Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 393: [Large-scale Zaun scene in the golden concept plate]

In a private house in a certain city in China, a young man named Liu Wei is sitting in front of a computer. He is not playing games, and the K-line chart of the market software is displayed on the screen.

Liu Wei is one of the very few people in the market who can rely on stock trading to make a living, because the profit from stock trading without a job is his only source of income, and he is outstanding among the proper scattered repairs.

At the same time, Liu Wei is also a professional ultra-short-term player, and he only plays intraday hot spots. He holds shares for no more than 2 or two trading days. Basically, if he buys today, he will cash out 5 minutes before the market opens the next day.

This is the trading model he has formed over the years. In any case, at least he used this model to make a profit of 16 times within two years. When he entered the market, it was 80,000 yuan, and now his account has exceeded 1.08 million yuan.

At the same time, he is also a stud monster. He is still playing with tens of thousands of principals there. In Liu Wei's view, it is impossible to make money. If you don't make money in the stock market, it is better not to play. He always believes that the amount of funds is small and the If you want to make money in the market, it is a shuttle, even if you lose it, at least the time cost is not lost.

If you lose your money and die early, you will be delisted directly, and then you can honestly go to work and stop playing.

At this moment, Liu Wei is staring at the market. The multiple windows on the screen show the trends of the futures market, the spot market and the stock market respectively.

"The leeks are going to be caught up again!"

Looking at the market situation, Liu Wei inexplicably smelled a sense of danger. During the early call for auction, he filled his warehouse with 1.08 million studs of gold varieties. Because he did not have a first-mover advantage lurking last Friday, he could only chase it up today.

Obviously, the concept of gold is a hot topic today. Popularity and attention have already explained everything. As for whether it is sustainable or not, it is another matter. Anyway, the current call auction is very popular, and it is all bullish.

However, Liu Wei did not buy gold stocks, but gold ETFs. The reason is that gold ETFs can be traded at T+0, and they can be sold on the same day if they are bought on the same day.

Today, many investors who are chasing up individual stocks through call auctions do not even know that there is a gold ETF that can be traded at T+0, which is obviously a cognitive gap.

Liu Wei is a low sucker. The gold concept sector has opened so much higher today. Even if it is a hot spot, he will not chase it, but if there is a T+0 ETF variety, he dares to gather the bid and fill the warehouse. Just arbitrage and leave, this is a definite opportunity, so he dares to fill the warehouse, it may only take a minute or two, or even less than a minute.

At this moment, there are still two minutes before the opening time, Liu Wei looked at the time-sharing barrage of Zishen Mining and suddenly taunted himself: "These leeks don't know the seriousness of the problem, and they are obviously the main force to induce multiple tricks. "

Before the auction, Liu Wei did not draw such a conclusion, but after the auction ended, he immediately judged to be bearish. The logic was very simple, because Zijing Mining did not put out a single-character board in the auction, which surprised Liu Wei.

If today's gold concept sector is going strong, it is impossible not to stand up against the one-word board.

Moreover, none of the stocks in the sector topped the board. All 10 stocks opened higher, as if they all had the potential to become leaders. Conversely, it is understood that there is no leader.

With such a big "benefit" over the weekend, how come the main force doesn't stand up? To make money for retail investors to enter the market for nothing? Will the main force be so kind? If everyone makes money, who will be responsible for losing money? The logic does not make sense, then it is very simple to draw a conclusion in turn, and the probability of the main force attracting more is very high!

If there is a big market, it is impossible to give retail investors a chance.

"Fortunately, my brother bought a gold ETF, otherwise it would be gone today!" Liu Wei murmured to himself, staring at the market. He is not worried now, even if it is Yuduo, there must be a surge, and the popularity is here. .

Today, the call auction came in. Liu Wei was just betting on a popular arbitrage, so he would never go in and stay for a long time, because the gold ETF he bought was T+0, and he could leave at any time when the auction came in, and there was no set. It can also stop losses in time when the spread is reached.

But for those who chased T+1 stocks, once they are tempted to be bullish today, they will be killed from the beginning to the end, and they can only watch the decline.

At 9:30, Big A opened on time.

Individual stocks in the gold concept sector jumped up one after another at the opening. Zijing Mining's time-sharing line immediately jumped up to +8% at the opening, and five other stocks rushed to more than +7%.

The major market software also issued alerts. The gold concept sector opened higher, opened higher and moved higher, and the sector surged +6.92%, leading the two markets.

At 9:30:49, Liu Wei saw that his Stud Environmental ETF had already made a profit of more than +0.96%, and he decided to clear all the positions with one click. No matter whether it will be sold or not, he will come out immediately if there is a profit.

He has determined that it is to induce more moves, and he does not dare to take it for too long. Principal preservation is more important than profit.

This is his trading pattern, and he often sells big bull stocks at the daily limit, because his pattern is that he must leave 5 minutes before the opening of the next day, and the pattern cannot be more than 5 minutes at most.

However, even if he often sells individual stocks, he often avoids big falls. Liu Wei's ability to use this model to make steady profits shows that his reaction is one step faster than that of more than 90% of the investors in the market, and he is ahead of the vast majority of them.

Quickly arbitrage from the gold ETF varieties, Liu Wei looked at his account, today's floating profit is more than 10,368 yuan, and he is quite satisfied.

After the amount of funds comes up, the arbitrage is also one or two percentage points, but the absolute profit is getting bigger and bigger. The principal of about 100,000 in the past is less than 1,000 yuan in today's operation, but now the principal is more than one million yuan. Can arbitrage more than 10,000 yuan.

You must know that this year's data shows that the national monthly income of tens of thousands of people only accounts for less than 3% of the national population.

Having already come out, Liu Wei also relaxes to watch the play.

Not long after he made the arbitrage, at 9:31:32, Liu Wei saw that the futures next door began to turn his head and dived. When he saw this scene, he secretly said: "The main force is trying to be poor!"

Sure enough, it didn't meet his expectations. The futures side couldn't rush, and the gold TD also turned its head. At this time, the stock market was still rushing up, but it only lasted for about 5 seconds. After Zijing Mining surged +8.96% Can't go up.

Suddenly, a large order of 10,000 lots was sold, and the time-sharing line was smashed by more than 2 points. The futures market next door had already dived obviously, and the stock market was lagging for about 5~8 seconds, but the lag After a few seconds, the diving became more ruthless.

At 9:32, Zijing Mining opened up sharply and lagged behind a cliff-like flash crash, and plunged directly towards the zero axis. This is the rhythm of turning In such a short time, except for Liu Wei In addition to being able to react, how can most investors have this time to react? Moreover, the greed of rising and the fear of falling make transactions not decisive enough. As for those who bought the stock today, they are buying and leaving, and they cannot operate without the first mover advantage.

The barrage of the time-sharing interface was fried, and a series of question marks were swiped, and then it became a large-scale Zaun faction scene.


"Which Gou Ri who rides a horse is selling? He can't be hacked to death if he comes out to labor and capital!"

"The grass-mud horse's stinky Shabby stuff!"

"It's so sad, the 4.32 yuan book is the highest point of the day, I'm really a dog!"

"Don't fall, don't fall, Qiuqiu, don't fall, let the labor and capital withstand it!"

"The main force is to be an individual!"

"It's said that the first brother will never cheat people with goods? This is too cheating!"

"There's Gou Ri's main force here to take advantage of the good news, it's too **** up!"

"Brothers, stand up, unite and **** him!"

"Hold on, blow the empty dog's head!"


(Ps: There is one more update today!)


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