Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 806: [Market value surpasses Tesla]

Entering the weekend weekend, Tianchi Technology is the most popular stock in the stock market.

Since the reversal of this stock from the bottom of 6.19 yuan to the present, in a total of 20 trading days, the stock price has risen to a maximum of 91.08 yuan, and the cumulative increase has reached +1371.40%, which is 13.71 times.

The stock market and other major stock trading platforms or forums, and teachers of big V are all in the review analysis, and they are bragging about the total leader of the universe, Tianchi Technology.

At the weekend, a news came out in the market and went viral in the circle, which even attracted investors from forum platforms such as Taoba and Xueqiu to blow Tianchi Technology into the sky.

The news spread is said to be the content of an internal meeting of a fund manager of a domestic public fund. The fund manager focused on Tianchi Technology at the meeting.

He believes that the current market's valuation logic for Tianchi Technology is completely wrong. The market is still benchmarking companies like Tianchi Technology with traditional car manufacturers. If such a valuation logic is used, then the company's 245.9 billion Market capitalization is clearly frothy in the eyes.

However, the valuation logic of Tianchi Technology cannot be compared with traditional automobiles. The fund manager believes that Tianchi Technology belongs to platform enterprises, network enterprises, Internet enterprises and digital enterprises.

With a market share of over 70% and an enterprise that is about to create an annual production and sales volume of one million vehicles, the value of the automobile big data is inestimable for the increasingly intelligent new energy vehicles.

Then the entire valuation logic system of Tianchi Technology will be drastically changed, and its growth will be unbelievable. How should such a company be valued? How many times the price-earnings ratio is reasonable?

40 times? 50 times? 80 times? 100 times? 150 times?

This fund manager is benchmarked against the current platform digital giants at home and abroad. A platform digital giant like Amazon is given a price-earnings ratio of one or two hundred times by the market. Amazon has also been losing money, but its revenue is constantly hitting new highs.

Tianchi Technology is obviously in a growth stage. At this time, it is meaningless to look at indicators such as profit, debt, and roe. What we really need to look at is its revenue growth rate, and the most important thing is to look at Tianchi Technology's market share.

In general, Tianchi Technology, which is in a period of rapid growth, is valued at a price-earnings ratio of 200 times, which is completely reasonable. Once Tianchi Technology enters the profitability stage, the price-earnings ratio of 200 times will be quickly digested.

The fund manager's analysis report on Tianchi Technology was almost wildly circulated in the circle over the weekend. Investors were dubious and even thought the fund manager was crazy.

But if you think about it carefully, it does not seem unreasonable. The future application scenarios of new energy vehicles, intelligence and unmanned driving are the future trends. This is also the future layout of Tianchi technology.

The currently listed "Flash Spur" models cannot be unmanned, but they have reserved room for technological upgrading. At the "Shin Spur" press conference, they have already demonstrated its driverless function to the world.

It’s just that it has not been opened so far, but people have found that the development speed of unmanned driving and artificial intelligence is the future that can be touched by the naked eye. It is no longer limited to the stage of storytelling and concept-telling. The practical application stage is almost something that will happen in the foreseeable future.

With all these, Tianchi Technology's valuation logic really can't be viewed in accordance with traditional fuel vehicle manufacturers.

The news spread wildly over the weekend, and most of the investors were still deeply suspicious, and the reason was that they believed that this was the main force to be shipped. Therefore, after releasing this kind of news, it rose more than 13 times before I started to tell this kind of story. People take over.

However, this news has had a great impact on the domestic investment circle. Regardless of whether the news is true or not, in terms of the content of its analysis, many institutional investors have re-analysed it, and they are very recognized for it.

Some of the institutions that have stepped out of the sky have even adopted aggressive strategies overnight, and entered the market next week to build positions. Because Tianchi Technology's entire valuation system is valued according to the logic of big data and Internet platform companies, the current stock price is still cheap.


On Monday, September 9, the first trading day of the new week arrived as scheduled.

Today, Tianchi Technology opened the market, and once again raised the one-word daily limit to open, the stock price rushed to a record high of 109.29 yuan, becoming another 100 yuan stock in the big a and two cities, and the market value reached a height of 295.083 billion yuan.

Accelerating the second into the third board, investors are suspicious of life. Can the main rising wave turn over a dozen times and go for the second wave of the main rising wave?

In the volatile market last week, some people who thought it was the main shipment were also dumbfounded.

At 9:51, Tianchi Technology's one-word board exploded, and the stock price was accompanied by a huge dive. The intraday lowest price dropped to 95.56 yuan, and the increase narrowed to the +5% water level.

But it quickly reversed the +15%, and then turned around and dived, and the amplitude of the time-sharing chart on the disk was particularly violent.

It is obvious that the profit-making market has fled, and the hot money and retail investors participating in the hype, those who have the first-mover advantage, are all closed when they are good, because it is really high and very high.

The violent fluctuations in front made the participants realize that they can’t have a brainless pattern, and they can end up with a good deal, so as not to retreat and play lonely, if the mood ebbs, they may have a big face.

However, after the stock price fell below the 100 yuan price, the undertaking was very strong. It dived sharply to the price of 95.56 yuan at the opening, and never came down again.

The reason is that fund managers are building positions below the price of 100 yuan, and they are flying up, and there are more than one or two.

Although the vast majority of big a fund managers are not even as good as retail investors, especially the so-called professional graduates, who have never experienced a bull-bear cycle, relying on the advantages of the platform and capital, they will do nothing but form a group together. , just like the group holding market in early 2018, even with these advantages, there are not a few people who can lose money.

But it has to be said that there are still a small number of fund managers who are still capable, at least passing through a bull-bear cycle, and are more awe-inspiring and more competent than those young fund managers.

In the eyes of the vast majority of retail investors, they only saw that the share price of Tianchi Technology has risen from 6.19. In just 21 trading days, it has increased by more than 16 times, and it has already risen to the sky. It's stupid stuff.

But in the eyes of institutional investors who have opened positions today, the current price is still a very cheap bargaining chip.

At 11:16, Tianchi Technology returned to the daily limit, and walked out of the second "t" board, which is also a two-in-three board. When the closing board was completed, the transaction volume had expanded to a huge volume of 14.2 billion, and the transaction volume had also hit a new record. New high since listing.

Today's board, Tianchi Technology has also created a new achievement, that is, the market value surpasses Tesla for the first time, and investors from all walks of life in the market are also talking about it.

According to Tesla’s latest stock price calculation, its market value is over 40 billion US dollars, which is about 280 billion yuan in RMB.

When Tianchi Technology just surpassed Biyadi's market value a few days ago, investors began to look for new benchmarks, and finally benchmarked Tesla. Now Tesla's market value has also been surpassed, and there is no benchmark. .

Now, Tianchi Technology has become the benchmark for other new energy vehicle stocks.

As a leader in the industry, your Tianchi technology has risen by as much as 16 times. Our little brothers and other hair should have risen by a factor of You have risen by 16 times, and it is not too much for me to rise by 1.6 times?

This is like a high-end residential area in a big city whose house prices have risen several times. It is impossible for the prices of old, broken and small houses around to stay the same. Your high-end residential area has risen tenfold, and the old, broken and small next to you will have to follow suit no matter what. Two or three times, the lot is placed.

When it comes to the stock market, other new energy stocks and miscellaneous stocks are also miscellaneous stocks in new energy.

Therefore, the main line of the current market is undoubtedly the new energy concept sector, and the miscellaneous hairs in the sector are also rushing north along with the cosmic leader, and the market has been going well recently, and the overall market environment is very good.

You must know that in the recent month, the market index collapsed from the beginning of August to around 2733 points, and now it has reached above 3000 points in September, challenging this epic magical point for the nth time.


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