Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 737 Core Meaning

The applause stopped. Looking at everyone who was obviously more motivated to fight, Boss Chen nodded secretly with satisfaction.

Not bad, it seems that the role of chicken soup cannot be ignored at any time.

How did he know that he had accidentally touched their hearts, otherwise these old Jianghu would not have gotten emotional so easily.

Chen Yang coughed dryly and continued,

“According to Rainbow Group’s long-term plan, Rainbow Group’s business sectors are divided into two major categories, one is finance and the other is entities.

Mr. Qin is mainly responsible for the financial aspect. The main battlefield is also abroad, and it does not have much to do with everyone.

In the physical sector, no matter in the past, present or future, the role of creating the future in the entire industrial system can be said to be the top priority.

Without the establishment of a core management system and the role of talent output to create the future, it is impossible for all entities under the Rainbow Group to get on the right track so quickly, let alone inherit the same management model and corporate culture and form the same work style, thereby achieving perfect coordination with each other,

So from this perspective, the role of creating the future cannot be ignored! "

Looking at Boss Chen who was serious about his work, an unprecedented sense of responsibility arose in the hearts of all the people who created the future.

It turns out that we are not only the company's resource support platform, but also the management team of all enterprises. We are also the mainstay of the company's physical sector and the golden bridge across the sea!

Chen Yang looked around at everyone and continued,

“The importance of creating the future cannot be overemphasized. I won’t say more here.

As I said just now, I am very satisfied with the achievements made by Chuangfuture.

However, having excellent grades does not mean that there is no room for improvement.

Here, I have two suggestions for you. "


Everyone was shocked and grabbed their pens to prepare for recording.

Chen Yang paused and said,

"The first point is about investment,"

As he spoke, he looked at Cai Yaping and asked, "I don't need to guess. I know that whether it is your internal investment center or Honggu Capital, they must look at projects with prospects and founding teams with potential, and then invest in them." Investment and other aspects are not considered too much, right?”

Cai Yaping rolled her eyes slightly, smiled awkwardly and nodded,

Although he didn't say anything, his meaning was very clear.

Is there anything wrong with doing this?

She said nothing, but Feng Weiqing, the director of the investment center who also came from Honggu Capital, said nothing.

"Director Chen, let me explain here. In fact, when we invest in projects, we also have choices. However, this choice is not made when we invest, but has already been made when creating the future and attracting contracted companies. "

Chen Yang turned to look at him and said with a smile, "I understand what you mean. I am also reading Chuangfuture's monthly work briefings."

Hearing this, the others just felt that the boss was also paying attention to their work. Only Zou Rong pursed her lips and smiled,

Yes, I am indeed reading them all, but I watched them all at once last night for a whole year. If you have any questions, you need to explain them carefully by yourself.

If these people here knew the truth, would they shed tears of grievance? !

Boss Chen didn't know that his wife was slandering him from the side, so he continued to say seriously,

“When Chuangfuture was established, its positioning was to provide resource support to highly relevant high-tech companies such as electronics, communications, and the Internet.

Therefore, the contract companies that create the future are basically based in these industries. As for companies in other industries, it is not that there are no companies.

However, the business categories are either closely related to these industries and belong to upstream and downstream supply chain link companies, or they are also high-tech related companies with very promising development prospects, such as very few bioengineering and materials science fields.”

After he said this, he smiled at Feng Weiqing and asked, "Am I right?"

Feng Weiqing nodded vigorously and said with a smile, "Absolutely correct."

It seems that the boss is really paying attention to their work all the time!

After Chen Yang finished laughing, the expression on his face became serious again. Looking at the crowd, he said, "Before making specific suggestions, I want to ask a question.

Can any of you tell me why companies that create future platforms can be successfully incubated in just a few months?

Why are there so many companies that want to join the Future Innovation Platform, become our contract companies, and even actively ask to accept our investment? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Weiqing said, "Because of resources!"

Chen Yang turned to look at him, "Tell me more details."


Feng Weiqing said almost without hesitation, "Because under our Future Creation platform, we have thousands of companies in related industries, and our business categories cover almost most of the upstream and downstream links.

After joining our platform, relevant companies will have priority to obtain the business resources of these companies.

At the same time, Chuangfu can also provide them with intellectual support through related corporate institutions such as Damai Research Institute and Rainbow Economic Research Institute.

For example, after Dajiang Company settled on our platform, it received support from Damai Research Institute, which enabled it to complete product research and development so quickly, and quickly completed the production and launch of Dajiang Elf and Dajiang Dapeng.

Therefore, one is market resources, the other is technical resources, plus Chuangfuture’s own management resources, these three major supporting points are the main reasons why we can complete the incubation of relevant enterprises in a very short period of time.

It is also the fundamental reason why other start-ups or small businesses want to join the Future Innovation Platform. "


Chen Yang nodded lightly at him, then smiled and said, "So, have you ever thought about how to further optimize on this basis, so that we can be more efficient and achieve more fruitful results?"

Hearing this question, everyone fell into deep thought,

Even Zou Rong was thinking about it. Her husband had just carefully read the information of Chuangfuture Company last night. Could it be that he could really see any shortcomings in it and make targeted suggestions?

After a brief silence, Chen Yang looked around at everyone and said with a smile, "Why, can't you think of anything?"

Everyone looked at each other with embarrassed smiles on their faces.

Except Feng Weiqing,

After all, he is a professional player from the Industrial Investment Department of Honggu Capital. He is still different from other people who do functional work.

I saw him saying thoughtfully, "Dr. Chen, do you mean that we can integrate all the resources of these enterprises and at the same time make selective investments in related enterprises in the future?

Just like Damai and Hengli, create one or several industrial ecological chains? "

Hearing this, everyone else looked at Boss Chen eagerly.

If Feng Weiqing's answer is right, then creating the future is not a loss. Otherwise, it would be a bit embarrassing.

As for the industrial ecological chain, before Boss Chen proposed the concept of corporate ecology, it was still a traditional theory at the environmental level.

For example, Tsingta University Press published the book Industrial Ecological Chain as early as 2004, but the ecological chain in this book is still a new type of environmental protection industry that relies on the geographical environment.

It was when Chen Yang proposed the concept of Internet thinking last year that he applied the concept of ecology to the field of industrial economics for the first time.

Ahem, it no longer matters who came up with this theory in later generations. Anyway, in this world, Mr. Chen Yang is the founder of this theory.

Looking at the confident Feng Weiqing, Chen Yang smiled and nodded,

Before he could speak, he was interrupted by a burst of warm applause.

Boss Chen looked at these people strangely. Didn't he just answer a question correctly? Why are you so excited?

When the applause stopped, Chen Yang said seriously,

"This is the first suggestion I want to make. When you invest in projects, you should not invest blindly. Instead, you should consider it from the perspective of industrial ecology. Does absorbing such a company make sense for our entire business landscape? !”

After a pause, Chen Yang expanded the topic and said,

"Speaking of industrial ecology, it can actually be large or small. In terms of small, within a company, we can build a corresponding product ecosystem around a certain core product.

Looking at the bigger picture, through the supply chain or product cooperation relationship between companies, an industry ecosystem can be created.

Zooming in further, a region can also create a large industrial ecosystem from the dimensions of production, technology, services, labor, infrastructure, and public services. "

Having said this, Chen Yang turned his head and looked around at everyone, and said,

“Specifically from the perspective of creating the future, we can start from the perspective of industry ecosystem construction and directly select companies that are suitable for the industrial ecosystem structure or optimization to invest.

Instead of blindly rushing in and investing in whatever projects you think are good,"

Chen Yang turned to look at Feng Weiqing again and said with a smile, "Mr. Feng, you are an expert in industrial investment. From your personal perspective, does this suggestion make sense?"

Feng Weiqing nodded immediately and said with a wry smile,

"Dr. Chen, don't mention any experts. Frankly speaking, when I was making project investment plans before, I did ignore the perspective of ecological structure. I will definitely pay attention to this in the future."

In fact, it was not that he had not paid attention to this issue at the beginning, but no one expected that the attraction of creating the future would be so great. Countless good projects were put on the table for them to choose from.

Being dazzled and having enough funds on hand to squander, the opening naturally opened wider and wider, and finally it became that as long as it was a good project, everyone would be accepted.

However, there is no need to explain these things to Boss Chen. On the one hand, they are indeed suspected of sophistry. On the other hand, as Boss Chen said, this kind of unprincipled investment will definitely cause a certain waste of resources.

Maybe there won’t be too much pressure in terms of funds, but what about other aspects?

For example, human resources, business, public relations, finance, etc.? !

Thinking of this, Feng Weiqing couldn't help but feel a little guilty and didn't dare to raise his head to look at his colleagues around him.

To be serious, their investment center must bear at least 30% of the responsibility for this year's intense work of creating the future!

Homogeneous customers can use fixed templates to provide services, but only if the industries are too different, personalized solutions need to be provided.

If all that working time and energy is devoted to key customers, perhaps both the creation of the industry ecological chain and the number of high-level customers will be completely different from what they are now.

From this point of view, the investment center cannot escape the blame.

Chen Yang didn't know that he was thinking so much at once. He just smiled and waved his hands and said, "It's okay. Speaking of which, Mr. Huang and I also have certain responsibilities. After all, we are the ones who set the company's strategic development direction."

After a pause, he smiled again and said,

"I won't talk about this anymore. Let's continue the topic just now. The second suggestion I want to make is actually related to the ecological chain."

After the words fell, he suddenly turned to look at Cai Yaping and asked, "Mr. Cai, do you know what Mr. Huang's current work content is at Beijin?"

Cai Yaping thought for a while and said with a slight hesitation, "The news I received seems to be related to the planning of an industrial network."

Hearing this, everyone else present couldn't help but look curious.

At the founding ceremony of Rainbow International Bank a month ago, the contents of the talks between Chen Yang and Huang Shan and the heads of three central enterprises, as well as the bosses of many financial regulatory agencies, have already been discovered by major financial institutions and large business groups.

Although the specific situation is not very clear yet, after all, Huang Shan’s detailed plan has not been released yet.

But they still know the general framework.

However, the scope of insiders who understand this general framework is only limited to the level of major business giants. Those with less interesting status and status can be regarded as well-informed if they can hear a few words.

In this case, even Cai Yaping, who is half an insider, doesn't know much about the details, let alone other people.

Thanks to the status of senior executives of Chuangfu, it is already good that they know some relevant information.

Chen Yang glanced at everyone and said seriously, "Not many people know the news at present, but you are not outsiders. I can tell you some specifics."

Under the curious and expectant eyes of everyone, Chen Yang said,

"The development plan that Mr. Huang is formulating is related to the development direction and focus of the entire Rainbow Group in the next twenty years or even longer.

There are two specific strategic plans, one is the 'Three-dimensional Comprehensive Industrial Network' and the other is 'Industry 4.0'. After we talked with the leaders of the financial authorities, they agreed that these two plans can be combined with National macroeconomic plan combined! "

Hearing this, everyone's faces clearly showed expressions of disbelief.

Can it be combined with the national macroeconomic plan?

Are you kidding me?

Doesn’t this sentence mean that Rainbow Group’s internal development plan can actually become part of the national economic plan?

In other words, what we are about to do can affect the direction of the country's economy?

Thinking of this, everyone's faces suddenly became colorful, with various expressions.

real or fake?

Although everyone knows that Rainbow Group is quite powerful. This year, it first made waves in major financial markets around the world and made huge profits.

Later, he struck out in the capital market, acquiring related peer companies many times, and recently successfully established Rainbow International Bank and Rainbow Investment Bank, completing a path that many financial institutions have not been able to complete for decades.

Needless to say, there is also the mainland’s industrial system.

But no matter how powerful it is, which company can influence economic planning at the national level?

Isn't this a bit exaggerated? !

Chen Yang didn't care whether they believed it or not, and then explained the general meaning of the two plans in as short a language as possible, and then said,

"These two plans can exist independently or can promote each other, but no matter which one they are,"

At this point, he suddenly stopped, paused for a few seconds, and then asked everyone, "What do you think is the core meaning of these two plans?"

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