Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 394: [The peak showdown between institutions and retail investors]

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the reborn financial giant!

Liu Wei ate melons and watched the show all the way, and at the same time, he was glad that he didn't chase stocks, otherwise it would really hurt to be killed.

At 9:36, Zijing Mining jumped to the water level below the zero axis and turned green to -0.05%. Seeing this, Liu Wei couldn't help but secretly exclaimed: "This Nima's main force is the rhythm of sharks, it's too cruel! "

At this moment, the major market software quickly pushed news, and the gold concept sector, which led the two cities, opened high and fell sharply in early trading. In just five minutes, the sector directly dived and turned green.

After another minute, Zijing Mining plummeted to -2%, and the futures market also fell sharply.

The disk fell and hovered, but after diving to the -2% water level, the long and short sides launched a frantic strafing at the -2% line. A duel between the long and short sides was fiercely launched here, and the transaction volume of Zijing Mining was rapid. Enlarged to 4.3 billion, the transaction volume was only 5 to 600 million in the last trading day, which is a huge amount today.

The turnover scale quickly reached the top of the two cities today, bringing Tiansheng Holdings to the top. At this moment, Tiansheng Holdings' turnover is only slightly more than half of Zijing Mining's.

Around 11:00, Zijing Mining's stock price turned red again. The long and short sides fought underwater for an hour and a half. After the stock price turned red, it surged again: +0.92%+1.56%, +2.54%...

"Fuck, this year's leeks are so cruel? Are they so bloody? They won't cut down the organization, right?" encountered this scene.

But it only stayed for about three seconds, and then he backhanded the gold ETF, and the futures were still falling, but the bulls on the stock market were wildly topping upwards.

The share price of Zijing Mining is still rising all the way: +3.95%, +5.97%, 7.23%...

"Let me go, so iron-blooded? Wouldn't it be the top board?" Liu Wei was also excited, because the gold ETF he bought was also rushing up, and the bottom-hunting was successful.

At 11:22, when Zijing Mining was about to hit its former high, the upside slowed down. When Liu Wei saw the momentum slowing down, he liquidated the gold ETF with one click without any hesitation.

"Comfortable today!"

Liu Wei saw that the income of the account was very comfortable. This wave of upward rush allowed him to arbitrage +6.89%, and the profit reached 85,450 yuan throughout the day, earning more than 80,000 yuan.

For Liu Wei, today is the time to eat big meat, so he can get off work early and take a rest. At the end of the game, see if there is a chance to lurk a variety.

At this moment, the individual stocks represented by the Zijing Mining stock have time-sharing disks. As they hit the daily limit again, the barrage is also very lively.

"Duck rush!"

"Hammer the empty dog's head!"

"Brothers stand up and overturn the main force!"

"Start the engine, take off immediately, rush!"

"Stud, just do it!"

"Fuck you, brothers!"

"Ness, it's too bad, the retail investors are the main force haha!"

"Brothers are too arrogant and fierce!"

"A stroke of passion!"


At 11:28, before the end of the morning market, Zijin Mining's share price hit the daily limit of 4.36 yuan, and the transaction volume had reached a huge 6.9 billion!

"Hafnium? The main force was really killed by retail investors?"

Liu Wei was stunned for a moment. The whole board suddenly felt more and more passionate. He couldn't help but want to participate in the top. To the top of the day to go.

The market opened at 13:00 in the afternoon, and Zijing Mining's one-million-hand seal steadily sealed the daily limit and returned to the market value of 100 billion. No matter how you look at it, it is undoubtedly the leader in the sector.

Other gold stocks in the back row continued to rise, Chifeng Gold and Silver Gold also closed in the afternoon, and the remaining gold stocks also took off.

In the afternoon, the gold concept sector was also booming, and the gold ETF also rose by more than +8%!

Just one or two hours can be called ups and downs.

As time goes by, the first sealed Zijing mining board has continued to increase, and the frenzied fall and murder books have piled up to more than 3 million hands.

Retail investors are revelling and celebrating victory!

The barrage of the time-sharing interface threatened to blow up the empty dog, smashed the head of the main force, and pierced the **** of the organization, which was a **** stroke of the whole scene.

But this kind of mood turned sharply at 14:33 in the late afternoon, which caught all the long retail investors by surprise. More than 3 million orders on the Zijing Mining Board were shorted within one minute. After it was eaten up, 1.8 billion yuan was spent on selling funds.

More than 3 million hand orders are more than 1.3 billion points, and the daily limit will explode in seconds!


"BOOM! At this time, the main force threw a hydrogen bomb!"

"Cao Nima who is smashing the plate!?"

"There is nothing left!"

"Can such a large fund be a small group apart from the main force of the institution?"

"Hold on!"

"Breaking your lungs, I can't stand it anymore, no more!"

"I didn't accept it, it's over!"


"Who dares to run? Who dares to run? Who runs away? Labor and capital hacked him to death!"


At this moment, the barrage of the time-sharing map exploded. It was called a dance of demons. It was once again Zuanhua. The long and short battle staged in the golden concept plate almost attracted the attention of the whole city in the afternoon, attracting investors from all walks of life to eat melons and watch the show. , a lot of people who watched the drama mixed in and followed the barrage. Some people even imitated the Jade Emperor's line and changed it to "Go and invite the first brother and ancestor", an absolute group of demons dancing wildly.

The flash crash late in the session caught all retail investors off guard.

The bulls resisted the +7.39% water level for about two minutes at the time division, the bears were unstoppable, and the stock price fell in a free fall: +7%, +5.21%, +2.93%, +0.28%...

[The gold concept plate dived late in the afternoon, Zijing Mining turned green, and Chifeng Gold staged the sky floor! 】

The major market software has popped up small window alerts one after another, and the environmental concept section has collectively dived.

At 14:37, Zijing Mining suddenly attacked again after turning green, and retail investors launched the third counterattack again. +4.68%…

The melon-eaters who watched the drama on the shore were all stunned, and today's demonization of the gold concept section made everyone call the series "Long live for a long time".

"Come on!!!"

"Dry the organization!"

"Cow pen, I can see that the melons in my hand have fallen to the ground, and every time Nima rises and falls, real money is thrown into it!"

"It's actually evenly matched? This year's retail investors are a little bit dazed!"

"In the ecstasy of the institution, look at how gratifying this leek is... [hands funny]"

"Return the seal and seal the seal, and kill the organization. We must be the main force of 'loose cultivators'!!"

"Everyone who looks at Walter is stupid!"

"It's such a hot-blooded board, I can't help but give a friendly support. If I don't want to make money, I have to give it a shot because of the current atmosphere. Anyway, it only costs more than 400 yuan."


The time-sharing line has rushed to the +6% water level, the long-term energy is gone, and the retail investors who are emotionally charged have run out of bullets. They can only wave the flag in the barrage and continue to go up, but no matter how much the barrage hits, the stock price will go up. Don't go.

Accept it!

At this time, the shorts can smash another 500 million selling orders, and the throwing of more than one million hand selling orders has become the last straw to crush the bulls. The originally imposing bulls were instantly defeated.

The so-called one-shot, and then decline, three exhausted.

Zijing Mining crashed again!

At this time, even if the long retail investors have money, it is too late. After the close, Zijing Mining closed down -1.03%, and the stock price closed at 3.92 yuan. nearby high.

Looking around, the gold concept sector is full of the corpses of retail investors, and they are mourning all over the place. After the closing, the barrage is still very popular.

"Retail investors are retail investors after all, just be a leek honestly, do you still want to turn the world upside down?"

"Main force: unlimited labor and capital bullets! Who else?"

"It's too good to write, and it's a long time to see series. Today, 17.9 billion were sold, with a turnover rate of 15.11%, which exceeded the stock market crash in 2015, setting a new record for the day's transaction of this ticket."

"It's too crazy to ride a horse. Did you all come in today to see how much gold the first brother sang at the shareholders' meeting?"

"Is the first brother's influence so terrifying?"

"A group of naive leeks, maybe the organization that shipped them to you is Brother Yi. He is not only called Brother Yi, but also the title of Yi Cow. Don't forget that Zijing Mining is also a constituent stock of the Tiansheng 50 Index!"

"There will be a good show tomorrow. The bulls who come in today will be transformed into the most ferocious bears tomorrow. All the irrational funds that pour in will flee in a stampede manner tomorrow, and the rhythm of the daily limit will drop tomorrow!"


After the market closed, the retail investors who got in today ran to Lu Ming's personal social account to send private messages. The content was also very straightforward. They directly asked if it was Tiansheng Capital's deal, or called Tiansheng Capital's customer service hotline to inquire, or to Tiansheng Capital. Sheng holdings online interactive inquiries to the board secretary...

Too many people asked about this, and the management of Tiansheng Capital was quickly alerted. Lu Ming did not look at the domestic market today. He was dealing with overseas shorting of international gold and the planning of overseas diving capital investment layout, so big A He still doesn't know what happened.

"Come in!"

In the president's office, Lu Ming responded.

The person who walked in was Su Have you seen what happened in the domestic securities market today? "

Lu Ming raised his head and glanced at her, and asked subconsciously, "What happened?"

Su Xiaoman stopped outside the president's desk, folded his arms around his chest and said slowly, "It seems that you don't know, because the day before yesterday, you sang a lot of gold at the shareholders' meeting. Today, thousands of retail investors and institutions are in the purple. There was a pinnacle matchup between the long and short sides on the stock of Concentrate Mining. The battle was quite fierce. The retail investors who were long lost, and now they suspect that it was our Tiansheng. Retail investors inquired about the end from multiple channels. Did we do it? Our hotline was overrun by tens of thousands of retail investors, and we had to come to the company to block the door. How should we respond to this?"


When Lu Ming heard the news, he also showed a confused face. After reacting, he silently turned his head to look at the work computer, opened the market software and entered the code of Zijing Mining.

"Oh my dear..."


(Ps: Ask for a ticket at the beginning of the month, oh oh oh oh oh...)

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