Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 153: 【Sensation (14/73)】

   Chapter 155 [Sensation (1473)]

   On Saturday, Tiansheng Capital released the strongest placard announcement in the history of Big A, which shocked the entire capital market.

   On the surface, Tiansheng Capital meant to fight against the management. After the market closed on Friday, the regulators also reprimanded the speculation. Tiansheng Capital did such a big job on the weekend?

   Actively raising 150 stocks at the same time, which is an unprecedented rare phenomenon in the domestic capital market and a precedent that has never happened before.

   Everyone also found that Tiansheng Capital’s high-profile placard-raising behavior did not achieve the mandatory triggering of the placard-raising mechanism. Except for Yili, most of them were just close to 5%, but they were almost there.

   Investors called out to the good guys. The news that came out this weekend was a bit exciting. It was absolutely unexpected. Tiansheng Capital secretly bought about 100 billion in the secondary market in June.

  Various analyses and interpretations emerge in an endless stream, and investors are also discussing and analyzing all kinds of analyses.

   "It's too showy, Tiansheng swept more than 100 billion yuan, so Nima Yili is just an appetizer?"

  "It's because I'm small... [Holding face.jpg]"

"There are 150 stocks in the secondary market, which are basically all blue chips, including bank stocks, insurance stocks, liquor stocks, consumer stocks, technology stocks... There are mainstream sectors that can be thought of. Sheng 150 Index?"

   "Strongly Dongcai compiled a 'Tiansheng 150' index for tracking based on the information released by Tiansheng!"

   "Blue Chip Takeoff Tomorrow!"

   "Brother One: I've finished setting up the warehouse, come and carry the sedan chairs and leeks! ... [Manual funny]"

   "Tiansheng 150 index tracking is interesting, but it's a bit inappropriate. After all, it's not a real index. Who knows when Tiansheng Capital will reduce its holdings and run away? Didn't you see that it didn't exceed 5%? It feels so bad!"

"It shouldn't be. The content of the announcement is not what it said. It does not rule out the possibility of continuing to increase its holdings in the future. Also, don't forget that one brother just bought more than 100 billion yuan, and Tiansheng should have more than 200 billion yuan in his hands. The field."

   "Also, such an exaggerated scale of capital seems to have nowhere to go except into blue chips. You can't speculate in junk stocks. It is obviously impossible for such a large amount of capital to be OK."

   "The question is, are the 150 first- and second-tier blue chips that Tiansheng chose really good? For example, there are so many banks, why choose Zhaoshang, Ningbo and Ping An?"

"Okay, the concept of raising the placard is GG. It seems that the "Battle of Tianyi" that everyone is looking forward to will not appear. Judging from the announced Tiansheng 150, there is really no plan to continue to increase the shares of Yili, at least There will be no such thing in the next three months, and Yili will run away after the resumption of trading."

"There is a fundamental difference between Tiansheng's placards and insurance capital placards. Tiansheng is obviously going to take the long-term strategic value investment route and disperse it into a portfolio matrix of 150 varieties. Obviously, it doesn't want to concentrate its efforts on malicious intent. What it means to acquire a company.”

"I think the 150 stocks announced by Tiansheng can be carefully studied, and it is a very important reference template. After all, these are the heavy positions of the largest private asset management institution in China. Tiansheng dares to buy them. It must have been professional. Research and analysis will ultimately choose to bet on the bet.”


  Tiansheng bought 150 varieties. Investors in some of them were quite excited to see the news over the weekend. It turns out that Tiansheng has invested heavily, which is obviously a real major positive news.

After the    brand was announced, other investors or institutions in the market also conducted special research and research on Tiansheng 150. What everyone is most interested in is why Tiansheng Capital chose them!


  A group of analysts from the investment research department of a domestic investment institution are discussing in the conference room.

"The 150 varieties announced by Tiansheng Capital have been studied for a whole night. Frankly speaking, I don't understand the core logic of Lu Ming's choice of them." After speaking, the analyst in his thirties immediately became calm. Dou Lei said excitedly: "But it's not nothing, I think I understand the logic of his choice of the banking sector."

   "When you say that, I'm also curious. Bank stocks are like ballast in the A-share market. Why did Lu Ming choose Ping, Ning, and Zhao among so many banks?"

The previous analyst immediately looked around his colleagues and said: "Last night, I carefully compared the data of all domestic banks and found that these three banks have the lowest non-performing loan ratio, among which Ningbo Bank is the lowest, only 0.76, while non-performing assets are the lowest. The provision coverage ratio is also among the best. Among them, Ningbo Bank has a provision ratio of more than 500%. After some careful research and comparison, I have come to the conclusion that there are so many domestic bank stocks, except for Ping, Zhao and Ning. Nothing else can play, no wonder Lu Ming only allocates these three bank stocks."

  Ningbo Bank's non-performing loan ratio of 0.76 is not difficult to understand, which means that 0.76 yuan of 100 yuan cannot be recovered, which is a bad debt.

The so-called non-performing asset provision coverage ratio refers to how much money a bank has to fill the hole in the event of a hole. Ningbo Bank exceeds 500%, which means that if there is a hole of 100 million, here There are 500 million funds to fill the holes at any time.

The reason for such a high provision rate is that the state stipulates that the performance growth of large banks cannot exceed 10%. The reason is that bank stocks are the ballast of Big A, and the profits of bank stocks are almost more than half of all listed companies in Big A. The profit of the bank shows how much money the bank has made.

   It can be seen that if bank stocks rise too fast to form a siphon effect on the entire market, there will be serious blood draws.

   But the problem is that these banks cannot be prevented from developing, but with such good performance, it is obviously impossible to do so under strong pressure, but it must be done.

   The solution is to increase the provision rate. Originally, a ratio of 1:1 is sufficient. If the performance is good, the ratio will be raised. For example, Ningbo Bank directly gave a provision ratio of 5 times.

   Then when its future non-performing asset ratio is actually not so much, these funds can be reflected in performance.

"Indeed, apart from these three banks, other banks are indeed average, especially Ningbo Bank, the stock price after resumption has risen from more than 3 yuan in June 2014 to more than 9 yuan in June this Doubled every year, it can be said to be the best growth target among bank stocks. Tiansheng Capital understands domestic banks, so it has a heavy position in Ningbo, and we understand it. It is recommended to follow the three major banks of Jiancang. Now Although the cost of building a warehouse is higher than that of Tiansheng, considering its growth potential, it is very worthwhile to carry a sedan chair for Lu Ming!"


   In fact, in addition to the three major banks in the banking sector, Lu Ming actually valued another bank, the Usain Bank, which can be said to be a bank target comparable to Ningbo Bank.

However, the Reserve Bank has not yet been listed. It will take three or four years to land on the big A, and it has no plans to participate in the bank's investment in the primary market. When it is listed, it will build a position in the secondary market. The layout of the banking sector will definitely be established by then. It is indispensable to build a warehouse by the reserve bank.

   In addition to this, Lu Ming has basically no desire for other bank stocks.

   As time went on, the news surfaced over the weekend, and in a heated discussion and analysis, we ushered in Monday, July 4th, which is also the first trading day in the second half of the year.


  (Ps: It’s gone today, I’m already unconscious, and I’m suspended!)

   (end of this chapter)

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