Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 188: [Why did the organization start to brag about "great beauty"? (Guarantee two

March 1.

It has been almost half a month since the big A station was above 3200 points, but the previous high of 3301 points was obviously under pressure, and I didn’t even want to touch it.

This morning, Lu Ming came to work in the company. Today, he has more leisure time. He sipped his morning tea in the office comfortably, and took a look at the information of the capital market and the market.

Unpretentious days are pretty boring.

Yesterday, all the funds of 32 billion subscribed for the subscription were filled, and the scale of subscription today is 810 million. In other words, even if the subscription of each basic citizen is full of 800 yuan, the value growth of Tiansheng has exceeded 100 since the end of yesterday. Ten thousand Christians have invested in this fund, and the actual number may be far more than that.

The Fund Management Department has exact data. At present, the number of Tiansheng Value Growth Mixed Investment Accounts is 2.85 million, and the market value of the fund's per capita holdings is 32,900 yuan. The subscription has just been opened in the past two days, and the number of investors has increased sharply.

The popularity of Jimin is self-evident. One aspect is that Tiansheng Fund's advertising is good, but the most fundamental reason is the amazing return on investment. This advertisement is a masterpiece, and it truly interprets the prosperity of the world. All for Lilai's words.

Just from the consignment platform of Zhifubao, the popularity of Tiansheng's value-growing and mixed comment area can be seen. There are people commenting and leaving messages 24 hours a day. During the period of net worth update in the evening, refresh every one or two minutes and it will be 99+. The latest message is comparable to an independent exchange forum.

Its high popularity has even been ridiculed by some netizens who eat melons, saying that Mr. Ma’s social dream, which he has longed for, has become cold after so many social software, and in the end, it is not as high as the traffic brought by a fund.

Tiansheng Yaoji is definitely responsible for the traffic on the Zhifubao Fund platform. Many people have opened Zhifubao several times more frequently since they bought this fund.

Some netizens ridiculed and suggested that Zhifubao go to Tiansheng to talk, and win the exclusive agency rights of Tiansheng Fund Company's public fund agency sales platform.

Not to mention, the Zhifubao team has already noticed the rising popularity of Tiansheng Yaoji, and they have really come to Tiansheng Fund to discuss exclusive agency sales. , and also promised to give Tiansheng Fund more exposure opportunities on the Zhifubao Fund platform for free.

Lu Ming directly ignored it.

The Zhifubao team closed the door and never mentioned it again, and the outside world did not know about it.

What a joke, Lu Ming didn't blow them out, it would have been nice.

The unbearable part is that the other party wants to pan-entertain a serious investment matter. Zhifubao will make enough traffic by then, but it will bring more irrational funds and social disputes to Tiansheng Fund. Really If there is a problem, all the pots will be carried by Tiansheng, and Jimin will only scold Tiansheng, not Zhifubao.

If this was released two years ago, it would be better to say, until now, is Tiansheng Capital lacking this traffic popularity? Or lack of money?

Other funds have worked hard to sell and attract investors, but Tiansheng Capital is now trying to prevent investors from running wildly and causing a siphon effect.

The wind, horse and cattle are irrelevant.


At this moment, Lu Ming, who was in the office, was paying attention to the capital market information, and there were a few pieces of information that caught his attention.

One is overseas funds. Northbound funds have maintained net purchases for 27 consecutive trading days. Regardless of market ups and downs, foreign capital is frantically buying, buying, and selling, but the overall trend of net buying is maintained.

Occasionally do a T or something.

Beishang funds are aggressively buying high-quality white horse blue-chip stocks, and they are buying almost according to the "Tiansheng 150" investment portfolio.

This seems to be sending a signal to the market that Lu Ming and foreign capital are very optimistic about these companies, and foreign capital will not hesitate to carry a sedan chair for Lu Ming to buy it.

What I have to say is that Lu Ming is also impressed by the rhythmic ability of foreign capital to take advantage of the situation. This is from a "rhythm master"'s affirmation of foreign capital. Such a signal is undoubtedly a signal for other domestic institutions to invest and cooperate. Investors release a huge temptation.

look! Who is Lu Ming? A rising superstar in the domestic investment community, the fund under management has a 62-fold return on investment in two years, and manages 1.4 trillion in assets. Where can the company he is optimistic about or the track chosen by Tiansheng Capital go bad?

Not only is Lu Ming optimistic, but now foreign capitals are ramping up their positions, and they are even ramping up their positions by copying the constituent stocks of the "Tiansheng 150" portfolio.

Lu Ming and foreign capital are both recognized, how can it be worse?

In March, the style switching of the domestic capital market is like a girlfriend being angry without warning and changing. Many institutions have abandoned the story of "high growth, small and beautiful" that they advocated before, and turned to And advocating "big is beautiful, core assets".

At this moment, Lu Ming is reading a market research report by an investment research analyst under Zhongxin Securities. The content of the research report is as follows:

[If the A-share market is becoming more and more mature, it is true. More than 20 years ago, the market talked about the value of a company, and more about the total share capital "pocket", which can be transferred at a high rate, so small-cap stocks, especially pocket stocks, are easily sought after by the market]

【Nowadays, with the downward pressure of the economy, the survival of small and medium-sized enterprises is facing a crisis, and the ability to resist risks is low. In the process of transformation and upgrading, most of the small enterprises will be eliminated. The leading enterprises in all walks of life have obvious competitive advantages, and the profits of the industry will certainly increase. Concentrate on leading companies]

[Since this year, the market style has undergone earth-shaking changes. In the process of the decline of the market, Beishang Capital has been rushing to raise funds in the falling market for many times. Beishang Capital is a very mature fund. A particularly typical group of investors, the continuous buying of Beishang funds also proves that they are very optimistic about the A-share market, reflecting that in the past, the selling of stocks by Beishang funds was only a marginal retreat, not a continuous retreat]

[The investment concept of foreign capital gradually affects domestic institutional investors. We refer to this concept as "big is beautiful". We condensed this "big" into the leading stocks in the sector represented by leading companies in major industries. The market gives The high valuation is reasonable. For example, Tiansheng Holdings’ PE once exceeded 50 times, but it was digested within a year. Today, the PE is only 34 times. Most small and medium-sized investors still invest in small and medium-sized caps with quicker short-term results. On stocks, you should quickly adapt to the switching of market styles]

[At present, the market value of the core assets of the A-share market accounts for about 12% of the entire A-share market value, and this 12% of the core assets will affect the rise and fall of the CSI 300 Index, especially the Shanghai Stock Exchange 50 Index. Judging from the market situation this year, the space from March to October 2017 has been opened. From an optimistic point of view, the market index is expected to reach 4,000 points, and from a pessimistic point of view, it is expected to reach 3,700 points. The overall prediction is the predictability of the increase. Therefore, it is optimistic about the market this year]


Lu Ming closed the electronic version of Zhongxin Securities' research It's not just this institution that is bragging about "beautiful, core assets", there are already several institutions, all of which are bragging. The Shanghai Composite Index stood above 3,200 again, and big Vs and stock review experts also began to blow.

As if the big A is OK again.

Optimistically looking at the bull market to 4000 points, cautiously optimistic that it is not a big problem to be able to recover the 3600 points of the flash crash of the big circuit breaker mechanism last year.

With the successive release of annual reports, institutions have also begun to give the latest ratings to large-cap, heavy-weight, and blue-chip stocks. The first "flipped" stock of Zhongxin Securities is Tiansheng Holdings, which was released before the market today. rated.

It gave a target price rating of 15,000 yuan per share before October this year. In other words, based on the current share price of Tiansheng Holdings, Zhongxin Securities believes that there is room for upside in the market outlook, and the total market value in the future can reach 1.2 trillion yuan.

Good guy, with the rating of Zhongxin Securities, Tiansheng Holdings, which has just hit a new high in its share price, fell after the market opened today to show respect for Ashin.


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