Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 152: 【Emotional stir (13/73)】

Friday, June 24.

At the opening of the market today, Yili Co., Ltd. stepped out of the second one-word daily limit, and more than 2 million orders during the session tightly sealed the daily limit.

There is a saying in the market that "one board sets the trend, the second board sets the dragon, the third board becomes a demon, and the fifth board becomes a devil".

Everyone couldn’t buy Yili shares, so they turned around and bought other stocks with the concept of holding a placard, which set off a round of popular leader’s daily limit to drive the sector to take off collectively. Inside set off a rising tide.

When emotions come, the chickens and dogs rise to the sky, and the ebb of emotions is of course a chicken feather.

While market funds are speculating on other stocks in the sector, they are also keeping an eye on Yili, the leader in popularity.

After the market closed today, the board-raising concept theme sector rose sharply, and the coefficient of the board-raising concept stocks rose by the daily limit, and other miscellaneous hairs and the like also rose sharply.

However, shortly after the market closed, Yili suddenly announced that it was planning a major event to suspend trading next week.

good guy!

The popularity leader took the initiative to lock himself in the small dark room after only two boards. The people who came in today couldn't help shivering, and they all prayed that they would be fine next Monday.

Pulling the brakes directly is something that no one has ever thought of.

The market has also carried out various analyses and interpretations of the emergency suspension of Yili shares. Some industry analysts believe that the emergency suspension of Yili shares is to find the support of the "gold master", so as to avoid the risk of malicious mergers and acquisitions by Tiansheng Capital. Avoid the fate of Yili becoming "An's Second".

According to public information, among the shareholders of Yili, the largest shareholder holds 8.79% of the shares, the second largest shareholder, Heung Kong Clearing Co., Ltd., also known as foreign investment, holds 6.22% of the shares, and the third largest shareholder is the chairman of the board. , the shareholding ratio is about 3.89%.

For example, after Sheng Capital turned over the Yili brand strongly today, it has surpassed Yili's chairman to become the company's third largest shareholder. According to this posture, Tiansheng Capital will become the company's owner as long as it completes the second placard. the largest shareholder.

By the weekend, the news continued to ferment, and the attention and enthusiasm of the capital market continued to soar.

Tiansheng Capital subsequently issued an official statement today, expressing its commitment to "not actively seek to become the largest shareholder of Yili, and will not increase its holdings of Yili in the next quarter", and stated that "the above commitments will not Changes because of any relevant changes, not because of some over-interpretation of the market.”

At the same time, Tiansheng Capital also emphasized that "this is only a long-term strategic financial investment and does not participate in the specific operation and management of the company."

Although the official statement was released quickly, it is still difficult to completely dispel the doubts of the outside world. There are two reasons.

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The first point is that in the last "Antian War", you Tiansheng Capital also talked about long-term strategic financial investment, and the result almost overturned the board of directors. Although the final result greatly exceeded the market's expectations, but In a sense, Anshi Group has not been interfered with by Tiansheng Capital, but it also depends on Tiansheng Capital's face.

The fact that Tiansheng Capital does not exercise power does not mean that it does not have this power. This is a great deterrent.

The second point is that Yili shares also have an overly dispersed shareholding structure, which has really been invaded by malicious capital, especially Tiansheng Capital, which now has hundreds of billions of liquidity, subverting Yili shares is definitely better than last year. Disrupting An's shares is much easier.

On the news over the weekend, all kinds of big coffees are analyzing and interpreting in various ways, and the final result is, don't panic!

No matter what you say, Tiansheng Capital has invested 40 to 50 billion yuan in it. This is real money and cannot be faked. Tiansheng will leave at a loss?

Everyone doesn't believe it!

Although Yili Co., Ltd. took the initiative to close itself in a small dark room, the logic of this wave of market prices remains unchanged. As long as the big brother does not release it, and as long as there is no major change in the news surface, the market of the concept of holding a card will never end easily. The hairy little brothers outside can dance wildly, and the hot money will not easily let go of such expected hype.


It's Monday, June 27th

The market opened in a new week, and the concept of holding a placard really did not mean to turn off the flames. As the recognized leader Yili entered the small black house, the market funds quickly put the "Dragon Er" on top, intending to "usurp the throne." "Stable popularity leader.

At around 9:39 in the morning, Lang Fang, who had a concept of holding a placard, opened high and moved quickly to close the daily limit, becoming the first stock to close the board in the concept of holding a placard in the new week. Funds from all over the market began to pay attention to the first closing. Lang Fang development of the board.

In the next few trading days, Langfang Development successfully completed the promotion and became a new popular leader in the concept sector of holding a placard. With the combined force of various speculation funds in the market, it has stepped out of the market of even-sounding and even-yang.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday are still the board, and the daily limit is still closed on Friday.

And unlike Yili’s one-word board, Langfang’s development is all about drumming and passing flowers on the relay board. The relay funds do not eat alone. They pull up a wave to eat one or two boards and then leave, and then the new hot money will carry out the board relay, which promotes Langfang. The trend of Fang Development has been dashing all the way.

After the five consecutive boards in the new week, plus the one board last Friday, it has gone out of the six consecutive daily limit boards. The popularity leader of wave emotional hype.

The whole board concept board has gone crazy.

It is no exaggeration to say that the most eye-catching drama of this year's big A, apart from the big circuit breaker at the beginning of the year, is "raise the card". This year can definitely be called the "raised card" year.

At the turn of half a year, funds from all walks of life were competing to steal the spotlight. Tiansheng Capital actually flipped the brand without much operation, but there was no way. Last year's "Antian War" was impressive, and there were "criminals" there. .

Tiansheng Capital's placard and other capital placards have completely different positions in the minds of many people.

In fact, it is not Tiansheng Capital that enjoys playing cards this year, but insurance funds. Insurance funds have repeatedly made waves in the capital market, and listed companies have frequently raised their cards. Wherever the insurance funds go, market shocks are caused.

Nowadays, it is even worse. With the shortage of assets and the decline in interest rate levels, the proportion of insurance funds to equity assets continues to rise. Wherever these funds go, the relevant stocks are rising extremely sharply, and the investment style of fast in and fast out is simple. It has subverted people's low-key and conservative image of insurance capital.


At 16:00 pm on Friday, July 1, Tiansheng Capital headquarters.

"Come in!"

Lu Ming leaned on the boss chair sitting in the desk and closed his eyes, when he heard someone knocking on the door, he responded.

It was Su Xiaoman who walked into the office, "It's been half an hour since the market closed today, and the regulators have spoken out, in the face of the 'quick in and out' speculation of insurance capital in the capital market, as well as the leveraged buyout behind the chaos. , the regulators have harsh words, saying that a series of targeted measures will be introduced. Some sources claim that after the secondary market increases by more than 5% in the future, every 1% increase in holdings will trigger a placard, instead of an integer multiple of 5%. Trigger the next draw."

Lu Ming opened his eyes involuntarily and said, "So severe? It seems that the regulators can't stand it anymore. It's time for the hype of the concept of raising the card this round to stop."

The news after the market today is a major negative for the hot and unusual concept of raising a card, which means that the raising of insurance funds will face stricter supervision. Heavy blow.

Lu Ming pondered for a moment, and then decided: "I understand the spirit of the management's transmission. Since the management wants to cool down the concept of hype, then I, Tiansheng Capital, will take the initiative to be a firefighter."

Su Xiaoman asked curiously, "How?"

Lu Ming smiled and said: "It's simple, let's pour a pot of cold water out on the weekend and directly announce the 'Tiansheng 150' investment portfolio, that is to say, we will take the initiative to raise our cards and make all our holdings public. Anyway, the semi-annual report pre-discloses major Listed companies will also get the company's latest shareholder information, and the invested targets will be listed on the list of the top ten tradable shareholders.

This move was not the one who raised the card. Lu Ming simply threw it out now to cooperate with the management's rectification of the concept of raising the card, although this initiative to raise the card seemed to make the concept of raising the card even more popular.

But when you think about it, that's not the case at all.

Tiansheng Capital madly bought 150 varieties, indicating that it is really serious investment in a company and holding it for a long time. It is definitely not a speculative operation of "fast in and fast out" like insurance capital. How can the scale of capital increase? Shaking?

After seeing the news, Yili Co., Ltd., who is panicking now, will immediately dispel the panic and let the company resume trading with confidence.

The reason is very simple. No matter how rich Tiansheng Capital is, can it eat 150 listed companies at the same time? Moreover, a large number of stocks with heavy holdings are all white horses and blue chips with big A weights. When you open the investment portfolio of "Tiansheng 150", you can see what Haitian Anshi Maowulu, Zhaoshang Bank, Ningbo Bank, Ping'an Bank, Magnesium Groups, etc., are always a big ticket in the market of hundreds of billions of hundreds of billions.

Acquired all these companies?

What an international joke, Lu Ming is afraid that he doesn't want to go in, right?

Therefore, the conclusion is self-evident. This round of active placards is to clearly tell the market that Tiansheng Capital is really holding a heavy position in these listed companies and has been holding them for a long time. To be optimistic about them is a serious long-term strategic financial value investment, and Not a fast-in, fast-out speculation.

Yili must be relieved, but investors who hyped up the concept of holding a placard will definitely feel cold all over when they see these two bad news, and they are about to run away.


(Ps: I can still get a chapter out today...)

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