Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 204: [Extremely torn technical bull market (2/2)]

The annual general meeting of shareholders was over, and it was almost evening. Lao Yang and his 8,000 brothers ate in the box of a local restaurant.

At the dinner table, several people also chatted about what happened at the shareholders meeting.

"You have to blow a wave of Lao Yang. The idea of ​​core assets coincides with the first brother!" Brother 8000 said with a smile, and everyone also agreed.

In fact, several of the people present were older than Lu Ming, but the title of "first brother" was a proper title given by Jianghu. Everyone called it that way, and I didn't feel it was inappropriate.

"After participating in today's shareholders meeting, I am even more certain that the market style of Big A has quietly reversed, and it has even begun to reverse very early." Lao Yang is very calm and calm about the praise of several stockholders. After all It has also been in the Big A for more than ten years, and is also one of the few winners in the 10% of the market.

"How do you say?" a stock friend beside him wondered.

"The 'small but beautiful, high-growth' that the market advocated in the past two years is already a thing of the past, but today's big capital in the market has begun to advocate 'big is beautiful, core assets'. The establishment of shares has already begun, and even at the beginning of last year, Tiansheng Yaoji started to fill up the warehouse and go wild, and the layout has already begun."

Lao Yang said in a deep voice, he clinked a cup with everyone and took a sip of Wuliangye, and then said with emotion: "The first brother is a cow after all, he has foresighted the market first and got the initiative in the market, and the next market outlook will only be Only those who can do big votes, do big blue chips and big **** votes will have a future, and those who are still holding small-cap stocks have already lost their bottoms."

There is no doubt that Lu Ming is a lurker in the market. He has been in the market since last year, except for the bottoming out of the big circuit breaker. He is one of the very few people in the market who has been foresighted. There are only a handful of such people in the entire market.

Lao Yang is one of the few representatives of Niu San who has consciously awakened. This is also closely related to the trading system in which he is a leader in price investing. The market style has changed to a trading system that is beneficial to him, so he is better than others. Awaken first and become more determined as you move closer to your own trading system.

Beginning in the second half of this year, the market is about to "de-retail", saying that the market cannot rise because there are too many retail investors chasing up and down.

In late 2017, there is a market opportunity to make money. If you don’t sign up for a group or buy a big blue chip, you basically don’t want to make money. This kind of market sentiment decline gradually began to peak in October and continued until the end of the year.

Institutions have begun to gradually dominate the market. As a typical representative of large institutions in the capital market, Lu Ming is also following the trend to promote this trend, so as to get out of the structural staged super market.

This time, the blue-chip big **** market of the group will be killed together with the hot money. Once the institutions start to form a group, the more than 100 blue-chip big **** tickets in the market will form a siphon effect, and these 5% stocks will continue to rise. , the remaining more than 80% of the small and medium-sized stocks have been falling and falling, but the index can continue to rise.

Because the weight of the 5% blue-chip big **** votes is too large, two extremes are formed. The big **** here is soaring, and the small and medium caps there are plummeting.

The retail investors who are holding on to the small and medium-sized stocks watch the index continue to rise, the blue-chip big **** votes continue to rise, others are making money, but the stocks in their hands keep falling, and they keep losing money.

After a few months of perseverance, he will eventually "admit his mistake" to the market. Mr. Market is always right, so he began to cut meat one after another, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs embraced blue-chip big ass, but this is also a continuous process, and finally the cutting of meat will be accelerated.

Those who cut the meat first tasted the sweetness with Xiaosan, who was organized by the organization, thus completely changing the three views that were adhered to before, and also followed the market to advocate the argument that "big **** is beautiful, and core assets" will always rise.

These people will continue to show their profits, and will give a lore blow to those who stick to the small and medium-sized caps in the end, completely defeating their beliefs, so a larger group of small and medium-sized investors will collectively admit their mistakes to the market, and the market is always right. The consequence of this is that the small and medium-sized stocks will usher in a terrifying rapid cliff-like positive feedback kill, because everyone is concentrated at about the same time and rushing to escape, which will lead to a sudden acceleration of the downtrend, which is the same as the acceleration of the uptrend. the truth.

Such a terrifying sell-off caused even the broader market to collapse, resulting in a sharp drop, because everyone rushed to escape the more than 2,500 small-cap stocks. When it comes to the index, it has smashed a pit that broke the position, thus entering a period of consolidation.

This group of people who fled were all people who realized after the market, so they began to run and enter the big buttocks. At about the same stage, everyone rushed into the blue-chip big-butt ticket, which led to the steady rise of the big blue-chip ticket immediately. The positive feedback effect of the market is formed, so that the rising trend of the big **** in the group suddenly accelerates out of the rapid acceleration. This phenomenon corresponds to the mirror image of the rapid decline of the small and medium-sized stocks in the front.

The entry of this group of people also pushed the rising market of blue-chip big **** tickets to the peak. The result is self-evident. After realizing it, this group of people has just changed their three views, and they will all stand guard at the top of the big **** tickets to take over again. Even the hot money is not immune to being hammered.

Because the leeks are madly fleeing from small and medium-sized caps and junk stocks, this terrifying short-seller trend will be smashed by the leeks and flee to the smashed, and there are not a few buried, so the hot money does not dare to speculate in junk stocks.

When the leeks are all going to the blue chip big **** ticket, the hot money has to go to the big butt, because the money-making effect of the market is concentrated in the more than 100 blue chip big **** tickets, and the hot money does not dare to be a small ticket, for fear He was buried alive by Xiaosan, who fled wildly.

The small ticket is killing more and the big **** is shorting. Everyone in the entire market is driven by these two invisible super trend forces that are tearing at the two extremes, and the hot money is also forced to only grow bigger. ticket.

The result is obvious. Once the knife in the hands of the institution is dropped, none of the market funds that come to the blue-chip big **** votes, such as small scattered, cattle scattered, large households, and hot money, can escape.

The hand picked up the knife and fell, and one guy cut down all of them.

The agency will explain to the market what it means to be ordinary but not to be ordinary, and to show the world that the top of the food chain in the capital market exists, and the sickle in its hand is sharp!

Let you jump around in the market and eat how much profit, but it is only temporarily in your pocket for a period of time.

The market is so cruel.

But no matter how cruel it is, about 10% of the people in this market will always be the winners, and Lao Yang is obviously one of them.

At this moment, Lao Yang at the dinner table said unswervingly to several stock friends on the table: "I participated in the shareholders meeting of Tiansheng, and I will not even do small positions to make hot spots and themes. , it is no brainer to fight this blue-chip big **** to the end, our small scattered funds must follow the most powerful force and the strongest trend in the market.”

Brother 8000 subconsciously said: "What is the most powerful trend force? Top hot money?"

Lao Yang shook his head and said: "You too value hot money too is a motley army at most, and hot money is at most hundreds of millions or billions, and tens of billions are worth the sky. Institutions, funds, These are the kings of the capital market. Once these institutional funds work together, they are not billions or tens of billions, but hundreds of billions and trillions of terrifying energy. We follow them and pick up some **** and be patient. We can have seventy or eighty points or even double the amount of meat, as long as we don’t greedy three times or five times, our small and scattered funds of tens of millions will definitely run faster than institutions.”

Obviously, Lao Yang is rational and knows what he wants.

When Brother 8000 and the others heard it, they nodded involuntarily. If Lao Yang is one of the few awakened people in the market, Brother 8000 is only half-conscious, but fortunately, if he hugs Lao Yang's thigh, he can also stand there. 10% winner ranks.

And 80% of the people in the market are aware of it later, and these people have the same fate. They all cut meat at the bottom of the mountain and then stand guard at the top of the mountain to get the painful double experience card.

As for the remaining small number of unknowing people, it is completely dependent on destiny. The fate of the non-chief is to lie in the garbage and eventually be delisted by ST or even delisted, and the fate of the European Emperor is to lie in the Haitian Anshi Maowulu. The big ticket is inexplicable. Wealth freedom.


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