Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 515: 【negotiation】

Seeing the index leaking wildly all the way, the village chief is also a little anxious. Today is the opening day of the advance meeting. If the market is too stretched, it will be too embarrassing.

So I hurriedly jumped out to refute the list of 75 companies. It is impossible for the first batch of listed companies to have so many.


False news?

At a glance at the market, I understood. Funds backhanded and scrambled to increase, and the index began to rebound in the afternoon.

There is a second hand of cards on the village chief's side. If he comes out to refute the rumors and cannot stabilize the market, then only Guo Jia's team's funds will be used to protect the market. With the rebound of the index, Guo Jia's team's funds will not choose to move.

The violent reaction of the market, to a certain extent, can also show that the differences are serious, and it also shows that investors lack confidence in the market.

Mainly because the shock during this period was too severe.


Meanwhile, the Hilton Hotel.

At about 14:00 in the afternoon, Lu Ming had moved from the hotel where he was staying to the Hilton Hotel, where the interview with Wall Street started.

At this moment, Big A had pulled back in the afternoon, but Lu Ming didn't pay attention to the market trend.

The two-way negotiation was arranged in a conference room of the hotel. The people from both sides arrived on time and were sitting on both sides of a rectangular table in the conference room.

Lu Ming was also quite surprised to see that John Brain, who was sitting opposite, was the negotiator of a Wall Street capital institution. The old friend also exchanged a few words before the formal negotiation, which was irrelevant.

Tiansheng Capital and Goldman Sachs Capital have a secret financial partnership. Frankly speaking, without the secretly entrusted funds from Goldman Sachs Group, Tiansheng Capital’s diving funds will take a lot of time to deploy overseas.

Goldman Sachs, of course, knows that Tiansheng is harvesting in the global market, and also knows that Tiansheng has funds to trade in the U.S. stock market. Maybe one of them will be entrusted by Goldman Sachs.

In this regard, Goldman Sachs does not care, only how much of the harvested profits is distributed to Goldman Sachs.

Wall Street's capital has no patriotism, only profit.

John Brain put his hands together on the negotiating table, looked at Lu Ming and said, "...Then, Mr. Lu, shall we begin?"

"Of course." Lu Ming immediately picked up a document placed in front of the table, "On page 23, Wall Street intends to enter the A-share market through the entrusted management of Tiansheng Capital, which is 90 billion US dollars, or about 625.5 billion yuan. This investment Both parties have no objection to the delivery of Tiansheng Capital in the next five years."

John Bryan also picked up an identical sample material and turned to page 23.

Before the two parties formally met for negotiation and consultation, there had already been a lot of communication and preliminary confirmation on the content of the cooperation, such as how much money would come in, when it would come in, and so on.

It is worth mentioning that since the opening of the Mainland-Share Connect three years ago, foreign capital has continued to enter the A-share market, and the accumulated net purchases of funds over the past three years have reached 554.5 billion yuan, which accounts for 50% of the total A-share market value. 1% or so.

On the whole, the proportion of foreign capital in Big A is not high, at least in terms of funds on the surface, it is not high at all.

However, in the content of this negotiation, the scale of capital is already 70 billion yuan higher than the total amount of foreign investment in the past three years. Basically, in the next five years, the main foreign capital to invest in the domestic A-share market will be entrusted to Tiansheng. capital.

As for the source of the funds, the identity of the funds, etc., Tiansheng Capital does not care, and only accepts such a large amount. As for the money of those overseas capital institutions, they will discuss it themselves.

After breaking up, just contact Tiansheng Capital to send money over. In the future, if you withdraw capital or distribute dividends, Tiansheng Capital will only call it according to the agreement. How to divide it is a matter of the major capital institutions in Wall Street. , no matter how the cake is divided, it has nothing to do with Tiansheng Capital.

In fact, having said that, Lu Ming and Tiansheng Capital do not need foreign capital at all, because the domestic capital has become more and more serious, and it is said that there is no shortage of gold owners, and there are many people queuing at the door of Tiansheng Capital with money. go.

The reason for receiving funds from Wall Street capital institutions is obviously a transaction for a higher strategic purpose. As for what it is, Lu Ming will not go too deep into it.

In the end, John Brain nodded and said that there was no problem, and also said: "On page 69, we do not agree with the 10% profit guarantee plan. This is too low. We want a 30% rate."

Obviously, Wall Street is not satisfied with this, and is also aware of Lu Ming's ability to make money.

Lu Ming suddenly smiled, looked at the other party and said, "Mr. Brian, do you think it's possible? Can Wall Street do it? Dare? No! Dare not, not even 5%!"

One of the most critical elements in the agreement is that Tiansheng Capital guarantees the bottom line for the profits of this fund, that is to say, no matter how much money it actually makes, even if the investment fails and loses money, it will not only protect the principal for Wall Street, but also protect the capital. It is necessary to continue to pay the annualized profit of 10% of the principal. This is the case every year, and Tiansheng Capital has the right to voluntarily terminate the contract after 10 years.

For Wall Street, the biggest temptation of this investment is that it can make a steady profit without losing any risk, and it is 100% certain, because Tiansheng Capital has made a credit endorsement in it.

This investment will bring an absolute profit return of $143.5 billion over the next 10 years, an average of $14.35 billion a year, not counting inflation over the past 10 years, which is quite tempting.

What capital hates most is risk, and this investment is theoretically risk-free, unless Tiansheng Capital, which endorsed its credit, goes bankrupt and liquidates, but such a big non-bank financial giant, bankruptcy is almost in theory~ Even bankruptcy takes time to feedback, and Wall Street can withdraw before it goes bankrupt.

John Braine immediately said: "Mr. Lu, compared to your company's 165% annualized return on investment, 10% is too low."

Clearly, Wall Street is showing its greedy side unabashedly.

Lu Ming said with a smile: "Tiansheng has gone through a period of crazy high-speed growth, and the diminishing marginal benefit is an inevitable trend. With Tiansheng's current size maintaining a profit growth of 165% every year, and continuing to multiply, the capital of all human beings is not enough. How long will it last?"

Just when John Brain was about to speak, Lu Ming immediately said: "Listen, Tiansheng Capital has been rejecting the excess capital in the mainland, it's not that I'm short of money to beg you, but I'll give you ten years to win. money-making opportunity.”

For a time, the negotiations between the two sides fell into a deadlock stage.

This negotiation has been going on for nearly half a month before the two sides met. Today is the final date, and there must be a result.

In the following time, the two sides are still negotiating with you and me, and there are many adjournments during this period.

Even if it is 0.1%, both parties are striving for it. In the face of the capital scale of hundreds of billions, even 0.1% is an absolute figure of several hundred million, which is a huge profit.

At around 19 o'clock in the evening, the two sides met again and negotiated the final figure, which was a ratio of 11.37%.

In other words, regardless of the profit or loss of this fund in the next ten years, Tiansheng Capital will give Wall Street a profit margin of 11.37%. If this investment loses, Tiansheng Capital will pay for the shortfall, but if it is profitable, for example, in fact When the return reaches 50% in a certain year, the extra part is owned by Tiansheng Capital, which has nothing to do with Wall Street.


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