Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 811: [Lao Yang: This money comes really fast! 】

Time came to September 12, the A-share market ushered in the last trading day before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Today, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets opened higher, and Tianchi Technology still continued its crazy upward trend. Today's auction opened +4.34% at a price of 164.20 yuan. Lang launched the upside for the sixth consecutive daily limit.

Watching the stock price go up, Lao Yang couldn't help trembling in his heart. Since entering the market for so many years, even in the two bull markets at 6124 and 5178, he has not been as excited as he is today.

Tianchi Technology is crazy like this, even Lao Yang has a hard time suppressing his inner emotions, this market is too crazy.

Up to now, the leading stocks of new energy vehicle companies in the two capital markets of the East and the West still continue the "ladder cloud vertical" linkage market. Last night, Tesla rose again by +14.36%, and the market value reached 70.9 billion US dollars, or about 5009 billion RMB.

The stock prices of the two major energy car companies have played a game of chasing and catching up. Wall Street long investors valued Tesla in the benchmark A-share Tianchi Technology, and domestic long investors valued Tesla in the US stock market. Tianchi Technology conducts a valuation.

Tianchi Technology is on the left foot, Tesla is on the right foot, and then each other's left foot and right foot style soared upwards. The investors of Big A called it Wudang's stunt "Ladder Cloud Vertical" style, and they were also stunned on both sides. of other non-participating investors.

At 11:09, the major market software pushes news:

[Tianchi Technology has six consecutive boards, the stock price hit a record high of 188.83 yuan, the total market value is 509.841 billion yuan, and the turnover exceeds 20.2 billion yuan]

Today, for the first time, the daily turnover exceeded 20 billion yuan, and it has also become the stock with the highest turnover of individual stocks in the Big A and the two cities today. The stock king has already been held down.

At this moment, Lao Yang's mood swings are also trembling with his body, and he has a huge impulse to stop profit in his mind, because today is the last trading day before the holiday, and he is worried that there will be regulatory news within three days of the holiday.

He wanted to place a sell order several times, but the greed in his heart had overcome the fear in his heart, and greed was even better.

Lao Yang chose to continue the pattern, staring at the time-sharing disk of Tianchi Technology and gritted his teeth: "I'm afraid of the cost of 6.19, as long as the sealing board doesn't explode!"

At this time, Lao Yang's brain seeds are also buzzing, unable to judge the top, unable to judge where the selling point is.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with selling it, but Lao Yang’s cost is too low, the profit pad is higher than Mount Everest, and there is nothing wrong with the higher income of the game.

Tianchi Technology has soared from the price of 6.19 yuan to 188.83 yuan now, with a cumulative increase of +2950.56%, which is also Lao Yang's current cumulative rate of return, which is nearly 30 times the horror profit.

Today's daily limit, the absolute value of the stock price has increased by 31.47 yuan, in other words, the market value of Lao Yang's account has increased by 867 million today, which is equivalent to more than 4 times the principal.

Yesterday's board-player could take up to 20% of the principal's profit today, but Lao Yang could take 408.40% of the principal's profit, so it's no wonder he couldn't calm down.

At the end of the closing, Tianchi Technology closed the board, and the turnover expanded to 23.8 billion.

Lao Yang didn't sell one share, and after the market closed, he looked at the information on the position target of the securities account and said with emotion: "This money comes really fast!"

Target held: Tianchi Technology (688868)

Number of shares held: 27.55 million shares

Average transaction price: 6.19 yuan

Current market price: 188.83 yuan

Market value of holdings: 5.2022 billion yuan

Profit and loss of the day: 867.0 million yuan (+20.00%)

Floating profit and loss: 5.0322 billion yuan (+2950.56%)

Total assets: 5.2022 billion yuan

Lao Yang was stunned for a long time looking at the size of the account's assets, and his worth suddenly soared to the level of 5 billion. His previous goal was to strive for assets to reach the level of 1 billion in the next five years.

Unexpectedly, it has not only surpassed the level of 1 billion, but also reached the level of 5 billion. The sudden increase in value has made Lao Yang a little difficult to follow.


Tonight, many domestic investors and investors who boldly hold shares in Tianchi Technology are paying attention to the trend of Tesla. Now these two stocks are linked to each other. How will Tesla open tonight, and how the stock will be during the domestic holidays? Going, emotionally, will also have a great impact on the market outlook of Tianchi Technology.

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the big A will not open the market, but the US stock market will open normally. It is also very important how Tesla goes.

What is very interesting is that investors in North America also think the same way, but the two have been exchanged. They think how Tianchi Technology will go is also critical to Tesla's emotions.

But there is a key difference. There is currently no foreign investment in the Science and Technology Innovation Board. Because it has not been released yet, foreign investors actually want to buy Tianchi Technology shares, not only Tianchi Technology, but also Pinduoduo. Foreign investors also want to purchase.

Now I can only stare blankly, so foreign capital cannot directly affect the trend of Tianchi Technology on the disk.

Today, Tianchi Technology on the A-share side continued to rise by a 20-centimeter daily limit. Investors on the U.S. stock side were also very excited. Tesla rose sharply before the market.

By the opening of the evening, Tesla opened higher by +8.56%, and then opened higher and moved higher.

The final share price closed at $457.13, up +15.48% again, the market value climbed to $81.881 billion, or about 578.7 billion yuan, and Elon Musk's worth also climbed to $16 billion.

Tesla continued its sharp rise tonight, and its market value once again surpassed Tianchi Technology, which has a market value of 509.8 billion yuan.

Big A's investors are happy, these two tickets are the rhythm of "Tiyun Zong", the left foot is on the right, and the stock prices both fly up.


On the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival on Friday, September 13, U.S. stocks opened.

Tesla rose again before the market, and after the opening, it rose by +25% in the rest of the session. The market value once exceeded the 100 billion mark.

On the same day, Tesla’s stock price closed at $540.46, up +18.23%, and the after-hours market value was locked at $96.807 billion, or about 683.9 billion yuan.

Investors who hold shares in Tianchi Technology are excited about the holiday. This holiday is very comfortable. They were worried that there will be bad news. Now Tesla in the outer market has also skyrocketed, and it has skyrocketed by 36% in two days.

After the opening of the market next week, Tianchi Technology has stabilized, and it will definitely continue to rush!

Tesla's market value in RMB has gone to 700 billion, and Tianchi Technology is currently less than 510 billion. The actual sales are stronger than Tesla's, and the market value should not lag behind!

During the three-day holiday, it was expected that there would be supervision in the village, but it did not.

If there is no news, that is the biggest positive news. In the major stock forums, there are countless people who are hyping this stock, and the teachers are all hyping it up.

The market gave Tianchi Technology a new target price expectation, that is, 375 yuan per share and a target market value of 1,012.5 billion yuan.

Blow directly to the market value of trillions!

Various stock reviewers, as well as many teachers, said that the top few companies in the U.S. stock market are tech giants. On the other hand, as for Big A, five of the eight companies with a market value of trillions are banks, and Tiansheng with the largest market value is Tiansheng. Holding is also a non-bank financial The other is Zhongyou and Maotaijiu.

Stupidly, there is not a high-tech company with a market value of one trillion yuan, a huge mass China region, the world's economy second only to the United States, and there is not a technology company with a market value of more than one trillion yuan. Old books say this is too unreasonable.

Among the more than 3,000 listed companies in the entire Big A, it seems that in the big technology sector, only Tianchi Technology, which has just been listed, can take on this responsibility.

In short, the teachers have all blown to the sky, and the fermentation of Tianchi Technology in the three days of the holidays has already seen a trillion-dollar market value.


(Ps: Today, the total market value of Big A has evaporated by 4.52 trillion, and people are already numb)


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