Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1050: : I want to lie to me again! (1 more)

I met Zhou Yi at Zhou Cheng's house yesterday, and I ran into it again today outside the second old residence.

Yesterday was a coincidence. Today I feel like it was intentional. Zhou Yi knew that Xia Xiaolan was coming.

So it is a purpose to create a chance to meet?

Xia Xiaolan doesn't go in circles with Zhou Yi either. It's 8 o'clock in the evening now, and she wants to go back to school soon.

Zhou Yi gritted her teeth, how could Xia Xiaolan be so direct, not handing her a ladder, so straightforward, how embarrassed her!

The hateful man also urged:

"Are you okay? It's okay, then you rest on the spot for a while and wait for your feet to be numb before leaving. I'm going back first."

Zhou Yi grabbed Xia Xiaolan's arm as soon as he was anxious: "If something is going on, please let me take it easy and think about how to say it."

Xia Xiaolan thought of checking the dormitory at night, "Let’s talk while walking, I have to rush back to school."

She lifted her foot to walk, and Zhou Yi could only drag her heel.

After walking for a while, Zhou Yi didn't say anything, and Xia Xiaolan didn't worry. In the end, Zhou Yi couldn't hold it back. There is nothing new under the sun. Miss Zhou is now in the same situation as Tong Lili. She is in her twenties and has no career pursuits and achievements, so the family has to arrange a blind date.

At the beginning, Tong Lili's house arranged for Shao Guangrong.

The two families know the bottom line, and they are all right. The Shao family and the Tong family are satisfied with each other.

As for the opinions of the two young people?

How can young people have any opinions? Young people nowadays are too comfortable to pick and choose. In the past few years, many comrades' marriages were resolved through the organization.

How can Tong Lili like Zhou Cheng? Everyone is happy that Zhou Cheng likes her. Zhou Cheng finds a partner for herself, and Tong Lili can only stare.

She didn't know her opinion, and she had to obediently go on a blind date with Shao Guangrong.

However, Shao Guangrong runs faster than the rabbit, saying that he has the idea of ​​further studies and does not want to get married in recent years.

The Shao family couldn't resist Shao Guangrong's passive resistance, and the blind date between Shao Guangrong and Tong Lili ended.

"Tong Lili has seen another person, and they are now together."

Zhou Yi was absent-minded.

Xia Xiaolan said, "Then bless Miss Tong, I don't really care about her."

Xia Xiaolan felt it was a waste of time. Tong Lili really didn't care about her. If Zhou Yi weren't for Zhou Cheng's cousin, Xia Xiaolan could really leave this guy behind.

Zhou Yi also heard the perfunctory tone in Xia Xiaolan’s tone, Zhou Yi also had a temper, turned her head and wanted to leave...As soon as this thought came up, she was immediately slapped by Xia Xiaolan. Back down.

What's more, it seems that she can only consult Xia Xiaolan on this matter, because only Xia Xiaolan has the most experience among the people she knows.

Asking for help, Zhou Yi had to bow her head:

"Tong Lili and I are not so good now, I say this is not to ask for credit, but the relationship between the two people is a little bit unable to say to go together, and the relationship naturally fades. I want to say that Tong Lili is so temperamental that Tong Jia did not change her mind. , If I want to resist the family, is there no hope?"

Xia Xiaolan thoughtfully.

"Sister Zhou Yi, are you punishing yourself?"

Under the street light, Zhou Yi's expression was quite awkward, and Zhou Yi nodded if she wanted Xia Xiaolan to come up with an idea.

"I have a target, but I feel that my family will not agree. I am different from Zhou Cheng. My grandparents have always been partial to Zhou Cheng, and my second uncle also values ​​Zhou Cheng's opinions. Therefore, the family can't control what kind of target Zhou Cheng is willing to find. ...But I can't do it, no one will listen to what I say."

Zhou Yi may be a little flustered, and her speech is not so thorough.

What kind of person is Zhou Cheng willing to look for?

Xia Xiaolan touched her nose. She didn't seem to be ashamed of Zhou Cheng. What could the Zhou family object to.

"You made a mistake in the causality of things. Shao Guangrong didn't want to deal with Tong Lili, and Zhou Cheng was willing to deal with me. The nature of the two things is actually the same. Whoever has the ability has the right to speak!"

So why should family members oppose? Worrying about family members’ opposition? Either the person you are looking for is really not on the stage, or the impression that you have always given to your family is unreliable.

Xia Xiaolan doesn't know what kind of situation Zhou Yi is, maybe it's both, but the reason is still the same: if you don't work hard, you don't even have the right to marital autonomy!

Do Zhou Yi dare to resist her family? Going to work is a mess, and her salary is only to support herself. She can live in a big house and live a happy life thanks to her parents.

Parents disagree with the person introduced to them, so they have to choose by themselves?

Okay, let's talk about economic independence first!

If Zhou Yi's parents didn't care about her, her salary would just be enough to support themselves. Don't want to go shopping all day long to buy clothes, or have a meal with a group of friends.

The truth is not good, Zhou Yi's face was blue and white when Xia Xiaolan said.

"I thought you would at least say to see my partner first..."

Xia Xiaolan stopped, "Then what? I'll take care of it when I see it. Do you think Grandpa Zhou and Grandma Zhou are partial to Zhou Cheng, and they even like me with them, so you can find me to set the tank? The clichéd love story is touched. I am anxious for you and come out for you?"

It's pretty beautiful.

I'm sorry, Mr. Xia's heart is sometimes hard, and he has never been a second fool.

"The world is not revolving around a certain one. Your love is fresh and refined, and you need to maintain it yourself. If you want to change by yourself, then I am willing to make some ideas. If you want to do nothing, let me take the lead. , Then don’t open your mouth... It’s not only your love that is valuable. Zhou Cheng and I are on good terms. Why do you want to jump out and annoy the Zhou family?"

Xia Xiaolan pointed to the bus stop, and she was able to catch the last bus back to school.

Zhou Yi was completely stupid in place, Xia Xiaolan pierced her cautious thoughts mercilessly, and she could only watch Xia Xiaolan leave.

How could Xia Xiaolan be like this? It was completely different from Zhou Yi's expected reaction!

She thought that if she complimented Xia Xiaolan with a few words, Xia Xiaolan would rush forward for her. She didn't know that she hadn't said her compliment, but Xia Xiaolan cleaned her bottom sleeve.

Then Xia Xiaolan directly stated that he would not care about it!

Zhou Yi bit her lip.

Xia Xiaolan doesn't care, what should she do?

There is no hope at all?

Perhaps, as Xia Xiaolan said, you have to maintain it yourself.

Zhou Yi thought of rebelling against the whole family, and she was timid before she even stepped forward.

Didn't Tong Lili succeed in resisting, and why can she succeed?


The bus flickered, Xia Xiaolan yawned, and Zhou Yi, the dramatist, acted like a pitiful digging hole for her to jump!

I don't know what kind of person I found, but I don't have the courage to take it home, and I want to trick Xia Xiaolan into setting up the tank. Is Xia Xiaolan able to manage this? She and Zhou Yi are not that close, so why bother to stand on the same front with Zhou Yi.

Even if Zhou Yi's target wasn't that bad, and others had no objection to Xia Xiaolan's forced prominence, Zhou Yi's mother would hate Xia Xiaolan to death.

"Really, it's a lie on my face?"

The last person who wanted to lie to Xia Xiaolan, the grass on the grave might be two meters high!

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