Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 807: [Tianchi and Tesla's stock prices skyrocketed]

That night, Weilai Automobile soared before the market. The new energy car company went public in the United States in September 2018, and its stock price also went unnoticed, maintaining a sideways trend.

Until the end of February this year, the stock price peaked from $10.64 and began to plummet for many reasons, such as the termination or reduction of state subsidies.

One of the factors that cannot be ignored is that this month coincided with the launch of Tianchi Technology's first model "Flash", and the subsequent 24-hour pre-sale data broke Tesla's record.

In the industry, this is regarded as a turning point in the reshuffle of the new energy industry.

Weilai’s stock price has also plummeted, hitting a new low of $1.19 yesterday. In just half a year, Weilai’s market value has shrunk from $10 billion to $1.252 billion now.

But today, Weilai's pre-market trading began to skyrocket!

When the U.S. stock market opened, Weilai opened sharply higher by +22.76%. After the opening, it continued to fluctuate and rose all the way. The intraday increase once reached +112.96%, and the market value expanded to 2.6 billion US dollars.

Not only Weilai, but Tesla also soared. Tonight opened higher by +17.36%, the highest intraday price surged +33.53%, and finally closed at +28.13%. Tesla’s market value closed at $517.64. About 368 billion yuan.

The market capitalization scale has surpassed Tianchi Technology.

This time the new energy stocks in the U.S. stock market have skyrocketed, which is stimulated by the big a, specifically Tianchi Technology.

Further, the North American capital market has also begun to change the valuation logic of the new energy industry today. Tesla's biggest pain point is the production capacity problem, but with the production and operation of the super factory in Shanghai, Tesla has also The burst capacity phase will start.

Obviously, Wall Street capital has also recognized the valuation logic that new energy vehicle companies are data network platform companies, which means that related companies will directly lead to revaluation of value, and at least some of the capital has recognized and actively bought Tesla's stock.

Tianchi Technology in the Eastern Hemisphere has skyrocketed continuously, and Tesla's share price in the Western Hemisphere is still halving.

Tiansheng qdie made a lot of money again, because Diving Capital has invested heavily in Tesla's stock and Weilai's stock, which has already lurked in it.

Especially with Tesla's stock position, Tiansheng qdie accounts for more than 20% of its total share capital, which is more than the founder Elon Musk's 19.5%, but it does not appear in Tesla's major shareholder seat. .

Because Tiansheng qdie's holdings are all the shadow shareholders of diving, in this "cat and mouse game", the North American Securities and Exchange Commission esc has nothing to do. You check a shareholder a, and finally you find that he is holding it for shareholder b. Shareholder b investigated and found that it was held on behalf of shareholder c, and what was even worse was that shareholder c was still an organization with a large vote of shareholders...

Who knows how many layers are nested in here? Who the **** is the real master behind this fund?

In today's era, capital has entered the financial capital stage from the industrial capital stage of the past. Capital flows globally, and the strong liquidity of financial capital is like water.

It's too hard to get hold of it.

At the current transaction speed, the change of hands of a transaction is calculated within seconds. For one account, n accounts can theoretically complete n transactions within one second. Cash out!

Tiansheng qdie's diving capital relies on the global flow of US dollars to reap profits, unless the ugly country also learns from rabbits to implement foreign exchange control, which is obviously impossible, or cross-border to Ningzhou to investigate Tiansheng Capital and arrest Lu Ming , this is even more impossible.

It is far more difficult to accurately trace the diving funds of Tiansheng qdie, because the asset allocation account of Tiansheng qdie diving capital is dynamically managed.

Take Tesla's stock holdings as an example, its holding account will not be placed in the current account for a long time, but will be continuously exchanged for vest holdings from time to time. Account a holds the stock for a period of time, directly from the second level. The market sells off, and then the new b account is bought and held from the secondary market, and the change is completed in the secondary market.

How to check this?

Even if esc broke through the previous difficulties and finally found account a, it turned out to be an empty shell with nothing, but it was transferred after staying here for a while.

The dynamic management of asset allocation accounts is very necessary. Of course, the transaction costs incurred during the period are included in the management costs, but these additional costs are like a drop in the bucket compared with the appreciation of asset prices. After all, the efficiency of harvesting is placed.

Lu Ming's strategy in the new energy industry is actually quite simple. In the short term, he does not expect Tianchi Technology to be globalized at all, and the risk is very high. If you spend a lot of money in it and you are sanctioned by a list, it will be troublesome. Entity real estate , The withdrawal of heavy assets will not be as fast as the financial capital market.

However, the global profit premium of the new energy industry still eats.

how to eat?

Of course, it’s just holding stock assets led by Tesla. It doesn’t matter if the overseas market does not compete with Tesla. Tianchi Technology can sit in the Greater China market.


U.S. stocks Tesla and Weilai Auto have skyrocketed, and investors from all walks of life in Big A are even more excited.

Now there is a situation in which new energy stocks in the two major capital markets of the East and the West form a linkage effect and resonate with each other.

Investors in North America said that the valuation logic of Tianchi Technology, a stock A-share on the other side of the ocean, is correct, and Tesla's valuation system should be revalued... up!

Investors on the big a side are excited to see that the US stock Tesla has skyrocketed, saying that the US stock Tesla on the other side of the ocean has skyrocketed, how can Tianchi Technology lag behind? The shipment volume of "Flash Sprint" reached one million production and sales this year, which is a sure thing, with a market share of more than 70%, which should be more powerful than Tesla... up!

Some investors said that you see that the North American capital market has recognized that the valuation logic of new energy vehicle companies should be benchmarked against data network companies and platform giants like Amazon... Bullish!

All in all, it's over! It's right up!


Tuesday, September 10.

At the opening of Da A today, Tianchi Technology’s call auction opened at 116.09 yuan, +6.22%, a new record high.

After the market opened, the stock price of Tianchi Technology oscillated all the way up, and did not bring back stepping action. The bulls were very strong. The daily K line came out of the barefoot Yang line, and the body of the Yang line continued to rise.

More fund managers are running into the market, while the investors who were washed out last week are skeptical that in their lives, the stock price of Tianchi Technology has been rising to new highs and new highs.

Until now, there are still a large number of investors who are deeply skeptical of the logic revaluation boasted by various voices in the market.

But Tianchi Technology's share price kept hitting new highs amid the doubts and hesitations of investors.

It is not difficult to find that the K-line chart that this stock has come out since its listing, the plummet in the first half month of listing, all the way down to the bottom of the epic gold pit of 6.19 yuan. At that time, the fear of the holders was overwhelming, and they held 500 shares. They may owe 100,000 yuan, and if they hold 5,000 shares, they may owe more than one million yuan. At that time, I don’t know how many holders could not sleep at night because of this retail investor.

As for the current stock, it can be said that the trend that Tianchi Technology has come out of over a month has perfectly deduced a sentence: the bottom is formed in panic, and it skyrockets in doubt, no accident. will end in madness.

At present, retail investors are still in doubt and hesitation, and it can be seen that it is still early to reach the peak.

At 9:52, the major market software pushes news:

[The new energy sector continues to rise, and Tianchi Technology’s four-day limit rises, the stock price hits a record high of 131.14 yuan, the total market value is 354.078 billion yuan, and the turnover is 7.956 billion yuan]

Investors in the two cities were all stunned and doubted life.


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