After the medicine was boiled, Xu Qing drank a bowl and rested for a while, feeling that his body was indeed better.

Tuantuan was already asleep and started snoring. Xu Qing drank the medicine and was also a little sleepy. Not long after she lay down, she heard a sound from the mountains outside the cave.



The sudden sound of wolves made Xu Qing sit up in shock!

The donkey outside whispered anxiously, and Xiao Bao ran to Xu Qing's side, with vigilance in his eyes!

This is the voice of a pack of wolves!

The appearance of a pack of wolves is not fun!

Xu Qing wrapped the sleeping Tuantuan in a quilt and hugged it into the space, and put the donkey in by the way.

Just when Xu Qing wanted to put Xiaobao in, Xiaobao was unwilling to live and die, and didn't cooperate at all. His eyes looked out of the cave from time to time, feeling eager to try.

Xu Qing sighed helplessly, "I'm going to go in. If you don't go in, if you are besieged and you become a roundworm in others' stomachs, I will not sympathize with you."

Unexpectedly, instead of listening to Xu Qing's words, Xiaobao suddenly rushed out!

"Little treasure?!"

Xu Qing said anxiously!

"Come back! Come back to me!"

Xu Qing strode to the entrance of the cave with a big belly and whispered, but Xiao Bao still didn't look back, and rushed forward extremely fast.

Xu Qing was so angry!

He couldn't take such a big risk now. Even if he had room to go in, it was already dark. If he tripped or was attacked by an animal in the night... Xu Qing couldn't even think about it.

The roar of the wolf in the distance is getting louder and louder, and it has a form of approaching the entrance of Xu Qing's cave!

Xu Qing didn't dare to stay longer. When he was about to return to the space, a familiar and tired voice made Xu Qing stop, light a torch and walk in the direction of the sound.

"Beast! Get out!"

Li Changfeng's body was already full of scars, and his thigh was torn off with a hungry wolf, and a piece of flesh and blood was torn off by the opponent.

Li Changfeng forcedly endured the pain and the dizziness in his brain, and rushed forward desperately, the hungry wolf actually began to summon the same kind!

The pack of wolves is not fun!

Li Changfeng didn't dare to love fighting too much, the hungry wolf was cut on his thigh with a knife, and it was naturally not as fast as Li Changfeng.

The hungry wolf looked at Li Changfeng in front of him with hatred, chasing him with a **** injured leg, but didn't want a lighted match to be thrown on its head!

"Chang Feng! Come here!"

Xu Qing held a small firewood and shouted at Li Changfeng!

Li Changfeng was ecstatic when he saw Xu Qing! But when he heard the painful sound of the hungry wolf behind him, he dared to run in Xu Qing's direction.

He made a sharp turn at his feet and ran to the other side. While running, he shouted at Xu Qing: "Go back! Find a safe place to hide!!!"

Xu Qing never expected that Li Changfeng would run away like this when he saw him!

Although he knew Li Changfeng's intentions, Xu Qing couldn't be moved at all!

"You stubborn donkey!!! Give me back!!!" I have room to save your life! !

Xu Qing shouted anxiously!

But he had a big belly again, and he didn't dare to run after Li Changfeng. Looking at Li Changfeng's limping appearance, all fools knew that he must have been injured!

"Hurry up...!" Li Changfeng's voice floated from a distance.

Xu Qingqi's chest was tight and painful.

Suddenly he heard the faint sound of wolf coming from other places, and when he rolled his eyes, he immediately called out loudly.

"Chang Feng! Come and save me! Save me!!"

After Li Changfeng had a meal, he heard Xu Qing's cry for help, and immediately ran to Xu Qing's direction without thinking about it!

The hungry wolf behind him watched Li Changfeng come to face him, his hind paws began to force, just when he was about to pounce! A shadow fell to the ground first! Open your mouth and bite hard at the neck of the hungry wolf!


The wolf sound full of pain and sorrow came from the hungry wolf’s mouth. It desperately wanted to break away from the guy who caused it to lose its vitality, but didn’t want the harder it was, the more blood flowed on it, and it didn’t take long. It won't move anymore.

Li Changfeng stumbled to Xu Qing's side.

"What's the matter? Where is the injury? Show me quickly!"

While talking, he pulled Xu Qing to check.

"No, I'm fine, and Tuantuan is fine too," Xu Qing tremblingly held Li Changfeng's hand, looking at the blood on his body, especially the blood on his thighs and hands.

"But you are not good."

Xu Qing touched Li Changfeng's messy cheeks.

"It's okay, there is the blood of the animal, yes! Go! The animal...," Li Changfeng said before he finished talking, Xiao Bao with a mouthful of wolf blood rushed to Xu Qing's feet, and touched Xu affectionately with his head. Clear.

"Come on, I'll treat the wound for you."

Xu Qing put Li Changfeng's arm on his shoulder, trying to help him walk.

Li Changfeng was unwilling.

"You are heavy, I'd better go by myself."

Xu Qinggang wanted to say that it was okay, so he was suddenly held in his arms by Li Changfeng and turned around!

After Xu Qing heard a muffled sound, Li Changfeng snorted, his body tightened, but Xu Qing did not let go.

Xu Qing raised his head and only had time to see the eyes that Li Changfeng had just closed.

"Changfeng?! Changfeng?!"

Xie Jiafufu, Lin Fangliang and Xie Ge'er who came back have been waiting for Li Changfeng to come over for dinner after they made the meal.

But almost half an hour passed, and Li Changfeng's figure was not seen.

"I didn't find A Qing and the child, he is afraid that he can't eat it." Xie Ge'er hugged the child and said.

"It's not just that he can't eat it, it's me, it's also hard to swallow."

Xie Ama's mouth is almost blistering.

When it comes to this topic, everyone present feels heavy.

"I'll go take a look."

Uncle Xie stood up uneasy and said, Lin Fangliang quickly followed.

"I will go with you."

But when Aunt Xie and Lin Fangliang arrived at the Xu family yard, they couldn't find Li Changfeng.

"Second Brother Li must have gone up the mountain!!" Lin Fangliang said with a tap of his head, "He is a stubborn person. If he didn't find the second brother, he wouldn't just let it go! He must have gone up the mountain!"

"Oh! What's wrong with that! Come on, let me go to Lizheng, we will gather a few folks and go to the mountain to look for them! The beasts in this mountain are not easy to provoke!" Xie Uncle said anxiously.

Lizheng was also anxious when he heard it, but it was Dahoushan, but the ancestors said that if you have nothing to do, you can't enter the forest casually, it's easy to die!

"I will immediately find a few good hunters on weekdays, and go to the mountains to find Li Changfeng!"

"Okay! I'll go to the village to find Lao Xia!"

Uncle Xie quickly said.

Li Changfeng was awakened by the pain in his thigh and back.

He opened his dry eyes and stared at the strange and familiar place in front of him, stunned.

The unfamiliar is the environment, the familiar is the things, but Xu Qing moved all the things that can be used in the home into the space.

Besides, there is a donkey and Xiaobao in the family squatting on the side.

"Wake up, come on, I just got my medicine ready."

A crisp and sweet voice came from behind Li Changfeng.

Li Changfeng quickly turned his head and looked at Xu Qing who was holding the ginseng soup.

"Daughter-in-law, is this place?" Li Changfeng asked in doubt.

"This is my secret base."

Xu Qing blew the soup medicine in the bowl and handed it to Li Changfeng, "Hurry up and drink it."

When Li Changfeng swallowed his mouth, he obediently drank the soup medicine in Xu Qing's hand.

"Where is Tuantuan?" Li Changfeng started to worry again when he saw Tuantuan.

"I'm asleep, I don't know how long he played today," he was covered in mud, and he didn't know where he went crazy while he was in a coma.

"That's good, that's good," Li Changfeng looked at Tuan Tuan not far away, and felt relieved. It's been a long time since he saw Tuan Tuan.

When I just thought of Li Changfeng who hugged and hugged him, he only felt a pain in his thigh. Just when he wanted to see what was going on, his back hurt again.

"Now that you know it's uncomfortable?"

Looking at Li Changfeng's painful look, Xu Qing teased.

"I scraped the rotten flesh of your thighs, and it hurts a little bit with the medicine. As for your back, it's not the tree you blocked, so you can get it."

Li Changfeng grinned for a while. Hearing Xu Qing's tone was not good, he didn't dare to argue more. He just looked at Xu Qing with a pitiful expression.

"Don't look at me like that! Lie down after drinking the medicine."

Xu Qing pulled away Li Changfeng's handsome face with his hands.

Li Changfeng obediently lay down carefully, and when Xu Qing gathered his things and returned to sit beside him, he stretched out his hand and held Xu Qing's hand.

"Fortunately for you."

Xu Qing smiled and lay down beside Li Changfeng. He was also tired. He would have fallen asleep at home on weekdays so late.

After a while, Xu Qing still didn't hold back the question.

"Don't you ask me?"

Li Changfeng closed his eyes and asked puzzlingly: "What do you want?"

"It's about this place and these things, don't you ask?" Xu Qingdao.

Li Changfeng stretched out his right arm, which was bandaged by Xu Qing, and touched Xu Qing's head, "I am glad you can tell me your secret, but I don't want you to suffer this kind of suffering again."

Xu Qing was caressed by Li Changfeng's gentle big hand in a daze.

"Listen to you, you already knew I had a secret?"

Li Changfeng didn't answer Xu Qing, but tightened his arm around Xu Qing.

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