Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 156: ["Textbook" style lying win (guaranteed 1/2)]


The man exclaimed subconsciously and stared blankly at the string of numbers on the account. After his wife came back to her senses, she kept shaking his arm in surprise: "Husband, didn't you say 80,000? It's become like this. So much, my God, that's enough to buy two houses in full!"

The net asset limit of the fund account is displayed as: [¥3571765.62]

3.5717 million yuan!

More than forty times?

The man was stunned, and said dumbly: "This is my fund account? I bought the founding fund, what the **** is this Tiansheng fund? Wait, wait a minute, take a good look first."

Hearing what her husband said, the wife also calmed down from the surprise. It makes sense after thinking about it carefully. There is no such good thing in the world, and suddenly I feel excited again for nothing, and I can't help but feel a little lost.

Ups and downs are really uncomfortable.

"I'll check what the hell..." The man said to himself, after a while, he moved the mouse to the text "About Tiansheng" on the official website and clicked it.

The page jumped accordingly, and then the man clicked "Company Overview" in the first column on the left, but did not see any useful information.

After exiting, he glanced at the page, saw the "Information Disclosure" column and clicked to view it. After turning a few pages, the man finally saw the familiar word "Foundation Fund", which immediately caught his attention.

About five or six minutes later, the man suddenly realized: "So it turns out, the Profit Creation Fund was renamed Tiansheng Fund, no, it was acquired by Tiansheng Company and changed to Tiansheng Fund, and the Creation Flexible Growth Fund I bought was also bought by Tiansheng Fund. The name has been changed, from Tiansheng Pioneer Mix to the current Tiansheng Value Growth Mix..."

The wife asked boringly, "Then what?"

"Then...then just...Fuck!" The man shivered suddenly, causing his wife to complain: "What are you smoking!"

"Hahahahaha...wife, this is my account, hahaha, this is my account, I have developed hahaha, this 3.57 million is mine!" The man lost his temper on the spot in excitement, and immediately got out of his seat excitedly He jumped up, hugged his wife and kissed him fiercely.

His wife was also confused.

After a long time, the ordinary couple finally calmed down from their excitement, and finally digested this unexpected super surprise.

To them, it was like winning a lottery jackpot. They never dreamed that they had forgotten the fund account for several years, and they invested 80,000 yuan and actually created a return rate of more than 40 times.

Now, not only do you not have to worry about the down payment for the house, but the full amount is more than enough to buy two flats. For them, this is a sudden riches.

The couple started to learn about Tiansheng Fund all day today, because they were so curious how they could achieve a return on investment of more than 43 times, which is too scary.

80,000 has become as much as 3.57 million, which has to be taken care of.

First of all, the net worth of Tiansheng Value Growth Mixed as of June 30 is 3.2455 yuan, but this is the number after the net worth has been normalized twice. If the net worth returns to the calculation before the resumption of trading, the actual net worth after the return will be amazing. 35.3439 yuan per copy, but the change in net worth does not affect the investor's own income, how much or how much.

It is not difficult to understand that if you buy a fund of 100 yuan, its net value is 100 shares for 1 yuan, and 5 shares for 20 yuan, but whether it is 5 shares or 100 shares, the actual total value is 100 yuan, neither more nor less.

The reason for the normalization of net worth is mainly to eliminate investors' "fear of heights". Many investors see that the net worth of the fund is too high and feel that it is difficult to rise, so they dare not buy it. In fact, the level of net worth and the return of the fund itself are not Affected.

That is to say, although the current net value of Tiansheng Value Growth Hybrid is 3.2455 yuan, since the merger, reorganization, rebranding and resumption of trading, the cumulative income of Tiansheng Value Growth Hybrid since the resumption of trading has reached a terrifying 3334.39%, more than 33 times the revenue.

It is worth mentioning that Tiansheng Value Growth Mix has not distributed dividends to fund shares so far.

But how did this man's 43 times more profit come about?

The answer is that when it was still called "Chuangli Fund", the man's fund account was profitable, and he bought 80,000 yuan five years ago. There was a total yield of 30% during the March period, and he ordered dividend reinvestment.

It is reasonable to say that the yield of 30% in four years has not outperformed inflation.

However, it is not a blessing for Sai Weng to lose his horse. The 30% rate of return brought the man's net asset to 104,000 yuan, and the dividend was reinvested. Later, it was renamed Tiansheng Pioneer Hybrid Fund, and Lu Ming started to operate this fund. Divine income.

Until today, the man has not had any redemption operations, and the 104,000 yuan has increased by 33 times to the current value of more than 3.5 million yuan.

In fact, in today's Tiansheng Value Growth Hybrid Fund, some of the investors with 80 million capital before the resumption of trading have already redeemed, but at least half of the investors are still forgetting their names and so on. an investment.

That is to say, the owner of the 40 million fund does not know at all. Today, the 40 million fund has increased by 33 times, reaching 1.373 billion yuan, which accounts for the current total capital of Tiansheng Value Growth Mixed Fund. of about 2.11%.

A fact that embarrassing many fund investors is that big data shows that the three most profitable people who buy funds are:

The client dies without Fidelity's knowledge;

The client dies, and the potential heirs sue for property, resulting in the account being frozen for a long time;

The customer forgets that he has an account and has not logged in for a long time.

These three types of people have just achieved "overcome" the biggest psychological obstacle for investors to obtain good returns in the capital market-short-sighted loss avoidance.

For most people, the core of investing to make money is to choose a good foundation and hold it for a long time.

But nowadays, with the development of Internet information and the complicated interpretations, it is actually not difficult to choose a good fund with a little thought. Of course, "Tiansheng Yaoji" is an exception, but it is also unavoidable. Now it is "closed door" "Thanks for the guest" has not yet opened for subscription, and this unique fund is rare.

But it is precisely because the information is developed that it is convenient to see the market, there are many different voices, and it is easy to shake the original intention, making it more difficult for investors to hold a fund for a long time.


"Husband, take one million and come out." The wife doesn't scold her husband anymore, and becomes Oppa in minutes.

However, her suggestion was rejected by the man, and he said: "Stupid, I researched for a long time, and also looked at it with Zhifubao. After reading the comment section, I decided that the money in this must not be moved. "

The wife asked puzzled, "Why can't you move?"

The man said: "The profitability of this fund is too explosive. The biggest problem is that although it can be redeemed, but after redemption, if you want to buy again, you don't know when to go. Here, look at the comments in the comment area. Leave a message, many people who redeemed before now regret breaking their legs, and only fools will sell this fund."

The wife couldn't help but said, "Then the money to buy the house is gone. I'm still thinking about buying the house with the full amount. The down payment you take out is not enough."

The man immediately said: "You don't understand this, I just checked The fund can also be used as a mortgage. My account now has a net asset of 3.57 million. Going to the bank to pledge a loan is not a good idea. Easily?"

The wife was taken aback: "Is this still possible?"

The man smiled and said: "Look, the loan interest rate is five or six points, but the yield of Tiansheng Fund in the first half of this year has exceeded seventy points. You should know that selling this fund will not be worth it. How stupid are you?"

Hearing what her husband said, the wife suddenly realized that it was really stupid to sell this fund to buy a house. Even if the loan interest rate was 10 points, this fund easily outperformed and had a huge surplus.

The man added: "I took a look at Lu Ming, the fund manager of this fund. He is the new richest man. There is definitely no problem with this fund. It is not too late to redeem it when there is a real problem. Now take it well and say. Maybe it will rise to 10 million in a few years, and we will have freedom of wealth. This kind of opportunity is like a pie in the sky. The three generations of ancestors are blowing green smoke, don't blow the blue smoke away by yourself."

The wife smiled and said, "I listen to you."


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