Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 461 Rainbow fart

Zhou Daoen was a little disappointed that Chen Yang did not respond.

He was still a little lucky before, seeing that the boss was young and successful in his career, he probably couldn't listen to harsh words, so he made such a call on purpose, just to do the opposite, to provoke him first, and then propose own solution, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort,

Unfortunately, this plan seems to have failed.

However, the disappointment is only a little bit,

In fact, it's normal to think about it. Although this boss Chen looks young, he is also the boss of several big companies by himself. No matter who he is, he can talk about it with just a few words.

Fortunately, the failure of this little skill will not affect his performance.

Chen Yang didn't speak, Zhou Daoen pulled himself together and continued,

"Compared to a year ago, Barley can now be regarded as a strong army. It not only enriches the product line, but also increases investment in research and development. It has invested heavily in the establishment of the Barley Research Institute.

In addition to the traditional mobile phone modules, through the acquisition of palm company, it has successfully deployed the smart phone field and developed a new product category such as the iPad. It is believed that it will definitely occupy a place in the mobile communication terminal market in the future 3G era.

It’s just that the rapid development has also brought some hidden dangers to barley, or in other words, shortcomings,”

Chen Yang smiled and nodded, "Well, tell me."

Although it was a polite response, Zhou Daoen was shocked, smiled gratefully, and said, "In my personal opinion, the biggest hidden dangers of barley are mainly two aspects.

The first is the market, which I also explained to Huang Dong in the previous email, "

Huang Shan is the director of the PalmSource company in the United States. It is absolutely correct that he is called Huang Dong.

Huang Shan nodded slightly, "You suggest that PalmSource acquire and revive the Treo mobile phone, and then use the market networks of the two companies to complement each other."

"That's right,"

Zhou Daoen turned his body slightly, and said to Huang Shan, "The barley market is highly concentrated and completely focused on the mainland. In my opinion, this kind of market strategy is not very healthy. Once there is some kind of fluctuation in this single market, it will be a big problem. fatal to barley,

Moreover, although the mainland market is very large, accounting for almost 10% of the global mobile phone market, it is only 10%.

If barley can actively explore foreign markets,

Then, every additional percentage share is equivalent to a 10% increase in domestic sales. This ratio will be amazing.

I know that barley’s products were not worried about sales, but the lack of production capacity, but this is not an excuse for barley’s marketing department to hold back. The strategy must always be in the front, and the market is developed. PalmSource is also controlled by Honggu Capital. would be a great springboard,

It's just that PalmSource does not have the ability to operate in the market, so the company that comes from the same source as Source is a very good acquisition target.

On the one hand, through the acquisition of palmC, PalmSource can make up for the lack of hardware and industrial shortcomings; on the other hand, through the integrated market channels, it can completely complement the market channels of Barley in the Mainland, and cooperate with each other for win-win results.

In addition, I originally planned to upgrade the palmPDA product and make it a brand new PDA product, but, "

Then he turned back, looked at Chen Yang, and said with a sigh, "After I arrived in Guangzhou last night, I went to the Damai Research Institute, and met Mr. Chen who personally advocated the development and provided a creative Damai iPad prototype. I think, This will be an epoch-making product,

If it is easy to carry, then the compact smart phone is more convenient than PDA. If it is mobile business office, tablet computer is better than PDA. Therefore, the emergence of tablet computer will definitely completely replace the PDA product line.

In the future, in the mobile terminal market, there will only be two types of products, either mobile phones or tablets, and PDAs will only be eliminated by the times!

Therefore, in the end, I gave up the transformation plan of palmPDA products. "

Chen Yang smiled and shook his head, "Why did you give up?"


Zhou Daoen stared at him blankly, as if he was a little puzzled. Was what I said just now not clear enough? !

At this time, Huang Shan laughed, "What Mr. Chen means is that if the acquisition is really successful, then we can completely turn the palmPDA into a palm iPad!"

Zhou Daoen suddenly realized, and smiled sheepishly, "Yes, yes, yes, I was the one who got into a dead end."

The corners of Chen Yang's mouth turned up slightly, and he glanced at Huang Shan, only to find that she was also looking at him with a smile on his face.

Sure enough, she also found out,

Hey, who said that the children who grew up in the United States don't know how to be euphemistic, this rainbow fart who leaves the problem to the boss is exactly the same as the Chinese people!

First using sharp tactics failed to achieve any effect, so he immediately turned around and used the trick of secretly flattering. This Zhou Daoen is really interesting,

No wonder he was able to climb to the position of operation director as a Chinese in a white-dominated company like Palm Company. If Chen Yang hadn't seen many gods and ghosts in his previous life, he might be really proud now.

Zhou Daoen didn't seem to realize that his tricks were seen through at all, and said a little excitedly, "If Damai can authorize Palm's iPad technology, then Palm will also be able to have two product lines of mobile phones and tablet computers at the same time as Damai. , and has an independent operating system, the potential for development will be greatly increased!"

Chen Yang pursed his lips, smiled and nodded, "Almost, so we have considered whether to set up several sub-brands under Damai, and we have not made a final decision. If we can acquire them, we don't have to worry so much, palm You can become a communications group company that is on par with Barley, thereby expanding your market influence."

Zhou Daoen nodded, "With Palm's brand influence in Europe and the United States, it can not only achieve it, but even exceed your expectations! However, I have a small suggestion for the right acquisition."

Chen Yang raised his chin slightly, "Please tell me."

Zhou Daoen said seriously, "I suggest that it is best to launch an acquisition after Damai releases the iPad and announces that it will soon enter the European and American markets."

Huang Shan rolled her eyes, "This proposal is not bad. With the launch of the iPad and the end of the operation of the PDA, it will be much easier to talk about whether it is negotiation or lowering the price. I think it can be done."

Chen Yang looked at her, "Okay, anyway, it's not two months away, so let's do it."

According to the plan, Barley's new product launch is scheduled for April 22, which is exactly two months away. What we need to do now is to add a release action targeting the European and American markets. Acquisitions save huge sums of money, so why not do it.

Seeing that his suggestion was immediately accepted, Zhou Daoen couldn't help smiling, looking a little happy,

However, he couldn't help being surprised in his heart. According to the news he got now, Chen Yang was the lucky one who was favored by Honggu Capital, and then he soared into the sky.

But now Huang Shan, the biggest manager of Honggu Capital, is clearly headed by him. Could it be that Chen Yang is the actual controller of Honggu Capital? !

Thinking of this, he couldn't help taking a closer look at Chen Yang's eyes. Young and handsome, this kind of person should go to the entertainment industry, but he plunged into the business world and made such great achievements in such a short time.

If it wasn't for the fact that Chen Yang's experience had already been exposed on the Internet, it was justified and reasonable, and no one found any evidence-based clues, he would have doubted whether Chen Yang was an agent of some group.

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