyone. Stopping the production of purified water does not mean that the company has given up on the bottled water market. I will make other arrangements in this regard.”

In fact, Li Shanshan has had an idea for a long time. The current retail price of Longshan Spring mineral water is 2 yuan per bottle. The price is relatively high, so current sales are limited to urban areas and have not entered China’s vast rural market.

In order to target the majority of rural areas, we need to launch a lower-priced bottled water. In this way, we will be equivalent to monopolizing the mid- and low-end bottled water market. In the future, as people’s living standards improve, we will launch high-end Longshan Spring water.


Fortunately, there was no antitrust law in this era, and Li Shanshan was secretly grateful, otherwise the acquisition of Wawaha Company would not have gone so smoothly.

The whole meeting ended in less than an hour. Li Shanshan liked this kind of efficient meeting. On the contrary, he especially didn’t like meetings that lasted all day. It took a long time, but the efficiency was very low.

After the meeting, he called Li Lihong and Zhang Honghui to his office alone.

“From now on, the running of the company will be left to you two.” Li Shanshan took the initiative to pour a glass of water for each of them.

“Thank you, boss.” The two people said in unison.

Zhang Honghui seemed particularly excited. After all, this time he was promoted exceptionally. For him, Li Shanshan was his benefactor. He now wanted to put the products he developed into production immediately, so that he could repay the other party’s kindness.

“Gong Zhang, I have a suggestion for Very Coke.”

Li Shanshan once drank Very Coke. He personally felt that this Coke tasted high in gas content, had a good taste, and was also very sweet. It was no more delicious than Coke. It is worse than Pepsi, but the only problem is that the product positioning is wrong.

“Say it, boss.”

“I’m positioning this Coke to compete with Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, so it not only tastes good, but also has beautiful packaging. Don’t be afraid of spending money. I will fully support your research and development. ”

Zhang Honghui was extremely excited when he heard this. In Zong Qingqian’s era, due to financial problems, the product was unable to be mass-produced.

Moreover, Zong Qingqian positioned this Coke at a lower level than Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Not only is the price cheaper than the other Coca-Cola, but the packaging is not exquisite enough, giving people the feeling of a copycat.

This means that although this product sells better in rural areas due to its price advantage, it has never been able to compete with Coke and Pepsi in cities.

Now Li Shanshan is about to reposition it. He believes that the Coke developed by China is no worse than foreign ones.

“Okay boss, I will find someone to redesign the outer packaging of the product.” These words of Li Shanshan touched Zhang Honghui’s heart. In fact, he had already put forward his own suggestions, but he had no choice but not to adopt them.

After giving some suggestions to Zhang Honghui, Li Shanshan looked at Li Lihong again.

“The fact that Wahaha has stopped producing pure water must be publicized to let the public know about our actions.” Li Shanshan knew that only in this way could the public’s anger caused by the “Water Source Gate” incident be completely quelled.

“Understood, I will release the news as soon as possible.” Li Lihong listened to Li Shanshan and carefully wrote it down in her notebook.

“The second thing is, as far as I know, a state-owned company in the United States has launched a mineral water. I need you to send someone to introduce this set of equipment. From now on, Wahaha will mainly produce mineral water.” The so-called mineral water is from the United States

. A new type of water launched by a company, but in fact, it is based on pure water with reasonable additions of mineral elements such as magnesium, potassium, sulfur, and chlorine.

The advantage of this kind of water is that it has the purity of pure water, but also has the minerals in mineral water that are beneficial to the human body, and has removed the substances that are harmful to the human body.

“Mineral water?” This

was the first time for Li Lihong that she had heard this term, but now she blindly believed in Li Shanshan. She felt that as long as Li Shanshan said that there was such water in the United States, it must be there, so she hurriedly Said: “Okay, I will personally go to the United States to introduce this set of equipment.”

Li Shanshan was very satisfied with her obedient attitude, otherwise it would be difficult for him to explain how he knew about this new type of water.

Producing mineral water is his second plan for Wahaha. The cost of producing this kind of water is relatively low and is suitable for building factories across the country. It can occupy the low-end water market with extremely low prices.

He believes that in the future, with the two brands of Longshanquan and Wahaha, he will be able to monopolize the entire bottled water market.


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