The news of Tiansheng Capital's annual general meeting held on Friday began to gradually ferment on the following weekends and weekends, which aroused huge attention in the capital market.

In particular, Lu Ming's views expressed at the shareholders' meeting attracted analysis and interpretation from all parties.

What I have to say is that Lu Ming's influence is now more than a day, he is bigger than the vast majority of securities analysts and fund managers, and he can't even compare with him at all.

If Lu Ming's influence reaches a new level, he will not be able to express his long and short views on the capital market in public in the future, because the power is too great, even if he is not optimistic about the market outlook, he will either simply not speak, or Can only sing more to give the market confidence.

Today's influence cannot be underestimated, and the market's response has already given the answer. During the question-and-answer session of the conference in the afternoon, after Lu Ming expressed his unfavorable views on the small and medium-sized board, a large number of small and medium-sized market caps were voted in late trading. The company's stock price plummeted.

The CSI 500 Index and CSI 1000 Index, which reflect small-cap stocks, had a slight decline and a good shock. As a result, they directly plunged in the late 20 minutes, falling respectively and fell by more than 1 percentage point in the last 20 minutes of the late trading. .

If the index fell by more than 1 point, it was definitely a big drop, and individual stocks fell to the rhythm of dogs.


On weekends and weekends, the news in the capital market is debating which one is better, "big is beautiful, core assets" and "small is beautiful, high growth". Lu Ming took a rhythm at the annual shareholders meeting and then patted it. Ass go.

Saturday business around 10 o'clock.

Lu Ming's special car took him to the north of the city and crossed the New Financial Center Avenue to his destination.

The vehicle stopped, and the driver, Li Chengyao, got out of the car and opened the door for Lu Ming.

After getting out of the car, Lu Ming looked around. The environment here touched him, and he felt that he was directly in his heart. In front of him was an ancient garden, the distant view was like a painting, beautiful.

Although this place is in the big city of Ningzhou, it does not have the hustle and bustle of the big city. This garden is called "Peach Garden Forest", which is one of the few garden-style luxury villa residences in Ningzhou.

"Brother Ming!"

The voice came from the gate of the garden. Lu Ming looked at the sound, only to see the future eldest brother An Jinhong greeted him with a cheerful expression.

"Brother Jinhong."

Lu Ming responded with a smile, this posture and this style of painting are not related to the war between the two sides during the "Antian War" period.

There is nothing in the adult world that cannot be picked up and let go, not to mention that this is a quasi-in-law.

When you can't resist, it's better to lie down and stop struggling and enjoy the taste.

And suddenly found out, alas, it's pretty cool, can you believe it?

It's amazing!

"I didn't expect this house to be in your name..." Lu Ming and An Jinhong entered the garden together. The two were chatting and laughing. The entrance door was facing south, and there were a pair of stone lions on both sides. The safflower wood, the Ruyi door with a height of three people, is a section higher than the black-tiled powder walls on both sides, with a one-foot-high platform base, chicken ridges feeding on both ends, and three-stage brick carvings.

An Jinhong, who was parallel, said boldly: "My private secretary said that someone is going to buy this garden villa. It looks like you are my brother, but I won't say more. Just because you called me eldest brother the other day, just take it as your own. It's a late meeting."

Hearing this, Lu Ming was surprised, and he couldn't help but smile and said, "If you want to give away a mansion worth two hundred million, you can give it away. Uncle, your small treasury is a bit thick. With such a big advantage to take, I won't be squeamish. I'm a capitalist, haha."

An Jinhong smiled heartily: "It's only 200 million, as long as you like it, brother."

It turned out that the ritual exchanges between the rich are so unpretentious.

This garden villa covers an area of ​​10 acres, with 27 rooms, 15 halls and 13 bathrooms.

Although it was a house under An Jinhong's name, he did not move in. In fact, he really wanted to live in it, but his father held him down. Mr. An likes to keep a low profile. This garden villa is definitely one of the best luxury houses in Ningzhou. The compound has been reported on the Internet for a long time, and it is indeed a bit high-profile.

Lu Ming didn't care, because even if he wanted to keep a low profile, he wouldn't allow it. With so many auras, since he couldn't keep a low profile, of course he could do whatever he wanted.

An Jinhong personally led Lu Ming to talk and laugh around and introduce: "After entering the house, it is all a private house. Look, brother, what greets people are pleasant fake stones and green plants on both sides..."

Lu Ming looked at the elegant and straight five-needle pine in front of him, covering up the emulsified and picturesque Luohan pine, and couldn't help but say, "A good thing, you won't be able to grow this type in three or five years."

An Jinhong smiled and said, "For a garden-style villa, the garden must be the highlight. Before entering the hall, appreciate the uniqueness of the courtyard. Come on, I'll be your guest guide, haha..."

The two stopped and walked in the garden, and An Jinhong also introduced them well.

"The beauty of gardens lies in careful thought. The leaky windows, moon gates, corridors, pavilions, walls, etc. you see are all 'silent tour guides', silently showing the appearance of the garden, walking paths, corridors, and different scenery. , experience the beauty brought by the exchange of space in the process, the begonia pattern flower window connects the trees outside the wall and the stone carvings inside the wall, and I don't feel depressed at all..."

The two passed through the corridor and entered the Moon Arch, which is a guest room and a unique garden within a garden. Walking up the road, there is a unique hexagonal pavilion, with high eaves and corners from the top, most of which are mortise and tenon structures.

In some places in the courtyard, the wrong scenery is also used cleverly. The two doors along the wall are not set in a straight line, showing a feeling of winding and zigzag.

A garden garden cannot be called a garden without flowers and trees.

There are more than 130 kinds of green plants in the whole garden of this garden villa. The four seasons are like living in your own yard. There are cherry blossoms in spring and maples in autumn, lotus flowers in summer and plums in winter.

From midsummer to twelfth winter, there will be different flowers blooming.

Lu Ming doesn't like the windy residences of western-style villas. Relatively speaking, he prefers the domestic living environment of "harmony between man and nature" where man and nature are in harmony.

The garden must be separated, and the water must be curved. On the way to the waterscape garden, through the green leaves and flowers, you can glimpse a corner of the fish pond. When Lu Ming actually walked to the waterscape garden, he would welcome the truly open fish pond scenery, and suddenly he was enlightened.

The pond water is clear and translucent, and thousands of koi of different colors swim slowly in it.

When you are alone, you are not afraid to have nothing to do. You can drink tea, enjoy the piano, watch fish... cultivate your sentiments.

Behind the clean waterscape is the result of the continuous blessing of six smart water purifiers 24 hours a day, and there is no worry about the pool becoming dirty.

After strolling around the courtyard, An Jinhong took Lu Ming to the interior. There was a screen at the entrance, behind the screen was the side hall, and further inside was the main living room with a height of seven meters, with a 2-ton gold-clad jade chandelier emitting The brilliance shines on the whole background wall of golden nanmu, and the three pools reflect the moon, which is lifelike.

The specially customized 10-meter-long chandelier can be described as magnificent. If the palaces of the past were placed in modern times, there is a high probability that they would look like this.

Classical gardens also keep pace with the times and organically integrate into modern civilization, whether it is a billiard hall, a tea room, an underground wine cellar, a swimming pool, a massage sauna… everything is available.

Life is so simple and boring.

From today, Lu Ming has lived in this garden.


The two sat in the main living room and chatted about the company's affairs. Lu Ming said, "I heard that the Anshi Group intends to enter the breeding industry? Is there such a thing as a large-scale pig farm?"

An Jinhong nodded calmly and said: "Yes, this is also the company's key expansion area, and it was originally engaged in food processing."

What I have to say is that Lu Ming also admires Mr. An's operation. There is no doubt that raising pigs is a good bet again. A certain Internet company raises pigs.

In fact, The Anshi Group was forced to raise pigs to a certain extent by Lu Ming, a capitalist, to pursue KPI indicators. Where is the performance bet, Anshi The family needs to fully take back control from Lu Ming and forge ahead to complete the performance targets.

However, Mr. An's several major decisions have brought rich returns to this giant group, which can support the market value of An's group exceeding 2 trillion in the future. Premium track.

For example, when it comes to raising pigs, the price of pork is soaring a few years later, and it stands in the wind; Anju Real Estate has stepped into the wind of the real estate market; and Anzhu Liangye, which has entered the brewing industry and strives to build the No. 1 wine brand in Ningzhou, has also stepped into the market. Accurate to the market outlet and so on.

You must know that in a few years, anyone who joins the concept of liquor will be sought after by the market, and the capital market will be able to give this company a higher valuation.

The advancement of these new businesses can support Anshi Group with an additional market value of nearly one trillion in the future.


(Ps: Happy 51, the production team’s donkeys don’t have monthly tickets, recommended tickets to buy food, and those who are hungry can’t run anymore, please help us~~~)

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