Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 532: [Old Yang floats away]

Monday, December 3.

Big A ushered in the first trading day of the week today. As soon as the morning session opened, the Shanghai Stock Exchange opened with an upward gap of +2.27%, a rather strong upward gap.

Before the market opened, investors from all walks of life were optimistic about the market this week, but they did not expect to go so strongly.

The index opened more than 2 points higher, which is absolutely rare in this year's big A. The reason for such a strong market today is that there was a lot of major news during the two-day weekend last weekend.

The top trending search on the privacy detection APP is only one of them, and the hot spot that really caught the world's attention was during the weekend off last weekend. New tariffs were imposed, and a series of constructive proposals were put forward on how to resolve existing differences and problems.

In short, this is the expectation that the trade war will turn well, and it is reported that the atmosphere of the dialogue is harmonious, and the dialogue time exceeds expectations.

This is obviously a major news that is good for the global capital market. In addition to this, there is another major news during the weekend, that is, the interim period loosens the stock index futures, and reduces the futures margin and transaction fees.

These two pieces of news are both real positives for the capital market. The first is an expected positive, and the second is a real positive.

Affected by the news over the weekend, the two cities opened sharply higher in early trading.

The brokerage sector rose sharply at the opening, Huaxin shares opened at the second limit, and many brokerage stocks followed suit. Among them, Tiansheng Holdings, the leader of the brokerage sector, opened flat and moved higher. percent.

However, the goose could not break through. Tiansheng Holdings basically remained in the range of 40,500 to 41,500 yuan in the fourth quarter, and it oscillated back and forth in the amplitude range of about 2.5%. Technical analysts saw that Tiansheng Holdings had to lose its hair like a trend. This pattern may break out of new highs at any time, but it looks like it is the main shipment.

But the problem is that this is Tiansheng Holdings, and everyone who can afford it is rich and not stupid. It is really difficult to cut their leeks.

For the technical analysis school, it is impossible to analyze the "stock king" technology no matter how bullish it is. If there is a technical school involved in this stock, it must fall below the price of 40,500 to determine the broken position, the shape is bad, and it will be decisive to leave the market.

Tiansheng Holdings did not hit a new high, and the transaction scale was as normal as before, around 3 billion to 3.5 billion per day.

Most investors in the market thought that Tiansheng Holdings would hit a new high today, but it was impossible to get up. The leader of the brokerage sector did not make a "statement", which was very troublesome, resulting in no movement in other brokerage stocks. Rise, fear the head and tail.

As a result, Huaxin shares were quickly closed within 5 minutes after the opening of the market. The only closed ticket in the brokerage sector was also blown up, and the funds that wanted to enter the brokerage sector were directly cowardly.

There are many smart people in the stock market. Many people are actually staring at Tiansheng Holdings, because it may break through at any time, and it may break at any time. The two trends may indicate two completely different market outlooks.

However, after the brokerage sector did not perform as expected in early trading, funds began to flow to other sectors.

The brokerage sector did not want to perform today, and other sectors soon came out.

Due to the good news over the weekend, a consensus was reached on bilateral economic and trade issues. Affected by this, the shipping sector rose sharply in early trading, and Zhongyuan Ocean Energy once closed the board. , Xinghuajin opened a word board.

Today's brokerages have high expectations from the market, and they pulled their hips within minutes of the opening. Today, the most intense long-short team battle of Big A was staged in the cybersecurity concept section, attracting spectators from all walks of life to watch it. Out of the limelight.

The main force of the two sides in the battle is the four-way bull camp represented by the hot money team of Lao Yang and Brother 8000, while the main force of the empty camp is the trader of Tiansheng Medium and Small Chuang 300 under Tiansheng Capital. The battlefield is in the current network security concept section. The leader, which is also the current leader of popularity in the two cities, has gone out of Renzixing, which has been out of 10 consecutive boards.

At this moment, Lu Ming didn't enter the trading room to trade in person, and he no longer went out in person, but now he is also paying attention to today's market trend.

However, it is worth mentioning that Tiansheng Small and Medium Creation held the ticket of Renzixing not because Lu Ming had previously notified the traders under him to hide in advance, but the traders themselves had chosen this target.

Retail investors basically don’t know that this institution is still Tiansheng Capital, because the traders of SME 300 deliberately avoid appearing on the Dragon Tiger list when they enter the market, but Lao Yang and the others know that there are institutions involved.

Of course, other investors in the market know that there are institutions involved, such as Lao Yang, but that's all, there is no way to know which institution is participating.

Last Friday, Lao Yang took 8,000 brothers to relay Renzixing. He is the main force of the 10th board closing board hot money. Lao Yang's hot money team has made a lot of money in short-term operations this year. The latest vote is to be Dongfang Communications , This ticket has gone through a wave of main rising waves, the stock price has risen to 17.93 yuan, and it has risen +243% cumulatively from the bottom, which is the big monster in October.

The current trend has gone bad, and it has entered a downward channel, but now everyone except Lu Ming does not know that Dongfang Communications has only completed the first stage of the main wave.

Lao Yang and the others made it early, but they didn't finish the whole section of the main Shenglang. They sold it a few times in the middle, and basically no one could eat the whole section of the main Shenglang, but Lao Yang and the others also came in and out. I still earn 45% from heavy positions on the market, and it is not an exaggeration to say that blood is profitable.

Now Dongfang Communications has become an old demon. The current leader in popularity is Renzixing, and the trend is stronger than that of Dongfang Communications. Last Friday, Lao Yang and the others did this ticket again, and they earned about ten last time. Just ran away.

There is no way, the current market is not easy to do, not many people dare to set up.

In addition to the price vote, Tiansheng Holdings is beaten to death, Lao Yang and the others are fast-forwarding and fast-exiting. They don’t dare to set up a pattern, but there is no way to do the same vote back and forth. Now the market is so bad, there is no identification. I don’t even dare to do tickets for degrees. If I want to make money, I can only be a big monster like Dongfang Communications in October and Renzixing from November to now.

After the results of the call auction came out this morning, Lao Yang had faintly realized that something was wrong. Renzixing opened only +1.27% higher today, which was far lower than his psychological expectations.

Stimulated by such good news over the weekend, coupled with the emotional blessing of the privacy monitoring APP, Lao Yang was very optimistic during the weekend. He judged that Renzixing must be going strong today. For a daily limit board, it is best to directly close the board without any stepping back after the opening. This time-sharing form is the strongest, and the premium tomorrow is also high.

If you get out of such a form, there is a high probability that you will take the acceleration word board tomorrow.

If the opening price is lower than 5 points, it cannot be opened high. The actual opening price is only slightly higher by +1.27%. Although it is not as good as expected, it is not unacceptable. As long as it does not open low, it is fine. It is still quite strong. If you step back and step out of the lower lead, it will be troublesome, which means that the form is weakening.

As a result, the trend in the five minutes before the opening was lower than Lao Yang's expectations again. Renzixing started to fluctuate and flattened, and then began to step back and once turned green, the only 1-point floating profit was about to turn into a loss.

If you don't make a move, it will turn green. Lao Yang secretly scolded the power of the empty party in his heart, and then said in the voice channel: "Brother 8000, you immediately enter the market to support the market, and the price of 18.3 is 5000 hands to undertake!"

Lao Yang was forced to protect the market to guide funds and emotions. At this time, there were only two options for him. The first was to protect the market. Last Friday, I came in and bought 170 million yuan. The cost is 18.28 yuan. The cost is too high. More than 8 million If you don't want to admit losses, you have to defend the market, hit a new high, and hit the price difference.

Lao Yang also doesn't want to admit his losses. In the past six months or so, he has basically made money out of shorts. Every month, the big monsters have participated in varying degrees. Lao Yang also has a temper. Not only does he have a temper, but now the capital scale of their hot money team has risen to nearly eight or nine hundred million.

Admit loss? Dissatisfied!

If Lao Yang knows that his opponent is Tiansheng Capital, if he knows that Tiansheng Medium and Small Chuang holds 335,000 hands and more than 10,000 hands, he will raise his cards, if he knows the positions of these 335,000 hands The cost is only about 11 yuan... If Lao Yang knew this, he would definitely run away with the first nuclear button without any hesitation.

But the problem is that Lao Yang didn't know this information. Brother 8000 said in his voice at this time: "5000 lots have been traded, a total of 9.15 million."

The moment when the 5,000-handed singles entered, it officially opened the prelude to the most exciting long-short war that broke out in the two cities of Big A today.


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