Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 779 1 must be there

"This business war started in 2001,"

Under Zou Rong's unblinking gaze, Huang Shan held her head high, her eyes somewhat blurred, as if she was falling into memories.

"In 2001, China joined the WTO, opened up its soybean market, canceled the import tariff quota on soybeans, and reduced the tariff to 3 percent,"

She suddenly lowered her head and looked at Zou Rong, with a hint of helplessness in her smile.

"Actually, in the 1980s and early 1990s, my country had always been a net exporter of soybeans, so when this tariff was discussed at that time, it did not receive much attention.

We are an exporter. We can’t use it all ourselves, so how can we import it? So no matter how low the tariff is, it won’t have much impact. "

At this time, Qin Yu had already let go of Zou Rong, rested his chin on the table with both hands, and said with a grimace,

"Times have changed, and nothing stays the same. The soybeans we couldn't use back then gradually became insufficient. Especially in the new century, we have become a net importer of soybeans."

Zou Rong looked at her in surprise, then at Huang Shan, and asked in confusion, "Why is this happening?"

Isn’t soybean used to make tofu? Have the number of people eating tofu increased several times?

At this time, Chen Yang shook the wine glass, looked at her and said with a smile, "When you were a child, what kind of food did you have at home?"

Zou Rong turned to look at him and said inexplicably, "Green vegetables and radish, is it possible that your family has a lot of fish and meat every day?"

The early 1990s was a watershed. Maybe those born in the 1990s remember that the dinner table was full of meat and vegetables, but in most of the childhood memories of those born in the 1980s, having two bowls of green vegetables with rice is good, and pickles and pickles are the best. Standard. Although Zou Rong and Chen Yang are both from working-class families, they can only be said to be better off than those in rural areas, and their lives are not much easier.

Chen Yang put the wine glass to his mouth and took a sip. He sighed and said, "Yes, green vegetables and radish. Now I ask you to eat green vegetables and radish for every meal. Can you eat it?"

Zou Rong rolled her eyes twice, curled her lips and said, "Who can a normal person eat this?"

Even if a girl has a small appetite and prefers fruits and vegetables, it does not mean that she can go without meat.

Unless conditions permit, not many young people can eat dishes without oil and water.


Is this related to the topic we are talking about now?

Seeing that Zou Rong still didn't understand, Qin Yu grinned and said, "In the 1980s and 1990s, the main use of soybeans was to make soy products, that is, tofu, tofu skin, dried tofu, soy milk, tofu curd and the like.

But later, as people's living standards improved, their requirements for materials became higher.

To put it bluntly, life is getting better and everyone wants to eat meat and drink milk. It is at this time that the breeding industry suddenly rises, especially raising cattle and pigs.

Soybeans are feeds with very high protein content and are very suitable for nutritional enhancement of dairy cows, piglets and sows.

At this time, there was a serious misalignment between supply and demand. The soybeans that could have been exported were not only insufficient, but also relied on imports to maintain the domestic breeding industry. "

Zou Rong nodded suddenly,


In the past, soybeans were only eaten by humans, so they were enough. But later, when people wanted to eat meat and soybeans were used to make feed for pigs, it was no longer enough!

At this time Huang Shan continued,

“It’s a coincidence that in 2002, the second year after joining the WTO, the relevant departments promulgated new standards for edible oils, canceling the previous restrictions on taste and odor.

Therefore, by 2003, cheap soybean oil replaced rapeseed oil and became the most consumed edible oil in my country. "

She spread her hands as she spoke, "The soybeans that were not enough in the first place were even more insufficient, so the import volume increased rapidly!"


Qin Yu suddenly let out a long sigh, sat up straight and lay back, leaning on the back of the chair, looking at the food on the table, and said softly,

"How could the four major grain merchants, who have been eyeing the Chinese market for such a good opportunity, miss it?

So, while our soybean farmers and oil mills are still confused and ignorant, danger is already approaching quietly. "

Huang Shan pursed her lips, looked at Zou Rong who was listening intently, and said softly,

"From this moment on, the business war officially begins!"

The two warring parties, one side has been planning for a long time and is eyeing it, while the other side is ignorant. From the beginning, this business war has decided who is the loser and who is the winner.

Under Zou Rong's eyes full of curiosity, Huang Shan and Qin Yu exchanged words with each other, and Boss Chen occasionally helped to explain the business war slowly.

From the late 1990s to the beginning of the new millennium, due to the increase in domestic demand for meat and milk, as well as changes in edible oil standards, domestic demand for soybeans increased day by day.

Supply and demand determine the price. In contrast, the price of domestic soybeans is naturally rising day by day.

At the same time, the price of genetically modified soybeans in the United States and Argentina is cheaper than the golden soybeans in the Northeast, which have low mechanization and low yield per mu. Moreover, they produce more oil than golden soybeans, which has obvious advantages.

Domestic oil mills who felt overburdened by soybean prices organized themselves and discussed organizing a joint purchasing group to purchase cheap soybeans across the ocean in order to reduce costs.

With the care and intervention from above, this soybean purchasing group was successfully formed.

As early as when the oil mills just started to be connected, the four major grain groups had already received the news.


They are familiar with this!

However, it is just a business, even if it is a big business, it is far from satisfying their appetite.

The real world grain merchants are comprehensive giants from improved seeds to planting to product development and production. How much money can they make by just selling a few raw materials?

However, China is not Argentina, and many of their methods cannot be used. To occupy this huge market, one company is simply not enough, and even a combination of four companies is not enough.

They need allies,

And this ally is the White House and Wall Street.

They cooperated with each other and finally achieved the reputation of the four major grain merchants.

At this time, a vast market is before them, and allies who have fought side by side many times are reunited.

Therefore, when the purchasing group was preparing to cross the ocean to purchase soybeans, that is, in August 2003, the United States Department of Agriculture suddenly announced that due to weather conditions, soybean inventory data would be reduced, and there were not enough soybeans.

If there are not enough soybeans, the price will naturally increase.

Of course, Wall Street speculators began to build positions and accumulate soybean futures, and quickly increased the price of soybean futures from 2,300 yuan per ton at that time to 4,400 yuan per ton in April 2004. Nearly doubled,

Then, they began to build momentum through the media, saying that soybeans were about to rise to 7,000 yuan, and might even rise to 8,000 yuan.

International soybean futures prices have skyrocketed, and domestic soybeans have also taken note of the trend.

Why not make money when you can? And if they don’t follow the rise, other soybean importing countries will take advantage.

This situation naturally made the soybean purchasing group that had just been formed and had not made any achievements dumbfounded.

Seeing the price of soybean futures rising day by day, they suddenly panicked.

what to do?

The bosses of all the member units gathered together again and added together, let’s buy it.

Expensive, but better than nothing!

Immediately, the purchasing group rushed to the United States and purchased soybeans at a price of 4,300 yuan per ton, almost clearing out the inventory on the market.

However, soybeans did not rise to 7,000,

As soon as the purchasing group left, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that the weather forecast was wrong and there was no need to reduce inventory. The amount of goods was sufficient.

Before the words were spoken, someone began to sell soybean futures at the Chicago Board of Trade, bringing the price of soybeans back to more than two thousand yuan, returning to the starting point.

In an instant, 70% of our country's oil mills went bankrupt and closed down.

Then, the four major grain merchants took action.

Since you have gone bankrupt, it makes sense for us to acquire your oil pressing plant, right? !

As a result, from import to production, almost all soybeans fell into the hands of the four major grain merchants. A steady stream of American soybeans entered China.

Domestic soybean farmers who lost their domestic market and were not competitive in foreign markets also suffered heavy losses.

At that time, except for state-owned farms with mandatory tasks, almost no one was growing soybeans anymore.

At this point, the domestic soybean industry has all fallen into the hands of the enemy.

In a business war, a big market can be conquered without any bloodshed.

Even if he was on the opposite side, Chen Yang had to admire the opponent's methods!

Qin Yu was able to dominate the financial market because he followed the trend and took advantage of the general trend to be invincible.

The speculators on Wall Street are the real ones who can change the clouds and rain. They collude with each other to control the market. Their methods seem to be cunning, but if replaced by other forces, it is extremely unlikely to achieve their results.

Being able to control the market is a strength in itself.

Fortunately, the biggest gain brought to Rainbow Group by a subprime mortgage crisis is not profits exceeding US$150 billion, or swallowing less than half of Santander Bank.

Instead, they took the opportunity to pick up the slack and recruited tens of thousands of Wall Street elites, including the original Lehman team.

They are the greatest wealth of Rainbow Group.

Using the two companies of Rainbow International Bank and Rainbow Investment Bank to bring these elites together, over time, Rainbow Group will surely become a real financial giant.

On the other hand, although this commercial war initiated by the four major grain merchants caused heavy losses to our country, it also served as a wake-up call to the higher ups.

It was after this incident that the higher-ups immediately realized that we must keep our jobs firmly in our own hands!

They first used the fastest speed to check the true situation of agricultural land in our country from top to bottom and from south to north, and thoroughly understood the family background.

Subsequently, in accordance with the order of cultivated land and permanent basic farmland, ecological protection red lines, and urban development boundaries, we coordinated the delineation and implementation of three control lines, and clearly stated the goal of strictly observing the red line of 1.8 billion acres of cultivated land.

Subsequently, we increased investment in agricultural infrastructure, optimized agricultural development conditions, guided agricultural technology research and development, and implemented the strategy of storing grain in technology.

At the same time, resources will be allocated in terms of funds and policies to protect seed industry companies.

The originally lax supervision of genetically modified products immediately tightened the reins. While increasing supervision and approval processes, they also raised their voices in society to question the safety of genetically modified products.

It directly blocks Monsanto, which is preparing to fully enter the Chinese agricultural market, from the country. Even more than ten years later, my country's genetically modified planting varieties will be the fewest among the world's major countries.

At the same time, with the rise of domestic seed companies, most of the country's main grain seeds come from self-developed varieties, winning back the battle with foreign grain merchants.

In addition, through our country’s special business policies, the barbaric development of the four major grain merchants has also been restricted.

If they want to invest or expand, they can, but they can only cooperate with our capital!

Therefore, several major grain brands are more or less state-owned, and there are very few cases of wholly foreign-owned enterprises.

Even Yihai Group’s most proud brand, Arowana, can only be listed domestically.

In addition, thanks to our country’s vast territory and rich resources and the diversity of its economic structure,

Although big brands can take the lion's share and occupy the largest market share, other small brands are not without room and opportunities for growth.

Every time a rural revitalization policy is released, there is a shadow of improving the market competitiveness of local agricultural products.

Local brands, large and small, even small varieties with extremely limited output, are all our own. We all swarmed together to win back a lot of market share from the big brands.

Judging from the single business war in 2004, we lost at that time.

But if we extend the timeline to ten or twenty years later, every opponent's attack will eventually become nutrients for our growth.

At the strategic level, the wisdom from above is never inferior to others.

If you go too far, pull it back.

After a short silence, Chen Yang looked at Qin Yu and said seriously,

"The four major grain merchants have conquered my country's soybean market and have successively used information warfare, financial warfare, supply control, opportunistic mergers and acquisitions, low-price dumping and other means.

Especially the information war. Without the cooperation of the United States Department of Agriculture, their business war would not be possible.

If you want to get involved in the food field, that's fine if you just make a small fuss, but I don't think you're willing to make a small fuss.

But once you become big, you will inevitably have intersections with the four major grain merchants.

Stable cooperation is best, but capital has always been greedy. Who can guarantee that they will not go further and want to eat us?

If they start a business war, in terms of finance, both sides have the same level of professionalism. Even if you have trillions of funds, what you can use is limited. Even if you still have more than them, it will still be a 30-70 situation.

Seven of them, three of us,

Because the source of goods and the market are in their hands, they have the initiative. The only thing you can do is use your funds to compete with them, and you are naturally at a disadvantage.

Looking at information warfare, it is related to business and political resources. They still have the advantage in this aspect.

The final firepower support is to preserve one's own bottom line, but it is on other people's territory. If it is large, it will be restricted, but if it is small, it will be useless.

How do you plan to solve these problems? "

After a pause, before Qin Yu could speak, he said again,

"Energy is an industry closer to arms than food. If you do both, you need stronger underlying support.

On the contrary, the products are not bad. Our country is an oil importing country. Our own products do not have to worry about having no channels to come in.

The key is still that, once the business is done, whether it can be maintained is the key! "

Qin Yu raised his head and looked at him, blinking slightly.

"So, you don't want me to invest in these two projects?"

Chen Yang shook his head slightly, sighed and said, "It's not a matter of whether I want it or not. From a purely business perspective, your choice is correct. Food and energy are indeed timeless assets that preserve value.

However, the market is like a battlefield, and we cannot place our hopes on the kindness of our opponents, because the complexity of these two industries far exceeds that of other ordinary industries, including the financial industry.

This situation requires us to have a trump card when we get involved in this industry,"

Chen Yang looked at Qin Yu, raised a finger, and said seriously,

"We don't have to use it, but we must have it!"

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