Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 988: [An unprecedented record worth, 1 trillion US dollars! 】

As soon as the bidding results came out and the news was pushed, the popularity of the stock king continued to soar.

"I don't ask if you are angry, but if you are convinced?"

"I've taken it, I've taken care of it, the big a has all kinds of dissatisfaction... [covers face and laughs]"

"It's really speechless. San stupid fell off the chain at a critical moment, and finally broke through. Isn't it good to take advantage of the strong market of the stock king to directly bring the market up?"

"Haha~, the big capital has started to play the seesaw drama of pressing the plate again. Don't imagine that the stock king and the three fools can take off both powerfully. The two are a seesaw effect. Instead, press the plate.”

"Yes! This is not the first time. It has been playing like this two years ago."

"Understood, the st stock king will immediately buy the bottom of the Stud brokerage!"

"Be careful of the scumbags stealing your house. Do you think the three fools will rebound after the stock king's opening and adjustment? No! The most likely situation is that the bottom will grind you to death, and at most give you a weak rebound. It's because you see it through, there are too many things that dogs don't play with."

"Isn't the track stock not good? The first brother is singing too much, why is he always staring at the brokerage? It is impossible to buy new energy?

The market opened at 9:30, st Tiansheng firmly sealed the one-word board, and the 5g board opened higher in early trading, but the two cities maintained a trend of shock and slow decline as a whole.

Because the three financial idiots are suppressing the entire market, Zhongyou also dropped more than 3 points to pay tribute.

In the entire brokerage sector, all brokerage stocks turned green collectively, but it was the only st stock in the sector that turned red, and it was still a one-word daily limit +5.00%, which is st Tiansheng.

Investors have been unable to complain, which is a must.

But there are still people who can't resist the temptation to buy securities companies stocks at the bottom, because most people are afraid of highs, and sectors such as semiconductor boards have soared before and at the beginning of the year, and they have rebounded by more than 20 points now. dare not chase.

On the contrary, the relative valuation of the brokerage sector is currently much lower, and now they have played a seesaw game with the stock king. Many people have seen it and feel that the securities company stocks are relatively safe. Well.

Therefore, there are also a lot of funds for the game to enter the ambush in advance.

As of the close at 15:00, the three major indexes of a-shares fluctuated and closed lower, and the Shanghai index closed down -1.04% at 2871.52 points.

Friday, May 8, the last trading day of the week.

The market is looking at how high the stock king can play after this wave of breakthroughs. Two trading days after the st hit, two one-word daily limit boards came directly. Although the height of the two boards is equivalent to the one before the st, it is also Unexpectedly.

It is worth mentioning that Bitcoin rose sharply last night and returned to the $10,000 mark. Previously, it was hit by a black swan of y love on March 13, which once exploded to $3,869.5, and it has accumulated since the bottom today. nearly 1.6 times.

This morning, during the call auction stage of the A-share market, the concept of digital currency has also changed.

But to say that the most popular stock in the two cities is st Tiansheng, the call auction results came out at 9:25, and after another minute, the major market software pushed news:

[After the st Tiansheng Festival, the third consecutive one-word daily limit was reached. The latest stock price was reported at 163,897.55 yuan, a new record high, and the latest market value was 13,111.804 billion yuan]

The market is stunned, and it is impossible to accept it!

The fact that the daily limit price has come out today also means that the stock king's previous ex-rights and ex-dividend dividends of 1.19 trillion have completed all rights filling and reached a new high, and it took only about a month to complete the filling rights.

This is the fastest time for Tiansheng Holdings to fill in the rights since the previous dividends.

Excluding exchange rate changes, Tiansheng Holdings has a market value of about 1.85 trillion US dollars, surpassing Saat Aramco and returning to the throne of the world's largest listed company by market value.

In recent months, due to the oil price war, the share price of Saat Aramco has continued to fall, and it has long fallen below the $2 trillion market value mark.

After the stock king topped out the third one-word daily limit, the index was really a bit unstoppable.

At around 11:20, the securities sector rose slightly, Tianfeng Securities closed the daily limit, and Zhongyin Securities, Guojing Securities and other stocks followed suit.

Yesterday, in order to press the market, the big financial sector was relatively ruthless. As a result, it ushered in a rebound today. The market knows that the top of st Tiansheng is rushing, and the big financial concept sector will fall, and the two are in a seesaw relationship with each other.

Investors who are big a and one-vote chicken thieves began to roll in, and the game level intensified. They directly predicted their opponents' predictions in advance. Without waiting for the stock king to open the board to adjust, those who grabbed the rebound first copied it in and pulled it up.

The result is that today's market conditions fluctuated, opened higher and closed higher. The Shanghai Stock Exchange once again stood at the 2,900-point mark during the session, and slightly broke through the previous high.

As of the close, the Shanghai Index closed up +0.83% to 2895.34 points, still shrinking and rising. To a large extent, the stock king continued to be on the same page. There is a lot less volume here, resulting in the overall market volume still not released.

The stock king closed up +5.00% on the third consecutive board today, the stock price was reported at 163,897.55 yuan, the daily turnover was slightly heavy to 3.284 billion yuan, and the after-hours market value was 13.11 trillion yuan.

Today is the first time that the stock king has stood on the stock price of 160,000 yuan, and it is also the first time that the market value has exceeded 13 trillion.

The stock price of the stock king kept hitting new highs, and Lu Ming's nominal worth kept hitting new highs.

Previously, 5.5% of the total share capital of Tiansheng Holdings was transferred to Guo Jia's team, and the transfer price was 550 billion yuan. This money Luming promised to support high-tech industries such as semiconductors, biomedicine, and artificial intelligence. At present, only less than 30 billion yuan has been invested.

In addition, for the 1.19 trillion dividends, Lu Ming's personal share ratio accounted for more than 500 billion, but after the dividends were received, a small part of 10% was allocated to the family fund, and most of the 90% was allocated to the Science and People's Livelihood Fund. Ming personally obviously does not keep any dividend funds.

Finally, adding that the current share of Tiansheng Holdings is 49.5% of the total share capital, according to the company's latest market value today, it is about 6.49 trillion yuan.

In total, Lu Ming's latest nominal worth has reached an unprecedented 7.01 trillion US dollars. According to the latest exchange rate against the US dollar, it has just reached 1 trillion US dollars.

The first person in history with a personal wealth of $1 trillion was born today.

This record number has also caused a lot of heated discussion on the Internet today. There is no doubt that this is an unimaginable astronomical number. For ordinary people, 1 trillion yuan or 1 trillion US dollars is nothing. The concept, in short, can't be spent in a lifetime.

However, a peculiar phenomenon is that Lu Ming should have been the object of the most hated wealth by the public, but in fact he has become the object of the least hatred of the rich.

Because more and more people now know the difference between nominal market value and cash value.

The former has a lot of moisture and is even called paper wealth, because the wealth that is not cashed out is indeed puffy; the latter is real money, so it is different.

Although Lu Ming's worth is exaggerated, more than 90% of it is reflected in the stock market value. UU Reading

These are actually not the point. The reason why everyone hates Lu Ming's wealth is because he combines knowledge and action. Tiansheng Capital has distributed cash dividends over the years. According to the proportion of Zhang Company's equity, Lu Ming has divided the cumulative dividends to 1.45. Trillion yuan, these are real money and silver under his name.

But more than 90% of the money has been allocated to the Science and People's Livelihood Fund. Not to mention that there are no newcomers, but at least he is the first person in history. What's more, the vast majority of the money he has earned over the years is from overseas profits.

Lu Ming's net worth soared to 1 trillion US dollars and rushed to the hot topic. The comments from netizens were generally in the minority.

Now there is good news, and bad news.

The bad news is that the money is spent more and more every year, but also more and more; the good news is that Yi Ge is very young now and has plenty of time.


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