Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 189: [Lu Ming said that he was short of money, and the five major trusts came (34/…

The comment area under Tiansheng Holdings is much more popular than usual because of Zhongxin Securities' singing.

"It's coming, it's coming! It's coming!"

"Have you finally attacked Tiansheng? Maybe it will be late, but Ashin will never be absent... [doge]"

"Singduo just came out and fell in response. Ashin's skill has not decreased but increased, even a brother can't bear it... Haha!"

"Zhongxin, the big short, is disgusting. I will never open an account with Zhongxin in this life."

"Singing a long market with 4,000 points, but adding more than 1,500 short positions on Friday, how to explain this? At present, Zhongxin's short positions are 935 hands higher than the long positions. It's just a matter of words, and another set of operations. ."

"What are you doing here? It's as if you can afford a few hands of Tiansheng."

"You guys are in a small situation. As long as Tiansheng is killed, won't I, Zhongxin, be called the big brother of the brokerage business? ... [Er Ha]"

"Haha~~Enterprise-level sister Li, you can do it, old iron."

"Who is Sister Li... [Funny]"

"Be careful with the faces of these institutions, do you remember what they said in the past two years? 'Small is beautiful, high growth' hehe, and then the investors were fooled by the 13,000 to 14,000 points of the National Securities 2000 Index. Came in and ended up slashing at 7,000 points. Oh Nima is now starting to brag about 'beauty with bigness, core assets', and embrace the core scarce assets? Big and beautiful, I will go to your uncle's beauty!"

"Zhongxin's mouth is really open. Tiansheng Holdings, Luoyang Molybdenum, and Hengrui Medicine have all turned green today. I am also drunk!"

"The opposite is correct."

"Is it time to run away?"


In the next two days, the market turned green and fell, and the sing-duo institutions headed by Zhongxin Securities were madly scolded by investors.

When many investors sold their chips and prepared to be bearish to 3,000 points, the broader market rebounded again in the next two days.

Although Zhongxin Securities was scolded by investors for its singing, it still insisted on the "big and beautiful" argument, and continued to insist that Tiansheng Holdings' share price reached 15,000 yuan per share, a dead pig not afraid of boiling water. Whatever you scold, see more.

However, in the midst of everyone's abuse, Ashin had another 200 more empty orders in his hands.

Throughout March, the market rose for two days and fell for two days, or rose for three days and fell for two days, or rose for three days and fell for one day. The decline on this day was equal to the previous five-day decline.

Investors' scalps were numb in this turbulent market, their minds were confused, and their consciousness was blurred.

However, under this volatile market situation, the market did not rise, but the big weights and big blue chips represented by big consumption continued to rise, out of the trend of increasingly strong rising relays.

For example, Baijiu, Maotai, Fenjiu, Wuliangye, etc. in the large consumer category, Haitian Weiye, a condiment, Gerry Electric, Magnesium Group, etc. in the consumer electronics category.

Tiansheng Holdings also climbed to a new high of 9668.88 after two weeks of consolidation.

Almost all core assets of the market.

It has to be said that the acceleration of IPOs in the domestic capital market this year is visible to the naked eye. In less than three months, more than 100 new shares have been issued in the Big A, and 54 new companies were listed in January. There were 33 last month, and this month's data has come out, 48.

In the first quarter of this year, as many as 135 companies were approved for listing, which can be said to be listed together.

Lu Ming, who has foresight, knows that the acceleration of IPOs this year is extraordinary. At least more than 400 companies will land on the Big A, and there will be more queues. By the beginning of next year, the total number of listed companies on the Big A will exceed 3,500.


Since entering the new year, Lu Ming has focused his work on one thing since the holiday in February, and that is to fully optimize the investment portfolio matrix of Tiansheng Capital.

The company recently hired hundreds of software engineers, including some computer experts and mathematicians.

Lu Ming recruited this group of people into the company, mainly to let them develop the algorithm editing index, improve the company's own trading system, and upgrade the software and hardware, including the construction of the required mathematical models, etc. After they were fired, these people were added, and they belonged to a separate department in the company to engage in technology development.

Tiansheng Capital currently has 1,500 employees. In the future, even if the scale of assets managed by the company continues to expand, the size of the company's employees will be doubled at most, which is about 3,000 people.

Because no need!

In the future of the financial industry, in addition to the top talents, mediocre talents will be eliminated. Because of the continuous development of technology, AI will replace them, and occupations such as data analysts will be replaced.

Therefore, the financial industry is actually becoming less and less popular.

Without him, artificial intelligence can perfectly perform these tasks, and can do it better than humans. Doing big data analysis is one of AI's forte, one of the housekeeping skills, and it is efficient.

It also includes traders. In Lu Ming's last life, the AI ​​system was the one that assisted in the execution of his trading decisions. It was a real order placement in seconds, with high efficiency and zero mistakes. This is the general trend in the next ten or twenty years.


Tiansheng Capital headquarters, reception room.

At this moment, Lu Ming is meeting with people from five trust companies, all of which are large trust institutions. Cloud Trust and Huaan Trust are privately owned.

They are all institutions with good money. Since Tiansheng Capital disclosed the annual report data, it has maintained an average of three institutions calling the company every day to ask Tiansheng Capital to do asset management.

Tiansheng Capital's amazing return on investment, even the bank wants him to manage the money. If it weren't for the relevant regulations on saving funds, there would definitely be a bank in Tiansheng Capital's LP list.

In the reception room, the person in charge of Huaan Trust looked at Lin Qiang, who was present and pretended to be dissatisfied: "Mr. Lin, you Chaoyun have already made a lot of money and are not satisfied? Just pack your Chaoyun Trust to Tiansheng. I can handle it."

As the first LP of Tiansheng Capital, Chaoyun Trust, the first to eat crabs, can be said to be the biggest winner.

Lin Qiang laughed and said, "I really want to do this, as long as Brother Lu is willing to take whatever I can, I will give it, but the question is can you agree?"

Everyone laughed.

I really couldn't agree. A GP like Lu Ming belonged to everyone, and Chaoyun wouldn't do such a thing that would offend the public.

At the end, Lin Qiang looked at Lu Ming and said, "Brother Lu, this time, our five trust institutions plan to entrust you with a total of 200 billion funds for management. Is it not a big problem?"

As Tiansheng Capital's asset management scale has reached over one trillion yuan, this has reassured institutions that were still concerned. It has already proved that Lu Ming has the ability to manage trillion-level assets, and at the same time, the income is amazing.

Lu Ming nodded and said succinctly: "No problem, I'm still the old saying, the more funds that meet Tiansheng's requirements, the better."

Among the 200 billion asset management amount, Bairui and Changcheng trusts each contributed 50 billion, Chaoyun and Huaan each contributed 30 billion, and Ningzhou Trust contributed 40 billion.

Not only is it a big deal, but it is directly signed for a 20-year closed period, which is a real strategic-level LP.

This is also the reason why Lu Ming chose these five trust You must know that more than 100 institutions or wealthy individuals have wanted to entrust Lu Ming to manage their money recently.

Tiansheng Capital is no longer looking for money by itself, but the money comes to Tiansheng Capital on its own initiative.

Lu Ming just wanted to fully restructure and optimize his investment matrix. He needed more money to build a complete investment system. More than 100 investors had to give money. Of course, the best LPs were selected from them. These five trust institutions are the highest quality LP objects in terms of background, strength of funds and time to redeem funds.

The closed period was as long as 20 years. This was not a time period that ordinary people could endure. It took a lot of trust in Lu Ming and a lot of courage and courage to make such a decision.

In addition, the institution itself must be confident that it will not be forced to unilaterally redeem due to changes in the next 20 years. Only these five institutions have this ability and strength.

With this funding in place, Lu Ming can once again fully upgrade the company's investment matrix.


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