Xie Ama wiped his face and began to join in.

The number of people will increase the strength. A dozen big guys worked hard together, and it took half an hour to stack the boulder aside.

Li Changfeng was panting tired, his resolute face was full of sweat, the boulder was removed, but Li Changfeng did not dare to look back.

He was afraid to see the person he had put on the tip of his heart lying on the ground without a breath.

"Huh, what's going on?"

Wei Lao Er looked at the place where the boulder moved away, puzzled.

Li Changfeng's body became stiff, his hands covered with blood and dry scars tightened on the stone.

"It's okay, okay..."

Xie Ama wiped his eyes back and forth for fear that he might not see clearly.

Hearing Xie Ama's breath of relief, Li Changfeng turned his head and looked there. After a long time, he knelt to the ground.

No one...

Excited tears dripped from Li Changfeng's eyes to the ground, slowly disappearing.

No one, does that mean that Xu Qing and the others are okay and nothing happened.

Li Zheng also breathed a sigh of relief. They rummaged all over the place. Except for some chickens and the flesh and blood of a pig, no other flesh was found. Xu Qing's back mountain only had stone piles and If the woods were washed away by water, it would be impossible.

Li Changfeng naturally noticed this, but what made him more concerned was that he found that he and Xu Qing were not in the closet destroyed by the boulder, as well as Tuan Tuan clothes. This is very strange, because Li Changfeng is on this closet specially. It was made for Xu Qing, and there is a mark engraved by him on it.

The clothes of the family are also placed in this closet, but now there is nothing familiar to Li Changfeng, even rags.

That can only mean that the clothes in the cabinet were taken away, and this person, Li Changfeng's eyes lit up, and it would only be Xu Qing himself!

"Get up quickly, treat the wound, Qing will be fine."

Uncle Xie and Lao Er Wei helped Li Changfeng up to persuade them.

"It's okay, thank you."

Li Changfeng bowed deeply to everyone present.

"What's the matter? It's all in the same village. You take a rest first. Our big guy will go to the back mountain to search and search. Qing brother and the child will definitely not go too far!"

Li Zheng said loudly.

Everyone nodded their heads and began to search for them separately on the mountain.

Naturally, Li Changfeng could not stop and take a good rest. He could not take a good rest without finding Xu Qing.

Xie Ama couldn't help it. Seeing Li Changfeng striding forward, Xie Ama hurriedly followed. He wanted to find it to be relieved.

Li Changfeng heard the footsteps behind him, turned around and said, "Thank you, you..."

"You think you can't calm down. I haven't seen A Qing and Tuan Tuan, and I can't rest for a moment."

Xie Amo said.

Li Changfeng paused.

"I still know, so please thank Ama and just wait in the village? I'm afraid Aqing will come back and stagger with us."

Xie Amo patted his forehead, "Really, why didn't I think about it! Okay! Then I'll wait in the village. You come back early and pay attention to the injuries on your hands."

Li Changfeng nodded and went to the back mountain.

The sky gradually darkened. Although it was May day, it was only a day of rain. The standing water on the ground and the wind and rain blowing down the fine branches on the road made people walk a little slower.

The crowd circled the periphery of Dahou Mountain several times, shouting Xu Qing's name without listening, but still did not get a response.

"It's dark, we can't go in anymore, let's continue coming tomorrow morning!" Li Zhengdao, he couldn't ignore the lives of everyone, the beasts in the mountains this night are not easy to provoke.

On weekdays, everyone also haunts the periphery, occasionally going in a little deeper to hunt, but it is also during the day.

"Thank you, everyone."

Li Changfeng and everyone returned to the Xu family's back road at the foot of the mountain.

"What are you polite, everyone will continue to look for tomorrow!"

After everyone left, Uncle Xie saw that Li Changfeng hadn't followed, and was a little surprised: "Changfeng, why don't you leave? Didn't you say go to our house and make do?"

The Xu family can no longer live.

Li Changfeng nodded, "Come in a while, I'll see if anything has fallen, you can go first."

"Okay, hurry up, it's not too late."

Uncle Xie didn't doubt that he had him, and asked Li Changfeng to follow the person in front of him.

Seeing that everyone had entered the end of the village, Li Changfeng quickly came to the scimitar that was turned over today, picked up the knife and pinned it to his waist, then took out a few more dry firewood, and hurriedly came again. Dahoushan went in.

As soon as he entered the back mountain, the place where his line of sight touched became even darker.

Li Changfeng has come in several times, knowing that the danger in the periphery is not great, so he walked a little faster.

If Xu Qing wanted to hide, he would not take the child too far, besides, he still had seven months of body.

Li Changfeng lit the torch and looked at his feet carefully for fear of missing a trace.

Although the soil under your feet was softened by rain, the animal's footprints can still be distinguished.

"Aqing, Tuantuan?"

Li Changfeng screamed all the way under the pressure of his voice, looking at the surrounding traces all the way, and couldn't scream too loudly at night, otherwise he didn't know what it would lead out.

This is the footprint of a pheasant, this is the shape of a snake, this is a wild boar, this is..., Li Changfeng stopped and knelt down.

This is a wolf? Or a dog?

Li Changfeng stretched out his hand to squeeze some of the soil with traces, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed, it's a dog! And it's the smelly dog ​​he is most familiar with!

Li Changfeng couldn't hide his excitement, stood up, followed the dog's footprints for a while, and found a pair of feet.

Li Changfeng was overjoyed. He didn't notice the surroundings. He just followed the footprints but only two steps before he was thrown to the ground by a black figure that suddenly rushed out from the side!

The torch was thrown aside and was quickly extinguished by the standing water on the ground.

Li Changfeng's eyes were dark, and there was a smell that made him sick!

He fought hard against the things on his body, but the harder he was, the more excited the beasts on his body became. Li Changfeng looked up, but saw a pair of greedy and hungry green lights.

It's a wolf!

Li Changfeng was surprised!

He quickly turned his head to avoid the big mouth of the hungry wolf, raised his legs and kicked the hungry wolf that was on his body!

The hungry wolf was kicked aside unsuspectingly, got up with a needle stick twice, and Li Changfeng kicked it painfully. At this time, it let out a low roar at Li Changfeng.

Li Changfeng took a deep breath and calmed down. He picked up the scimitar at his waist and held it firmly, but he was even more excited when he saw the green eyes of the hungry wolf opposite.

Li Changfeng lowered his head and saw that his hand had torn open the wound that had dried up a bit because of his force. The smell of blood radiated in the air. No wonder the hungry wolf was so excited!

At the moment when the hungry wolf could no longer bear to rush forward, Li Changfeng also waved the scimitar in his hand...

Tuantuan didn't go far, so he wandered around the entrance of the cave a few times, played in the mud for a while, and returned to the cave with Xiaobao.

He remembered Xu Qing and Li Changfeng saying many times that when the ground outside was wet, he would not be allowed to go out to play. He would just play in the mud for a while. It should be fine.

Tuantuan returned to Xiaodong, seeing that Xu Qing was still not awake, Xiaokou grinned, and after running over and rubbing Xu Qing, he amused himself.

Until Tuantuan was hungry and Xu Qing was not awake, Tuantuan stretched out his hand and pushed Xu Qing, and when he saw that Xu Qing did not respond, he shouted.

"Ah, Tuantuan is hungry, ah!"

Seeing that Xu Qing had ignored him, Tuantuan stretched out his dirty little hand and gently pinched Xu Qing's very cocked nose.

This was Li Changfeng's posture for Xu Qing to get up, and the little Tuantuan always remembered it.

The suffocation from the nose made Xu Qing, who was unconscious, frowned uncomfortably.

Seeing Xu Qing frowned, Tuantuan immediately shouted: "Ah! Ah! Tuantuan is hungry!"

Xu Qing opened his eyes, and what caught the eye was a blur, his head was too dizzy.

"Hey Tuan Tuan, Ah Ma will get you some food right away."

Tuantuan immediately became obedient, and even kissed Xu Qing with a small mouth.

The soft and moist touch made Xu Qing's eyes gradually clear, "Thank you, Tuantuan."

Thank you for waking me up and letting me know that I still have a responsibility.

Xu Qing propped up, sat up, and waited for the dizziness in his brain to dissipate a little, then simply got himself and Tuantuan something to eat.

Xu Qing didn't feel hungry at all, or even nauseated, but he had to eat something, or how could the child in his stomach support it?

After eating, Xu Qing saw Tuantuan's clothes stained with mud, and wanted to change him. After taking the clothes in the space, he suddenly caught a glimpse of something that he had forgotten for a long time, but now is very important.

Red Ganoderma!

Xu Qing has always been in the space, but forgot it. Although it is the lowest type of Ganoderma lucidum, it is also a medicinal material that can make Xu Qing better!

Xu Qing has a stomach of seven months now. These days when his body is a little weak, it happens to be usable.

Xu Qing entered the space while Tuantuan was going to feed the donkey. When he came out with his clothes and red ganoderma, Tuantuan hadn't come in yet.

Xu Qing broke a small part of the red Ganoderma lucidum and put it in the pot, then poured some spirit springs.

Ganoderma is a great tonic. Although he is a little weak, he is pregnant, so he can't eat too much. Although Lingquan Xu Qing doesn't know why it is of little use to him, he still poured some in.

After Tuantuan finished feeding the donkey, he went into the small hole. Xu Qing changed him into clean clothes and let him sleep for a while. It was already dark outside.

The child fell asleep fast and fell asleep not long after. Xu Qing looked at the sky outside, and some stars appeared, and it seemed that the sky was about to start to clear up.

Xu Qing wondered if he would be better in the morning after drinking the medicinal soup, and then he could go down the mountain with Tuan Tuan.

The rain stopped, and I don’t know if Changfeng was released back...

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