Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 810: 【Rise to Doubt Life】

At 9:25, Tianchi Technology's call auction results came out today, opening +4.65% at a price of 137.24 yuan, continuing to new highs.

Lao Yang, who was staring at the board, said nothing, and he was also asking how high Tianchi Technology could go in this wave.

But it is impossible to predict, and there is no selling point at present.

Before the opening of the market, Lao Yang couldn't help but switch to the US stock Tesla to take a look. This stock continued to rise last night. The current market value has reached 62.8 billion US dollars, or about 446.3 billion yuan.

According to the current latest market price, Tianchi Technology has a market value of 370.5 billion yuan.

"Are these two tickets playing Wudang Tiyun Zong..." Lao Yang was a little dumbfounded. The current market is very strange. It is the first time that Lao Yang has encountered such a market. The leading stocks of new energy vehicle companies are linked to each other, showing a double spiral upward trend.

It can be called the left foot stepping on the right foot, and the ladder cloud rises vertically.

Investors in the U.S. stock market have skyrocketed against Tianchi Technology in the mainland. Tesla can't be left behind, up!

Investors in the mainland are also benchmarking against Tesla, seeing Tesla skyrocketing, Tianchi has no reason to lag behind, rise!

The market value of Tianchi, a domestic investor, should be higher than that of Tesla. After all, sales and market share depend on each other, although Zheng Hongrui, the head of Tianchi Technology, once made it clear that the company will not expand globally in the next three to five years. Layout and focus on managing the Greater China market.

But everyone knows what a Greater China market means. This market is large enough to breed world-class industry giants.

Ali, Penguin, and ByteDance, which has now been valued at hundreds of billions of dollars, are all giants in size.

In short, the entire market is now bragging about Tianchi Technology, and the valuation logic of new energy vehicle companies has changed. This is not a traditional auto company. This should be a network company, data-based company, platform-based company, and Internet-based company. Two hundred times no problem.

In short, the sky is blowing, and the funds run into the field.


The market opened at 9:30. Tianchi Technology gapped and opened high and then opened high and went high. It fluctuated all the way up, attacked with volume, and made new highs and new highs.

Funds are very strong, all kinds of funds are running into the market, and retail investors are still hesitating. They are greedy and fearful without first-hand. Seeing Tianchi Technology soaring so rapidly, it is very uncomfortable to step into the air.

Lao Yang sat in front of the computer screen without doing anything, just stared at the disk.

Because there is no selling point, his cost advantage is even lower than that of the venture capital institutions that kill panic disks, so he is very calm.

Tianchi Technology's stock price continued to rise in a frenzy.

At 10:58, the major market software pushes news:

[The new energy sector has set a rising limit, Tianchi Technology has five consecutive boards, the stock price has reached a record high of 157.36 yuan, the turnover exceeds 11.8 billion yuan, and the total market value is 424.872 billion yuan]

The big A and the two cities were stunned. Today, the market is green, and the two cities have basically no profit-making effect.

However, the new energy vehicle sector has gone out of the independent market, and the high tide has been high after the high tide, and the tide is higher than the tide.

The first wave of the market started on August 15th, that is, after Tianchi Technology joined the board for 4 days, the new energy sector began to fly. Before Tianchi Technology joined the board, the new energy sector did not move, and the follow-up funds had not yet ended.

Then the first wave of the market began to differentiate after Tianchi Technology was bought and collapsed by the magister.

Then, in September, Tianchi Technology once again broke through the high and volatile range, and opened the market with a one-word daily limit to get out of the second wave of continuous market prices, and the new energy sector was once again taken away.

In other words, the market hotspot in the last month is new energy, and today's main line is new energy, and the profit-making effect is basically concentrated in this sector.

Retail investors who do not have permission to participate in the Science and Technology Innovation Board, or those who are afraid of heights, turn around and go to the main board to buy stocks in the new energy sector. As long as Tianchi Technology is still rushing northward, new energy can continue to be happy.

Tianchi Technology has risen to the point where hundreds of millions of investors doubt their lives. When it fell last month, no one would have thought that the stock could rise from 6.19 yuan to today's 157.36 yuan in one month.

The cumulative increase has hit +2442.16%, an increase of more than 24 times. Ten days ago, many investors were discussing whether Tianchi Technology's market price would surpass Shunhao Demon Emperor, which has doubled 18 times in 29 consecutive boards. Before being bought by the magister, the investors were still discussing whether the share price of Tianchi Technology could break through 100 yuan.

As a result, today's stock price has exceeded 150 yuan, and the cumulative increase has not only surpassed that of Shunhao Demon Emperor, but also has thrown eighteen streets away.

In just 23 trading days, it has increased by more than 24 times. Investors can't even imagine that this market will be so crazy, and they can't see the meaning of the end. It is this moment when they say that they are doubting life.

After the close, Tianchi Technology's turnover was locked at 14 billion, compared with 10.2 billion in the previous trading day, today's heavy volume is 3.8 billion.


Tiansheng Capital headquarters, in Lu Ming's office.

"Tianchi Technology has shown a short-term skyrocketing trend recently, and speculation is prevalent. This is a report sent by Mr. Zheng from the parent company. It contains a consultation on whether to announce risk warnings to the market? Or even take the initiative to apply for suspension of trading?" Han Qiulin entered the office and handed over the materials. To Lu Ming.

"Don't worry about it, just build a car and engage in technology research and development?" Lu Ming took the materials and threw them aside without looking at them. He immediately picked up the landline phone on the table and prepared to call Zheng Hongrui's office.

But Lu Ming put the phone back and didn't plan to tell the other party directly, so he looked at Han Qiulin and said, "Tell him, the capital market situation, Tianchi's operation management doesn't have to worry about it, this one has the parent company's eyes on it. The energy is spent on building cars well and on the technical level.”

Han Qiulin nodded, and after a while she also said: "But Tianchi Technology is indeed too speculative at the moment. Should we arrange a report to properly curb speculation in the capital market?"

The closing price of Tianchi Technology today is 157.36 yuan, and the market value has soared to 424.8 billion yuan. Is this valuation overvalued or undervalued? If it is placed in Tiansheng Capital, it must be underestimated in Lu Ming's eyes, because he sees the trillion level.

But the problem is that the process of this round of valuation is too short. The cumulative increase from the bottom of 6.19 yuan has reached +2442.16%, which is more than 24 times. Even if it is calculated from the issue price of 13.70 yuan, the cumulative increase has reached +1048.61% , the issue price has also doubled tenfold.

"No, don't look for scolding, the management didn't say a word, what are we worried about?" Lu Ming shook his head and rejected her proposal, and added: "When you come out and shout at this time, you are actively seeking scolding, and a large number of retail investors will respond. You are scolding, and you are completely unhappy for yourself."

Han Qiulin was puzzled.

Seeing her like this, Lu Ming smiled faintly: "Do you believe it or not? I jumped out at this time to warn the risk, and the next day there will be a scene of scolding messages under the social account. If the warning is given, Tianchi's stock price will continue to skyrocket. Your people will hang you up because you made me sell too early, and now 100 yuan has risen to 120 yuan, 120 yuan has risen to 150 yuan, and you have made me earn a lot less."

"Some people may be calm, but in fact they also know that it is a process of drumming and spreading flowers. You have to know that human nature is this kind of greedy gambling, and he will never wake up until the last moment. At this time, if you dance As soon as you come out and say it, or break it, you will become the bad guy in his eyes, and you will scold him."

Lu Ming paused, looked at Han Qiulin and said, "If the risk does not rise but collapses after being warned, do you think someone might come out and thank you for your risk warning?"

I saw Lu Ming laughed and said: "No, no one will be grateful to you, many people who took the last shot went bankrupt overnight, and he would go to your comment area to scold you, saying that you didn't come out and beep beep. I won't lose so much money, it won't collapse, and even if it collapses, it may not collapse on my head. In fact, I can't lose money, just because you said it there and said it collapsed. "

"And what about the person who didn't participate? He didn't make any money when it skyrocketed from 20 to 40, to 80, to 150, and he won't thank you. He thinks it doesn't matter whether he collapses or not, so you jump out and say After that, whether it continues to rise or collapse, you will become the bad guy in their eyes, which is human nature.”

"The people involved, in fact, they all know that it is now a relay race for drumming and passing flowers, whether Tianchi is a re-evaluation of its value logic, and whether it is really worth the price, they don't care at all, and they don't care whether this thing is true or not. What you're betting on is actually betting that you're not the one who takes the last shot."

As soon as Han Qiulin heard this, she was speechless to refute, so she didn't mention it again.

In fact, this is a huge interpretation of human greed, so Lu Ming did not jump out and say a word when all kinds of gods and demons danced in Tianchi Technology during this time.

He just watched silently and looked on coldly. If he had nothing to scold, wouldn't he be sick? Lu Ming didn't have such a hobby.

Things like this, as long as you open your mouth, you will definitely become a bad person. The person who takes the last shot will blame you for making him lose blood, and the person who sells early after listening to your words will also blame you for letting him miss the opportunity to make a fortune, etc. .

Therefore, it is the wisest choice to sit on the Besides, Lu Ming has already given the market's 460,000 retail investors a huge first-mover advantage and low-priced chips. The issue price of 13.70 yuan is really enough for the secondary market. The premium space is already being done with benevolence and righteousness, and it is almost necessary to feed directly.

Can't hold it or can't hold it, it's their own life.

After a few years of new shares issued in the market, some stocks with an actual value of 5 yuan will be priced at 200 yuan per share in the secondary market, and investors who are new to the secondary market will hardly be able to eat the premium.

By that time, all kinds of noodles will be eaten and I will feel pain. Retail investors will definitely miss Tianchi Technology's ultra-low issue price of 13.70 yuan, and they will remember the goodness of the first brother. This is also human nature.



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