Rebirth: The Financial Giant

Chapter 989: [John: Quickly open the board, we want to get on the bus]

92% of Lu Ming's worth is reflected in the stock market value of Tiansheng Holdings. Normally, the stock market value is a very false wealth on paper. Some rich people seem to be worth tens of billions, but they are all stock market values.


Once he chooses to reduce his holdings and cash out on a large scale, the stock price will inevitably collapse and dive on a large scale. Assuming that the 10 billion market value is fully cashed out, it is not bad to be able to cash out 3 billion yuan, because the founders have all cashed out their own company's stocks. , indicating that the company has no future, and no one will be a fool.


However, in this situation, in reality, there are basically no rich people who are stupid enough to do this, but will play other routines to indirectly cash out, such as equity pledge and other operations.


As for the equity of Tiansheng Capital owned by Lu Ming, the market value of this stock is really not puffy. Even according to the undisclosed first-quarter financial report, the current market value of the corresponding company is seriously underestimated.


The latest market value of Tiansheng Holdings is 13.11 trillion, but the company's total assets at the end of the first quarter have reached an astonishing 19.23 trillion, and the net asset scale has reached 18.93 trillion.


Strictly speaking, assuming that Tiansheng Capital is now dissolved and liquidated, and a minority shareholder holds shares of Tiansheng Holdings with a market value of 100 million, then when the company's assets are liquidated, he can actually obtain a net asset of about 140 million.


It can be seen that Lu Ming's market value is not only devoid of moisture, but is undervalued, because the current company's actual value does not match the stock price, and the actual value is much higher than the market value reflected by the stock price.



Today is Friday, and the evening is the time window for the issuance of A-share IPOs, and the village has quietly tripled the speed of IPO issuance. A total of 12 companies have obtained IPO approvals next week. In a single week, the speed of 4 companies increased to 12, and the IPO approval and issuance speeded up again.


12 companies in a single week also set a new record for A-share IPO issuance in a single week this year. Perhaps this is to further implement the capital market’s mission to help the real economy, but for the current A-share market, the speeding up of IPO issuance at this moment It really hit the confidence of investors and the market, and poured a pot of cold water on the investors who had been highly anticipated for the next breakthrough of Big A.


The village chief will directly throw out 12 houses next week, largely because he is not satisfied with the trend of Big A today.


The original intention of the village is to hope that the market index will not rise so fast. In the recent short-term market, from April 28th when the stock king reversed to pick up people today, in just six trading days, the market bottomed at 2758 and rose to the highest point today. Reached 2903, a cumulative increase of 145 points.


Anyway, the village chief feels that the rise is too fast, not good!


The most important thing is that today's market capital savvy is too poor. The stock market is on the top of the board. The big financial sector, especially the brokerage sector, is very restless, and it directly brings the index together to break through.


The original intention of the village is to let the stock market go up first. It is better for the market to go sideways or to go up a little. Then the big financial sector cannot change at this time. When the stock enters the adjustment stage, it will perform well. Protecting the index, stabilizing the market, etc., as a tool in the toolbox, there is the awareness of the tool.


As a result, the tool sector was booing at this time, and a group of chicken thieves in the market found that the stock king was playing a seesaw with Big Finance, pre-judging the market's predictions in advance, and went in first to copy Big Finance's lead.


have to!


Since the enthusiasm of the market is so high, the village chief threw 12 new stocks out for IPO next week.



The next day, around 10:00 on Saturday morning, it was nighttime in North America on the other side of the world, but John Bryan stayed up late to start a video connection with Lu Ming.


"Mr. Lu, you should be aware of the additional agreement between the two parties. You also have the ability to influence your company's stock price trend, but why has your company's stock price hit the daily limit for three consecutive times recently?" John Bryan expressed in the video. Very dissatisfied.


At this time, Lu Ming was in the study room at home to start an encrypted video connection with the other party, and he was not worried that the other party would leak the secret, because it would only be harmful to them and not beneficial. It will not sell the chips, but choose to die.


They were dumped out of the car last month, and now they have to get in the car again.


John Bryan is only a representative of Wall Street capital. In the first three trading days, the stock market has been on the top for a row, and the stock price has rapidly increased from 140,000 yuan per share to the current 163,000 yuan per share, all the way to the top.

This makes the Wall Street capital who are all looking forward to returning from the holiday and getting on the train again. How can they get on the train in this situation, and wait for the order to go all the way up?


Wall Street is also not sure what the other party's routine is, but there are precedents for referring to the past.


That is, in 2018, Tiansheng Holdings also washed out the foreign capital, and then continuously topped the daily limit. .


It's not ruled out the possibility of repeating the same trick this time, so John Bryan came to the door.


"What is the additional agreement?" Lu Ming asked knowingly, with a puzzled look on his face.


"Oh, come on, you don't come here, when is the time, isn't it bad for us to be honest?" John Bryan immediately patted his forehead and said angrily and helplessly.


Do you, Lu Ming, know about this kind of thing?


"You make a temporary request, and it is not a manifestation of sincerity, Mr. Brian." Lu Ming said lightly.


"Uh..." John Bryan was at a loss for words, but immediately said calmly: "You can't speak like that, Mr. Lu, this time you cut too hard. Goldman Sachs only followed the car for $4.2 billion this time. Several major institutions here That adds up to $30 billion, which is nothing compared to what you're taking away from the North American market."


While John Bryan was talking, his expression was also cruel. This time, America, I confessed, and I could only turn around and print out trillions of dollars in anger.


However, when Lu Ming saw the other party's expression, he didn't really understand it that way. Now Lu Ming himself and his superiors are on guard, and they are ready to welcome the other party back with a carbine.


With the old beauty's urination, is this a thing to admit? Seriously, it's not America.


"Okay, Mr. Brian, let's stop talking nonsense, you are taking up my rest time." Lu Ming immediately cut to the chase. Since he agreed to let the other party drive halfway, no ink was left, and then he said: "I want to get on the bus, You have to listen to me on my turf, and I'll give you 25 trading days until Friday, June 12."


John Bryan, who was on the line, didn't say a word, listened carefully, and murmured in his heart: Madfake, you're on break, and I'm still up late at night talking to you!


This time, Wall Street asked to get on the bus, and the total amount of the other party's major capital was 30 billion US dollars, or about 210 billion yuan.


Lu Ming paused for a moment and added in an orderly manner: "In 25 transactions, how do you enter the 210 billion yuan, you can discuss it yourself. But I would like to remind you in good faith that it is best for you not to loot, do a good job of distribution, and keep a low profile. Act, your chips can only be taken from other institutions such as the Norwegian pension, if they find out that the market is reluctant to sell, I can only say that I am very sorry."


nice romance novel


John Bryan said succinctly: "No problem!"


Lu Ming nodded and said again: "Around the end of this month or the beginning of the month, I will release some sudden negatives, and dig a hole in the stock price. This hole is probably in the price range of 150,000 yuan per share... Don't get me wrong, this is not A pit dug specially for you to get on."


When he heard Lu Ming say that he wanted to dig the stock price to 150,000 yuan, John Bryan couldn't help but light up. He was thinking that this **** **** was a little sincere. The thought came up when he heard the next sentence. , John Bryan's face was just about to come with a smile, but it disappeared in an instant.


Lu Ming said indifferently: "This pit is reserved for our latest social security fund, to say hello in advance is to tell you not to loot, the social security fund is enough, if there are any remaining chips, you can wait Get started."


In this short period of time, John Bryan has greeted the other party several times in his heart, and then he responded with a blank face: "OK, OK, we will pay attention, we will not rob, you can rest assured, Mr. Lu!"


In his field, he can only listen to what he has to say, there is no way.


I can only hope that this **** can be a little more ruthless when it comes to the bad news, so that he can scare out some cheap chips.





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