Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 833 Active Cooperation


Not only would you follow the trend, it would be simply crazy!

When it comes to cultural promotion, Qin Yu has a dark eye, but when it comes to business planning,

Well, she's not good at this either.

But she also knows that anything that can arouse the interest of capital will surely become popular around the world in the shortest possible time.

As for business planning, the most important thing under Rainbow Group is business talents!

On the other end of the phone,

Chen Yang gently wiped off the snow on Zou Rong's hat and shoulders, held the phone in his other hand and smiled, "For those Europeans and Americans, it doesn't matter which country the Spring Festival is celebrated in, what is the cultural significance of it? It's not important either,

The important thing is, is there something they want from an event? !

For ordinary citizens, whether it is an opportunity to watch a good show, a big event, discounts, carnival, or the mysterious art and customs from the East, they all have great appeal.

For capital parties and businesses, this is a grand event that can set up a stage for cultural tourism, perform economically, and attract huge passenger flow and media attention. They will definitely not miss it.

For local politicians, a stage that can demonstrate their support for racial equality, cultural diversity, and people-friendly charm is also rare, let alone such a stage to win votes from East Asian voters.

What's more, such activities can also stimulate the economy. In the context of the financial crisis that has just passed, wouldn't it be of great significance and importance? !

Even the Chinese people in Europe and America who are closely related to the Spring Festival, as well as our overseas agencies, are the direct beneficiaries.

Look, everyone can benefit from it. Why shouldn’t we hold such an event? !

As for how to fully promote it,"

Chen Yang stretched out his hand to hold Zou Rong under his arms, looked at the white Qingshui River, and laughed softly,

"We just need to get started. When everyone sees the commercial power of the Spring Festival holiday, every beneficiary will encourage local relevant interest groups to hold their own local Spring Festival celebrations.

Just like Christmas in all major cities in our country! "

Just a month ago, during the Christmas season, Chen Yang was still at home in Guangzhou, giving Zou Rong some science knowledge on how Christmas developed in China.

At that time, it occurred to him that there seemed to be something to be done here, but that day he was busy attending the year-end summary meeting to create the future, and he had to put work first, so he did not delve into it carefully.

Later, when he saw all the businesses on the street decorating with lights to welcome the Spring Festival, he finally connected with the last flash of inspiration.

I thought that since China can promote a Christmas to everyone through commercial activities, why can’t the domestic Spring Festival be copied abroad?

In fact, from this point on, with the rapid development of China's economy, all parts of the world are paying more and more attention to their relations with China.

As the most important festival in China, the Spring Festival has naturally become one of the ways for locals to get closer to the Chinese people.

Every Spring Festival, local groups will look for corresponding institutions in China to celebrate this festival together.

At the beginning, this kind of festival celebration held to promote friendship was only held in a small area behind closed doors. There was no communication between various groups, let alone a large-scale celebration.

But as more and more people benefited from it, they finally got the idea.

Cultural groups, educational groups, business groups...all the way to political groups have integrated their respective celebration activities.

So ten years later, the Spring Festival in many places has developed into a grand celebration that is no less important than local festivals.

Some places even set the Spring Festival as a local legal holiday because they can reap great political and commercial benefits from it.

As Qin Yu said, extending the Spring Festival to the entire United States, and even Europe and the United States, even with the powerful strength of the Rainbow Group, is tantamount to overestimating one's capabilities.

However, it is easy to hold a comprehensive large-scale commercial celebration with the Spring Festival as the theme.

Just like the first Double 11, the e-commerce shopping festival, with only 27 merchants participating, ignited the e-commerce carnival and profiteering that lasted for more than ten years.

Chen Yang now wants to ignite this introduction so that all groups in Europe and the United States can see the benefits contained in such a large-scale festival event.

At this time, it doesn’t matter what festival it is, what’s important is that it can provide a stage.

But for the people in China, it is a different feeling.

Think about it, in the 1990s, we were still proud of going abroad.

In the blink of an eye, the Spring Festival is being celebrated all over the world!

Is it a small boost to national pride? !

If that's not enough,

When more and more traditional cultures are loved and sought after by foreigners,

so what? !

This is what Chen Yang wants.

As long as the people in the country understand that foreigners are people too, and foreign goods are just the same thing, they are not any more noble than domestic goods, and may even be inferior to us in some aspects.

At that time, the national pride that has been suppressed for more than 20 years will definitely burst out like a volcano.

After that, whether it is cultural confidence or the rise of domestic products, it is a matter of course.

In this way, Chen Yang's goal was achieved.

On the other end of the phone,

After Chen Yang's long speech, Qin Yu also understood the boss's intention. He immediately took a deep breath and chuckled, "You are just taking a long-term view to catch the big fish. I understand, although we are not capable of promoting the Spring Festival to all of Europe and the United States." , but there is still no problem in holding a few grand celebrations,"

After a pause, she smiled pointedly and said,

"Perhaps it's time for me to acquire a few media and celebration companies. Maybe, not only will these activities not cost us any money, but we can also make a small profit."

For Qin Yu today, a small profit is probably worth hundreds of millions.

But for the huge market of cultural celebrations, it seems to be a matter of course.

After talking about the matter and confirming that Boss Chen had no other plans, Qin Yu hung up the phone decisively.

She held the phone and pondered for two seconds. She kicked her feet on the ground and turned her seat to the desk. Then she pressed a button on the phone on the desk and said, "Alice, come in."

Soon, a blond beauty with her hair tied back and wearing professional formal clothes opened the door and walked in quickly.

Qin Yu leaned back in his chair, looked at her and said, "Go and contact the advertisers now and buy all the advertising screens in Times Square, from now to tomorrow, no, all the time at six o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow."

Alice didn't even ask, and immediately opened the notepad she carried with her to record.

Although it only lasts for more than thirty hours, this advertising fee is probably an astronomical figure. For most people, this figure needs to be taken seriously.

Unfortunately, her boss is one of the very few people on the planet who doesn't take this number seriously.

Therefore, she just needs to implement it carefully.

After the recording was completed, Alice raised her head and asked, "Madam, who should I ask for the playback content?"

Qin Yu rolled his eyes slightly, looked at her and grinned, "I will send it to you in ten minutes."

Alice nodded immediately, "Understood."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

She is one of Qin Yu's more than a dozen secretaries here, and she is well aware of her boss's work habits. Don't talk too much, let alone be nosy, just perform the tasks well.

Watching Alice go out, Qin Yu turned on the computer and let out a sigh of relief, "How do I do the ppt? I haven't done it for so long that I forgot.

Oh, by the way, create a new one first, and then, um, find a base map and I’ll draw one myself..."

A few minutes later, Qin Yu lightly pressed the button, and an animation with exactly the same background image and similar content began to play on the computer desktop.

"Damai wishes Chinese people all over the world a happy Spring Festival!"

“Dajiang wishes Chinese people all over the world a happy Spring Festival!”

"Xiaoyu wishes Ashan a happy Spring Festival!"

"Ashan wishes Yangyang a happy Chinese New Year!"

"Yangyang wishes Xiaoyu a happy Chinese New Year!"

After she finished, she muttered twice, "I'll have to ask Ashan for reimbursement later. It's a lot of money. I can drink coffee for the rest of my life..."

Listening to the blind beeping sound on the phone, Chen Yang curled his lips, locked the phone screen and put it in his pocket, then pulled Zou Rong back, completely unaware of what Qin Yu was doing on the other side of the world.

What he was thinking about now was that when he went to his father-in-law's house for a New Year's Eve reunion for the first time, would he get drunk after just three ounces, or would he get drunk after drinking four ounces?

Anyway, it can’t be a pound, then you’ll be really drunk!

At the same time, in an ordinary four-story building in Beijin, there was an equally ordinary office.

Liu Guojiang took off the headphones he had worn for a long time and couldn't help but rub his ears. He turned to his colleague Ning Zhanfeng and said, "Old Ning, edit this recording immediately and pick out the useful things and send it to me."


Ning Zhanfeng immediately started the software on his computer and started editing.

After a while, he smiled and said, "I found that this guy has a lot of fantastic ideas. Ever since we started tracking him, all kinds of ideas have emerged one after another. You said that if we purchase a batch of goods in advance, we will be able to Can they also make a lot of money by selling the Spring Festival activities they organized?"

Liu Guojiang glanced at him, curled his lips and said, "You only have this little potential, and if you really want to make money, okay, get some inside information, go to the stock market and do some trading, and you will become a billionaire."

Ning Zhanfeng turned his head and gave him a roll of his eyes, "Then I can give you my performance. You go to the prison and give me food, right?"

"It's good to know,"

Liu Guojiang stretched and said lazily, "Don't think about making money in our business, otherwise you'll be doomed sooner or later."

After a pause, he didn't want to talk about it, so he changed the topic and chuckled, "Hey, Lao Ning, tell me, why didn't anyone think of treating the Spring Festival as a promotional event before?"

"Humph, this is not a simple promotion,"

Ning Zhanfeng raised his chin slightly, pointed to the audio being edited, turned his head and looked at him and said, "Didn't you hear? There are culture, tourism, business, and even governance, there are so many elements in it."

Then he sighed softly, "Oh, if you want to say that no one has thought of it before, that's not necessarily true. It's just how to put it. First of all, if you have this idea, you have to let people know about it, right?"

Liu Guojiang pursed his lips and nodded in agreement, "That's the truth. We are small characters like us. Even if we come up with a shocking plan, it will be useless. No one will care!"

"That's not the case,"

Ning Zhanfeng smiled and said, "But big shots are different. Even their farts taste good and must be taken seriously, let alone grand strategies and grand plans.

So, it’s useless if you think about it, you have to find a way to implement it. "

"Well, that's right,"

Liu Guojiang nodded and then asked, "If there is a first, then there is a second. What is the second?"

"The second thing is the size of the capital,"

Ning Zhanfeng raised his hand as if counting money and said with a smile, "If you hold a Mozambique Spring Festival celebration, can it compare with the New York celebration?"


When Liu Guojiang heard this, he couldn't help but chuckle, "Don't look down on people. What's wrong with a small country? A small country can't celebrate the Spring Festival?"

"That's not looking down upon,"

Ning Zhanfeng smiled and said, "I'm just using a metaphor. If you have a good idea, you must have money to execute it. If you don't have enough money, you can only go to places like Mozambique and East Timor.

But if you can be like this person, who can give you a linkage with hundreds of cities from Los Angeles to New York, and then to London, Paris, and Berlin, will the influence be the same? ! "

"Yes, too,"

Liu Guojiang smiled and nodded, paused, then pointed to the editing software and asked, "Hey, how about it? How long will it take to finish it?"

"It's okay, it's pretty quick, I'll be fine soon,"

Ning Zhanfeng adjusted his earplugs and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, this guy is quite interesting. He's so rich and he hasn't found any three wives or four concubines yet. He's completely different from some of the other people we've met. ,

It was very rare to be accompanied by such a lovely wife and still be able to keep a distance from two blossoming companions. "

Liu Guojiang pursed his lips and said with a smile, "If you ask me, what I admire most is his ability to make his little wife be friends with two colleagues. If it were my wife, she would look at the two beautiful colleagues beside her. , I can’t even get in the door when I go home at night.”

Ning Zhanfeng turned around suddenly, looked at him with a strange face and smiled, "So, this is why you decided not to team up with a female colleague and chose an old man like me?!"


Liu Guojiang spat and said angrily, "It sounds like you are better than me. If you have the ability, find a female partner and see what your younger siblings do to you."

"What did she do to me? Huh,"

Ning Zhanfeng raised his head proudly, "Of course I'm not allowed in!"

As soon as these words came out, the two of them burst into laughter.

Big brother, don't laugh at second brother, don't talk about anyone else.

As Ning Zhanfeng said, the audio was edited quickly,

In fact, the content here is easy to choose. Just cut out the record of the phone call between Zou Rong and Qin Yu, and only keep the voices of Chen Yang and Qin Yu.

Minutes later, the audio appeared on a computer in another office.

A middle-aged man in his fifties listened to this conversation quietly, packaged it himself, and sent an email through a dedicated internal network.

There is only one sentence in it,

"It is recommended to actively cooperate."

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