Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 514: 【Shencheng】

In the two days of the weekend and weekend, the news that came out basically agreed that this rebound has a major relationship with the arrival of the advance meeting.

On the weekend of November 5, Lu Ming's private plane landed at the airport in Shencheng, and he also came to the city.

However, his arrival was not too public, very low-key, and the outside world basically did not know that he was here.

Arrived in Shencheng and rested at the hotel.

"Are you sure you won't be attending tomorrow's conference?" In the hotel room, the accompanying secretary assistant Han Qiulin asked Lu Ming again, the latter nodded calmly and said, "Let's not brush our presence, we have to choose the right time to be in the limelight, it's not who You can grab the limelight.”

Hearing this, Han Qiulin was thoughtful and seemed to understand what Lu Ming wanted to express, so she stopped asking about it.

At this time, it is really not suitable to be in the limelight, and the main purpose of coming to Shanghai is not for the CIIE, which is not directly related to Tiansheng Capital.

The main purpose of coming to Shanghai this time is to talk with people on Wall Street about foreign investment in the A-share market.

Han Qiulin: "In addition, the people from Wall Street have also arrived. The staff of both sides have started contact and started to arrange a meeting."


The next day, the highly anticipated first meeting was held as scheduled, and the A-share market also ushered in the first trading day of the week.

Today, the opening of Big A caught many people by surprise. On such a big day, the index actually gapped down by -0.51%.

Investors vented their anger, which was a little unacceptable.

On the other hand, the China International Import Expo opened as scheduled. As time goes by, A-shares will set up a new section, the Science and Technology Innovation Board, and officially announced at the conference as a pilot for the registration system for stock issuance.

The news has caused a sensation in the domestic capital market. The discussion on the registration system has been going on for a long time, and we even look forward to the arrival of the big A comprehensive registration system. Today's news can be said to have played a major role in its key implementation.

Today's announcement of this news is equivalent to telling the market that the stock issuance registration system has ushered in a huge breakthrough.

But not long after the news came out, Big A jumped into the water, confusing investors again.

"You fell today? It's totally disrespectful, I advise you to be kind!"

"The registration system is here, shouldn't it go up?"

"The promotion is over long ago, today is just a hair set day!"

"Unexpectedly, but also reasonable, it is not a comprehensive registration system, but a pilot registration system on the newly established Science and Technology Innovation Board, which is not only a good but a bad thing. There were not many market funds, and now more One board, funds must be diverted, and there is not much incremental capital outside the market, and it will definitely fall!"

"Brother, I'm looking for a reason to open this before the market closes. If it rises up later, it will be a face-off within a few days."


"Speaking of which, what exactly is the registration system? Is there a big guy to explain it?"

"Registration system, simply put, the review agency only reviews the information of the listed company to be issued, and is only responsible for the authenticity of the listed company's disclosure documents, without evaluating its quality. It also means that the risk is greater.”

"In the future, stocks on the Science and Technology Innovation Board will be called registered stocks. The threshold is lower, and companies can be listed without making profits, and they can also be listed as depositary receipts. The risk of such stocks is greater than the risk of approved stocks. "

"What is the threshold for entering the Science and Technology Innovation Board? Curious!"

"Judging from the information disclosed so far, the stocks on the Vanke Innovation Board must meet the trading threshold of 500,000 daily assets and two years, and the capital threshold is 5 times that of the Growth Enterprise Market. People who invest in stocks with 500,000 liquidity have to be middle-class."

"500,000 entry threshold? That's fine, it has nothing to do with me."


With the announcement of the establishment of the Science and Technology Innovation Board and the news of the registration system pilot, various big names and ordinary investors in the capital circle are more or less discussing this matter.

Another aspect of the science and technology innovation board under the registration system that has attracted much attention is the expansion of its rise and fall limits.

On the first day of listing on the main board approved stocks, the maximum stock price change is ±44%. According to the current news, the stocks on the Science and Technology Innovation Board will not give up the price limit for the first 5 trading days, and will be implemented on the 6th trading day. ±20% up and down limit, a ceiling or floor can hit an amplitude close to about 40%, the benefit is greater but the risk also becomes greater.

However, what can be met is that due to the improvement of the entry threshold, I feel that most of the retail investors are sure that the leeks on the Science and Technology Innovation Board are not easy to cut, and those who can play in it must be ordinary chicken thieves. Basically, It's all a game between sickle and sickle.

In other words, the liquidity of the Science and Technology Innovation Board cannot be compared with that of the main board or the ChiNext.

After all, everyone is not stupid. If a company listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board is really a junk stock, its stock price will definitely not rise. Even if the stock price rises to the sky, it is just an imaginary number that cannot be realized, because no one will take the offer. , Only really good companies and companies with a future will be favored by the funds in the Science and Technology Innovation Board.

If the main board and the science and technology innovation board are to be figuratively said, the current main board has too many leeks and not enough sickles, and it is impossible to cut one crop after another, while the sci-tech innovation board, which will be opened soon, is just the opposite, because the barriers to entry are isolated. There are a lot of leeks, which leads to the fact that there are too many leeks and not enough leeks in the sickle, and there is nothing to cut if you want to.

With the official announcement of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, all kinds of online news came out within a few hours.

The news that Pinduoduo was going to be listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board spread like wildfire at this time, and it attracted much attention at once. Since the company canceled its listing in the United States, the capital market has always paid attention to it, and many people have speculated that Pinduoduo is If Duoduo wants to be listed on the A-share market, it must go to the Growth Enterprise Market, which is also recognized by many But after the science and technology innovation board came out, the listing of Pinduoduo was triggered again. After extensive discussions, the ChiNext board fluctuated widely. For this news, the ChiNext board was relieved and felt that something was missing.

I'm relieved because Pinduoduo can't be listed on the GEM, avoiding the financing of the giants with a market value of 100 billion, but for investors on the GEM, it is also equivalent to losing a good stock.

Although the reputation of Pinduoduo is mixed, there are very few investors who deny its commercial value. It will not be much worse if they can cut a **** path through the cracks of such giants as Ali Jingdong.

As long as you can make money, the stock price can have room to rise. No matter whether it is good or not, capital will not care about it.

After one wave of unrest and another wave, the Internet broke out that the first batch of 75 companies on the so-called Science and Technology Innovation Board will be listed on the opening day, but there are actually only 25 companies.

According to the news that came out, the main divisions of these enterprises are in the fields of biomedicine, semiconductor, new energy and other emerging technology industries.

According to rumors, among the 75 companies listed, 27 belong to the computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry; 24 belong to the special equipment manufacturing industry; 9 belong to the railway, ship, aerospace and other transportation equipment manufacturing industry; 6 belong to Software and information service industry; 3 companies belong to non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry; 3 companies belong to instrument manufacturing industry; 3 companies belong to general equipment manufacturing industry.

Good guy, this news just came out, and Big A was scared to the ground. Investors who saw this news only had one thought in their minds. 75 companies went public at the same time. How much blood does this have to draw from the market? can not imagine……

Investors don't care if it's true or not, they just run away and talk about it, so when they react to the market, they start a big dive, and funds flee when they hear the wind, scrambling for each other.


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