Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 533: [Multi-air team battle]

With 5,000 large orders from 8000, Renzixing's stock price rebounded and rebounded. Seeing the obvious signs of large capital entering the market, immediately followed the trend and entered the market to go long, and the stock price that is about to turn green directly V Going up, holding the position of 18.3 yuan, under the relay of follow-up funds, the stock price rose to +1.59% at once, and more funds began to enter the market.

Lao Yang was quite satisfied, but he didn't leave, and kept staring at Ren Zixing's market.

As the current leader of popularity in the two cities, Renzixing is the top 1 in the popularity rankings of major stock trading software. The popularity of the big monster stocks has been followed by too many people, and Lao Yang is less than one. Tens of millions of dollars brought emotions up.

The reason why the main force is the main force does not lie in the scale of funds. A single main force fund must not be able to compare with the entire market. No matter how little retail investors have money, you can’t hold back their many people.

The reason why the main force is the main force is that he can take the lead in choosing the direction for the market, so that the market can form a joint force. Run with the retail investors who follow the trend.

Time has passed, and Renzixing's stock price has reached a new high, rising to +3.16%, and the time-sharing line has reached the time-sharing average price line.

Lao Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and now he is staring at Renzi's time-sharing chart, allowing the market capital to slowly rise. If he steps back on the intraday time-sharing average price line, he can only support the market again. He is very clear that Renzi is walking now. Emotional hype, the time-sharing form cannot go bad, otherwise the OTC funds will not dare to follow up if they are scared.

At the same time, Lu Ming also paid attention to the target of Renzixing. He did not end the game in person, but he already knew that his own small and medium-sized 300 companies were also involved. The traders were the group of young people he taught. One of Lu Ming's close disciples, the level of sickle is naturally needless to say.

In the second half of the year, the 300 small and medium-sized companies have basically participated. There is no way. If you want to make money, you must participate in the monster stocks. If you don’t do it this year, don’t even think about making any money in Big A.


But said Ren Zixing's current disk trend.

The time came to 9:55, Renzixing's stock price was at 19.25 yuan, and over-the-counter funds bought 7,500 lots, and the stock price had soared to more than +5%. This big order was not made by Lao Yang, but another. A hot money.

As the current leader of popularity in the two cities, the main force in Renzixing is not only Lao Yang, but there are several hot money participating in the hype, including some institutions. After all, it is the treatment of the popularity leader.

Around 10 o'clock, Renzixing's stock price accelerated to +8.42%. This wave of strong rise has the momentum of hitting the 11th daily limit.

But then the stock price quickly fell back to +5.72%. After about five minutes, Lao Yang, who had been staring at the disk, couldn't sit still, and immediately issued a trading order: "The 100 million of the pending order will go in, and I will set it on fire!"

100 million purchases, a total of 51,000 hands were put in, and the list went straight up. Renzixing's stock price suddenly soared to +9.26%, and the trading volume increased. The board players followed up at a glance, and the joint efforts of the bulls were further strengthened.

At 10:08, Renzi's stock price hit 20.07 yuan, and the third hot money player entered the market, investing 16,000 hands at the daily limit of 20.13, totaling about 32 million.

Under the joint efforts of the market, the daily limit was quickly closed, and the 11th daily limit was reached, and the total market value reached 13.6 billion.

In this minute, the trading volume was high, with 320 million transactions, and the orders on the board were quickly superimposed to as many as 100,000 lots, and the time-sharing barrage was brushed at this time.

"Seal the board, the main force!"


"Renzixing is self-willed, 11 boards!"

"The reduction board, the hand-changing is not sufficient!"

"too crazy!"

"The board is successful, I hope everyone is fine."

"Get up, keep getting up!"


Just when a large number of retail investors were cheering for the main force, Renzixing only lasted for less than 30 seconds to seal the board before it exploded. All 100,000 sealed orders were eaten by the bears, and the long funds took over Tiansheng on the board. Small and medium-sized Chuang 300 has 80,000 hands, and the remaining 20,000 hands are taken near the sealing board and fried.

At about 10:10, the bulls quickly regrouped. Lao Yang and the second hot money player who entered the market bought a total of 30 million at the price of 20 yuan. Lao Yang's team bought 12 million, and the board was successfully closed again.

Not long after the board was closed, foreign capital also entered the market, and bought a total of about 11.5 million at the daily limit price.

After the first 100,000 hands that sealed the board were instantly smashed open, Lao Yang realized that he might become a pick-up man, but he did not give up, and he had already done it and could only bite the bullet. Today, the board must be sealed. After closing, we continued to intensify our efforts. After the closure, we went to the daily limit to do another 20,000 lots, totaling 40.26 million.

This time, the daily limit was finally blocked, and the order directly exceeded 110,000 hands, which seems to be stable.

However, the good times did not last long.

At the time node of 10:25, the short side once again smashed 130,000 lots, the daily limit exploded in an instant, and then the stock price plummeted, the increase narrowed to +7.36%, Lao Yang and the fourth hot money who entered the market directly here Hardly resisted 53,000 hands.

Lao Yang's heart is so bitter.

The second hot money who entered the market also took 19,800 hands here, but never took it again later, choosing to wait and see the whole process.

After the explosion this time, Renzixing's stock price began to fluctuate at a high level. In the last hour of the morning market, it stepped back on the intraday time-sharing average price three times. It did not return the seal until the end of the morning market. Fortunately, it did not fall below the intraday price. Average price line.

The trading volume of Renzixing in the early trading was huge, soaring all the way from the top 15 to second only to Tiansheng Holdings. At 11:20, it surpassed Tiansheng Holdings and topped the trading volume of stocks in the two cities today. Renzixing was in the morning trading. The two-hour transaction volume reached 2.7 billion, while the early trading volume of Tiansheng Holdings was 2.2 billion.

During the market break at noon, Lao Yang was also reviewing the market to prepare for the afternoon opening. At this moment, his heart is really bitter. He has made more than 200 million in the back and forth, and now the total position has soared to 381 million, although the bullets are still very high. Sufficient, but this ticket does not allow him to throw money into it crazily. At most, he can only make another 290 million to go in. If this number is exceeded, 5% of the cards will be triggered.

Raise the placard, this is absolutely impossible, he is not a long-term shareholder, and this position is basically the top of the historical level.

Lao Yang never imagined that today's short-selling volume could be so terrifying. He and several other longs and hot funds joined forces and failed to close the board. Now it is a dilemma. Today, we must buy a board, otherwise the market will recognize that 20.13 yuan is the top. , No matter how stupid the chives are, they don't dare to come in and take over the plate easily.


The empty side won the first half, the time soon came to 13:00, and the second half officially started.

At the beginning of the midday session, the board walked for about 10 minutes. At 13:11, Lao Yang decided to continue to be strong and put a hard top.

Once again, 22 million yuan was directly ignited. At about the same time, foreign capital also continued to enter. Lao Yang teamed up with 150 million foreign capital to launch an attack in the midday session, and a total of more than 170 million yuan was forced to seal the daily limit again.

At this time, the total market value of the positions in Lao Yang's hands has reached 400 million, but he is not happy, it is hot.

At the moment of closing the board, the trader of Tiansheng Medium and Small Chuang 300 issued a sell order again. This time, he only placed 10,000 lots, about 20 million or so, but the daily limit was still open.

At 13:17, the daily limit was closed again. Lao Yang followed 4,000 orders. This time, the number of orders on the board remained at around 37,000, and the follow-up funds were significantly reduced.

However, the traders of Tiansheng Small and Medium Chuang 300 still did not let go of the main force of these sealing boards, and continued to smash 12,000 hands on the board, totaling more than 24 million, and the market was smashed again.

"The grass and mud horses are still smashed? Even if they are smashed, they can't be released all at once? Nirmala is a target." At this moment, Lao Yang, who has always been well-mannered, couldn't help but yelled in his heart, if it wasn't for Brother 8000, they were on the voice channel. Li was not yelling in his heart.

Lao Yang's heart is really bitter, is the current market so difficult to do? In the past, it was easy to close the board by tens of millions. Now that the amount of funds has been raised, why is it suddenly so difficult to make a daily limit?


At 13:24, Lao Yang once again ordered to buy 20 million to sweep the list. After the transaction, he was surprised by the trend of the market, and he did not close the board immediately.

Lao Yang realized that he was going to play out this time in all likelihood, and he could not close the board immediately, indicating that the confidence in the follow-up funds had obviously declined, and they had raised their vigilance. At this moment, Lao Yang was not trying to make more money and left, but thinking How to save yourself and run away tomorrow.

At 13:45, the third hot money player who entered the market finally couldn't bear it anymore. He bought more than 35 million yuan on the daily limit board, and completed the closing board again. The other hot money players who entered the relay today are also contributing. , Everyone knows very well that if this board is not sealed up today, life will not be easy.

However, this time the closing board once again surprised Lao Yang and several other long-term hot funds. After the daily limit, the number of closed orders was less than 10,000 hands, and the confidence in the follow-up funds was seriously insufficient.

After sealing the board this time, the last hour of the end game finally stopped being noisy, and there was no more frying.

But this board is obviously a bad board, and tomorrow's trend is not optimistic. Today's long funds will become short positions tomorrow.

Lao Yang complained in his heart: "This daily limit is too difficult to ride on a I won't!"

After doing short-term trading for more than half a year, this time is the most difficult for Lao Yang. As long as he sees the position size of 445 million, he will be under great pressure. Who can handle so many goods?

Tomorrow is definitely going to leave, and Lao Yang has completely given up the idea of ​​being able to break out of the game, as long as he can leave.

In other words, he is mentally prepared to eat the limit down, and if he eats the limit down, he will lose more than 40 million yuan.

If I knew it would be like this, I should have just smashed the game and admitted the loss in the morning. It is meaningless to say this now.

Time passed by minute by minute, and when it came to the closing call for auction, Lao Yang and several other hot money were almost stunned.

It turned out that the traders of the small and medium-sized Chuang 300 also sold 7,800 lots during the call auction stage. This operation was extremely insidious. The final available order was only 1,136 lots, and it was almost impossible to close the daily limit.


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