Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 157: [Emotions ebb, 1 ground chicken feathers (guaranteed 2/2)]

Wednesday, July 6.

Today's capital market is most concerned about the concept of holding a placard. Yili shares, which took the initiative to close the small black house before, resumed trading today, and Langfang Development, which has replaced Yili and became the leader of this round of placarding concept, has been speculated by hot money to 8 even board.

The market funds relayed each other, drumming and spreading flowers, and the stock price climbed steadily. From 16.64 yuan on the first board at the time of launch, it rose to 35.66 yuan, a cumulative increase of 114.3%.

In the first two days of this week, despite the two major bad news on the weekend, it was forced to break out of the Lianpan and Lianyang within the day. After opening sharply lower yesterday, it quickly closed the daily limit. I really ignored the bad news.

This ticket has become a big monster since July. It has become the number one stock on the popularity list for three consecutive trading days. Yesterday's daily turnover exploded to 5.2 billion. There is no less than 30%, and yesterday it reached a turnover rate of 49.28%.

It can be said that playing the relay by playing the drums and passing flowers can be said to be a lot of fun. Everyone knows that this is a gamble, and everyone knows that there will be chicken feathers in the end, but everyone feels that they are not the last to take over.

As soon as the call-up auction opened this morning, Lang Fang Development was pressed down to the limit, and the comment area was also extremely popular.

"I hit the board yesterday, 35.66, and died on the spot!"


"Haha, stupid, Yi Li was released. The news broke last weekend and he was given a chance to leave. Yesterday's boards were all kinds of explosions, and one bad board. Yesterday, the ones who dared to enter were warriors."

"Lang Fang was promoted to Long Yi, but in fact everyone is staring at Yili. The day Yili resumes trading is when the hype goes out."


The results of the call auction came out. The price of 32.09 yuan was opened at the limit-down price. The orders on the board instantly increased by 250,000 lots, which was close to 800 million.

There is a lot of hype inside, and the retail investors who came in yesterday couldn't even run.

But just five minutes after the opening, Brother Wanshou swept the goods frantically, and the comment area became popular again.

"Brother Wanshou is here!"

"6666, a lot of ten thousand hands."

"Finally out, Mad, and never play the board again."

"Wori, isn't it, -4.5%, blah blah blah -2.2%, this Nima..."

"Oudi Mom, it's become popular, so strong, is this the rhythm of the sky?"

"Every day, it's smashed, and the floor of the grove is smashed. I cut it on the floor. Nima is a hammer!"


"The main force has high ambitions, there is wood, Lang Fang's pen, Jiulianyang, Jiuyang's great achievements!"

"I must be insane. I was mad at the floor and chased after him. After calming down, I regretted dying. Damn T+1, it's too **** up!"

"Brother, your operation is very strong!"

"Main force: What about bad things? No matter how bad you are, I just want to pull the board, what should I do?"

"Fortunately, I had to endure it. Yesterday, I played the board and entered. I thank the main force for not killing. I ate 3 points and left, and I left behind to make a fortune. I will never play demon shares in the future.

"Last Friday, the village chief denounced placards for speculation and speculation, but you forced three consecutive boards this week? This is no longer taking the village chief's words on deaf ears, it's hitting the village chief in the face, and waiting for a little black house special. stop!"


At 14:41 at the end of the afternoon, Lang Fang's 330,000-hand purchase order on the development board suddenly performed a big disappearance technique.

Boom! ! !

Nine boards exploded!

The detailed order transaction list shows 45,000 lots, 49,000 lots, 56,000 lots, 30,000 lots, 10,000 lots, 8,000 lots, 20,000 lots...

Hot money is crazy!

Lang Fang's day-by-day division dives from the board at the moment when the board is opened. This is not called cliff diving. This horse is a vertical line to kill, jumping to kill 3 points in one second, and it only takes six seconds. When the time came, the stock price collapsed from the daily limit of 39.23 yuan to 32.09 yuan and sealed the daily limit again.

Can't even run.

The comment area below frys the pot on the spot.

"I can only send one sentence, how many people were buried alive?"

"It's a big show, in the morning, the sky is on the floor, and in the afternoon, the riches and honors in the plate, and the kneeling after the plate!"

"Bull pen, the transaction volume is 6.8 billion, and the turnover rate is 57%. Everyone who enters today must die!"

"What a ruthless main force, the leek root is about to be cut off!"

"Who dares to pick up this super yin K? No more!"

"Lang Fang is dead. I have something to burn paper. I'll see the next demon stock. Let's go."

"Old gambling dog!"

"There seems to be a brother in the comment area who sold at the limit in the morning, and then hit the board again. I hope you don't think about it."

"I looked at his position chart. Yesterday, 500,000 came in from the board. In the morning, the limit fell and 50,000 was left. The board put the remaining 450,000 in. After eating a day and losing -18.2%, it was 82,000. Add up to a loss of 132,000, and a loss of -26.4% in one day, which is too miserable!"

"How to go up and down, start slowly and fall down, without any accident, all the demon stocks are all chicken feathers after the frenzy."

"That buddy's comment has been followed by dozens of comments. He hasn't come out to reply, and it's probably gone."

"If you lick blood at the edge of a knife, you must have the consciousness of being knifed."

"Those who go in today and are buried alive are not unjustly dead. The daily limit on Monday and Tuesday is actually a chance to run away, but ignoring the two major disadvantages of the weekend, trying to eat all the profits, there is no reason for greed to die."

"I rub it, Yili actually opened -5% lower and rebounded and moved higher all day, and it only fell by less than 1 point at the close, which is a bit of a feat!"

"It's not surprising that Yili has gone so strong without the limit. This is a first-tier blue chip, the 300, 150 and 50 three major index stocks, and it is also a big consumer stock that institutions like. Hundreds of institutions are holding together in it. Brother has raised his placard, it is a really good company, a stock with strong performance and fundamental support, there is a lot of money to buy bottoms when it falls, Lang Fang... 39.23 yuan is the end, don't think about it in five years. If it's not good, you will be seen by ST."

"So, brother, why are you here in Langfang instead of Yili? ... [Shishi Inu]"

"If you say that, buddy, then I won't chat with you."



With the resumption of trading of Yili Co., Ltd., Langfang Development, the leader of the concept stock raising concept, turned the top of the board to the daily limit and then fell to the limit. From the end of last month to the beginning of this month, the concept of raising the placard reached a white-hot in the past few days directly today. sudden death.

It is really emotional, and chickens and dogs rise to the sky; when the mood ebbs, chicken feathers are all over the place.

Originally, the market funds were intended to stir up Yili shares, but the company quickly closed the small black house, causing the market funds to retreat and choose Langfang Development and was eventually recognized by the market and promoted to the new leader.

Now that Yili's reset is normal, the main leader is dead, and other miscellaneous hairs are even more unlikely to get up. The whole concept of raising cards has plummeted across the board. There are three companies that have fallen by the limit. .

Facts have proved that demon stocks are difficult to achieve after all. They are like shooting stars, they come and go faster, and they are eventually forgotten.

And the real high-quality core asset even if it faces the value of being killed and the performance is cut in half, as long as it is not the logic of being killed, it will eventually rise when it falls and will continue to hit new highs.

Killing the valuation and killing the performance is not terrible. If the valuation is adjusted in place, and the performance continues to grow, there will be investment income.

I am afraid of killing logic, such as financial fraud, broken funds, major changes in the industry, transfer of air outlets, etc. After this logic changes, I don’t know how many PEs will be killed, and they often start with a cut, and I don’t know whether this low level will continue in the future. Valuation, unless the bias of the market can be proved to be wrong, and the performance can continue to grow, once the market is predicted to be wrong, it is an opportunity for huge profits.

Just like Mao Tii two or three years ago, he went through a series of killing valuations, killing performance, and then killing logic, directly killing him in half, but after three killings, he had a chance to kill a golden pit.

Another example is the melamine incident that year. Did the dairy products listed companies crash across the board? Yili shares, which were killed by mistake, plummeted by -80%, and the lowest dropped to 6.45 yuan.


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