Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 682 Hit it off

While sorting out his thoughts, Chen Yang introduced to Leader Liu the origin of the ninth art of the game.

Starting from that magazine in 1997, to the subsequent debates on the Internet, and then to how to gradually correct the name of the game at home and abroad,

Including two years ago, the French Ministry of Culture, known as the country of art, also described games as cultural products and a form of artistic expression.

These have become the basis for Chen Yang’s discussion.

Of course, that's the end of it,

He won't come up with conclusions about the United States in a few years. Although he drank a little today, he hasn't drunk too much yet.

Listening to Boss Chen's introduction, Leader Liu lowered his head thoughtfully and murmured,

"I didn't expect that this seemingly shabby game is actually an art?"

Looking at Leader Liu who was puzzled, Chen Yang grinned and said,

It's not just him. Even ten years later, there are still people who don't recognize the status of the ninth art of gaming.

Just like decades ago, they refused to recognize the status of film as the eighth art.

At that time, many people thought that movies were just putting drama on the screen. What kind of eighth art could they be?

That moment was exactly like this moment,

Isn't a game just a plot plus pictures and music? It's nothing more than a blend of art forms such as painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, and music. Is this the ninth art?

Chen Yang had no intention of discussing with Leader Liu whether games were the ninth art. What they wanted to determine now was where to start and how to do it if they wanted to build the fourth largest regional cultural center in the country.

Picking up the tea cup and taking a sip, Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "You just said that the concept of 'post' I proposed is 'future', which includes two meanings.

The first level is to learn from the past, while avoiding the advantages of the three existing regional cultural centers, and using a differentiated strategy to position the western cultural center.

This is correct, and you have also found the core industry of positioning, which is animation.

However, can animation alone compete with the film, television and music industries of Beijin, Shanghai and Guangzhou?

I think it’s a bit overwhelming,…”

Before he finished speaking, Leader Liu continued,

"So, there is another meaning that comes to my mind, which is to build a modern, high-tech industrial chain around this core product."

He smacked his lips as he spoke, and hesitated a little, "But I still have some ideas in my mind about how to build the film, television and music industry, but animation,

Oh, it’s anime,”

Leader Liu suddenly waved his hand and grinned.

"As I get older, I can't remember these new terms, animation industry! How to build this animation industry, I will do some research after I go back."

Chen Yang grinned and said, "You and I are thinking of going together. The 'post' I mentioned also means these two things, one is differentiation and the other is industrialization.

It's just that the core industry you proposed is animation, but what I think of is games! "

He took a breath, leaned back in his chair, twisted his neck, and said with a smile, "Actually, from an industrial point of view, animation is also a part of the game, and even movies, videos, and songs are all part of the game! "


Upon hearing this, Leader Liu's eyes suddenly lit up, he looked at him and asked, "How do you say that?"

"It's very simple,"

Chen Yang spread his hands and said with a smile, "Because the content of the game includes plot creativity, animation production, background music, etc. From another perspective, you can think of the game as animation and control that can be interacted with or controlled. Movie."

Leader Liu frowned slightly and nodded slowly thoughtfully.

Chen Yang smiled and continued,

"If I tell you about the game industry, you will understand it better.

Overall, the game industry consists of four major links: upstream game development, midstream and downstream game distribution and game channels, and auxiliary businesses related to the game itself.

Upstream game development mainly involves various production companies and game studios, which include design, art, programming, and music.

Designing an original game is almost the same as creating a literary work or filming a movie, and is even more complicated.

The background, storyline, characters, task links, props...etc., etc. all need to be considered.

From this aspect alone, games can be regarded as a form of artistic expression. "

Chen Yang took a breath, looked at Leader Liu who was listening attentively, and continued,

“Let’s talk about art. The art planner needs to create graphic scenes that meet the background and plot requirements based on the information provided by the copywriter, maybe 2D, maybe 3D,

Exquisite game screen works can even become collections of many players. If an original picture can be circulated, it is natural for it to be sold at a high price.

Then comes program development,"

At this point, Chen Yang suddenly paused, looked at Leader Liu and smiled, "From this point of view, there is no problem at all in treating games as a high-tech industry!

Database structure, data transmission, communication methods, images and optimization...

A series of links have put forward extremely high requirements for computer hardware and software. Especially some large-scale online games will even cooperate with hardware manufacturers to customize and develop high-performance computer products because the hardware is not up to standard.

In addition, the operation after the game is launched will also promote players to upgrade their computer products.

The emergence of this situation can also be regarded as forcing the computer industry to develop rapidly from a market perspective. "

This sounded a bit like a joke, but Leader Liu listened very seriously.

He was really thinking, if games were made a core project of the cultural center, would it be possible to accelerate the development of Johto's electronic technology?

"The last thing is music. In a good online game, the dubbing, sound effects, theme songs and background songs are all very good bonuses.

In this way, a complete plot, good procedures, effective interactions, and complementary music constitute a good game work. "

After taking a breath, Chen Yang continued,

"I'm a businessman, I don't talk about art, I talk about value.

From a value perspective, upstream game developers enjoy the independent intellectual property rights of games through game production. At the same time, their business methods can also be very flexible. They can operate online games and sellers by themselves, or operate services through Actively carry out agency and cooperation through technology transfer or cooperative operation, sales, etc., which are highly profitable and relatively proactive.

The role of mid- and downstream online game operators and sellers in the industry chain cannot be ignored. They act as agents for developers’ games and complete the promotion, sales, operations and services of the games. They are the link between game developers and game users. Bridges, generating value through services, are of great significance.

Let’s talk about players. Players can be regarded as the service objects and value sources of the entire industry chain. Other links in the industry chain must serve game users and meet the needs of game users.

Players have absolute autonomy in the industry chain and are the most important and stable decisive factor in the industry chain.

In order to please players and give them a better experience, game operations come into play at this time.

Game operators will add some auxiliary links, which has also become a very important module in the game industry, that is, auxiliary business.

Game engines, advertisers, e-sports, event hosting, information companies, game communities, game item trading, game guilds, game peripherals, game accelerators, etc..."

Chen Yang said a lot in one breath, and finally said,

“With so many links, countless companies will definitely gather here.

To build an industry, the most important thing is not how big the main core is, but how many people and funds can be gathered to invest.

Just like developing development zones in some places, no matter how big the site is and how high the office buildings are, if there is not enough traffic and upstream and downstream manufacturers, it will definitely not be a big deal.

After all, not everyone has enough funds to pursue big projects. "

Chen Yang opened his hands and said seriously, "A good industrial ecology will have a main project, and then an ecological chain will be formed around this main project. In this ecological chain, there will be both towering trees and small grasses." Participation,

Both large and small, symbiotic and co-prosperous, is a good ecological environment!

When we build a cultural center, we must also go in this direction.

Otherwise, no matter how loud the name of this so-called center is, it will be nothing more than a superficial and positive project that will never go far and has nothing to do with the big entertainment platform. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Yang picked up the teacup and sipped it.

All that needs to be said has been said. As for whether Leader Liu adopts it or not, that is his business and has nothing to do with him.

Anyway, in his opinion, he has said what should be said and what should not be said, and the rest is up to them to decide.

After a short silence, Leader Liu raised his head, looked at him and said,

"If, I mean if, we decide to make games one of the core cultural industries in the west, will you, Damai, be willing to invest?"

Today's Damai is no longer a communications company that only had mobile phone products last year.

In terms of hardware, mobile phones are of course still the flagship product, but electronic products such as iPads, laptops, and digital cameras have also become important sources of profit for Damai.

Through cooperation with Qiandu, Goosechang and Sohu, Damai now also has a certain business layout in the Internet.

Especially after Damai m1 smartphone was launched on the market, Damai's Internet products have developed rapidly, and the number of users has exceeded 10 million.

Through the launch of Damai laptops, Damai has further integrated the company's Internet and software resources to the point where it can compete with first-tier manufacturers.

Lao Zhang complained to Chen Yang several times, saying that if he had known why he was doing this today, he should not have sent resources to Boss Chen.

Of course, this is just a joke. Through cooperation, what they get is not much less than barley, and even more.

Otherwise, every time Boss Chen launches a new project, they will try their best to get on board.

Who would do anything without any benefit? !

As for this Western Cultural Center, it happened to be in the crosshairs of Damai.

Whether it is animation or games, they all require investment in computer hardware and software. Damai has these things.

Even in the issuance and operation aspects, Damai, which has a vast user base and network ecology, can handle it single-handedly.

Therefore, if we can get Damai to invest, this project can be considered half successful!

Looking at Leader Liu, Chen Yang grinned and said, "As long as the policies are appropriate, it's not a bad idea for Damai to come and invest!"

In fact, even if there is no such thing as today, he still plans to open factories of Damai, Dajiang, Times Future and other companies here at the right time.

Even though Chengdu is located in the west, their electronic technology industry is not inferior to that of the east at all, and they even have their own unique advantages in some aspects.

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Institute of Information Technology,...

A series of universities and research institutes form the basis for talent development in Chengdu’s electronic technology industry.

Chen Yang has been coveting such a place for a long time. When the time comes, he will arrange to set up a research institute and factory here.

Now that Leader Liu mentioned this, it was like a match between firewood and fire, and they hit it off immediately!

Seeing Boss Chen agreeing decisively, Leader Liu immediately beamed.

"As long as Big McCann comes, the policies will definitely be the most favorable, and not only will the policies be based on the standards of high-tech enterprises, but when the cultural industry center is officially listed, there will also be quite good supporting policies for this part, which can also be added."

As long as Big McCann invests, even if they don't collect taxes for a few years, or even give them subsidies, it will be worthwhile for the local government!

It is equivalent to an investment. When such a super enterprise grows up, not to mention the boost to the local economy, the jobs it creates and the taxes it pays alone are enough for the government to double its investment.

In this way, it is decided that Damai will become the first company to settle in the Western City Cultural Industrial Park.

And there is no need for the two of them to talk about it. The development and operation of this cultural industrial park will definitely require the participation of companies such as Hengli Real Estate, Anjia Real Estate, and Chuangfuture.

Cooperation will benefit both parties. As long as they are run properly, no one can find fault.

Leaning back in his chair, Leader Liu took a sip of tea, exhaled a long breath, and said with a sigh, "Actually, at the beginning, I heard Lao Wang tell me that we were going to start this regional cultural center project, and I still felt... A little reluctant,


In the past, we always built this center or that project. Many times, it was actually a face-saving project.

Money is spent, people are tired, and a bunch of useless things are left behind, which is a waste of people and money to a large extent.

So at that time I thought that this cultural center was something like this,

However, Lao Wang told me that this project was inspired by you, and this cultural center project is not only a cultural project, but also an industrial project and a spiritual civilization project!

After listening to his explanation, I really started to take this project seriously,"

Then he pointed at Chen Yang and smiled, "So when I heard that you would come over today, I immediately put aside all other things and made a special trip to wait for you here. I just wanted to hear your opinion.

This chat really lived up to expectations! "

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