Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1051: : By the way, take you back (2 more)

What happened to Zhou Yi did not affect Xia Xiaolan's mood. She was curious and curious, and she would not go to investigate Zhou Yi's subject.

The curiosity flooded like that, which meant that Xia Xiaolan would take care of this matter.

Don't touch it if you don't plan to control it.

Two days later and Friday, the new semester of the sophomore year, the scholarship selection for last semester was announced.

Xia Xiaolan continued to win the first prize of the Zhengrong Scholarship, followed by Yang Yonghong.

These two people have become 307 dormitory school fighters.

"Almost, someone almost contracted the dormitory sanitation."

There seemed to be regret in Yang Yonghong's tone, but in fact he couldn't hold back his smile. Everyone is holding back their energy to get scholarships. It is not that they are really afraid of cleaning, but that everyone is proud and does not want to be left behind.

This method of motivating competition is very useful. Last semester, regardless of whether it was a grand prize or a small prize, all the members of the 307 dormitory had scholarships in hand. They did not have to contract the dormitory sanitation by themselves. Yang Yonghong, the director of the room, was very happy.

The head of the room is not an official, but Yang Yonghong has become the head of the room and has a sense of responsibility for everyone in 307. I hope everyone will study hard.

Xia Xiaolan thought that after 30 years, all the scholarships in dormitory 307 will be scrambled on the Internet. It is also an Internet celebrity dormitory such as the "full award dormitory". She remembered seeing what a university dormitory was on the Internet. "Full research dormitory", a dormitory has been successfully guaranteed for research.

The 307 bedroom also has this trend.

According to the current momentum, everyone has not slackened, and there shouldn't be a big problem for all of them.

Su Jing's scholarship hasn't been warmed up yet, so the money wants to jump outside:

"Let’s have a dinner tonight, and don’t eat too much. How can we reward our hard work last semester!"

Xia Xiaolan has an objection: "Is it OK to change Monday? I have something tonight."

Xia Xiaolan was also not there last weekend.

It seems that since last semester, Xia Xiaolan was busy every weekend, and Su Jing got used to it.

"I've forgotten this, so let's change it to Monday. Is there anyone who wants to oppose it?"

Naturally there is no this time.

Yang Yonghong thought that Xia Xiaolan was going to Pengcheng again, and Xia Xiaolan blinked at Yang Yonghong before no one was there, "Boss, do you want to come back home by the way?"

Yang Yonghong was surprised, "You are not going to are going to see Zhou Cheng in Northern Hebei Province!"

Yang Yonghong and Zhou Cheng have eaten alone, Xia Xiaolan doesn’t have to shy away, “Yes, I’m going to the Army Academy to see Zhou Cheng. I remember that your hometown is not far from there. This time I drove over. You take it back."

Liu Fen is going to Yangcheng to get the goods, which is also the train tonight.

When the car was parked at home and no one was driving, Xia Xiaolan wanted to drive to North Hebei Province. Anyway, she drove once last time, and the road was relatively familiar.

Someone who is driving for a long distance is also very good at talking. Yang Yonghong may be reluctant to buy a ticket by train, but he has no such worries by taking Xia Xiaolan's ride.

Yang Yonghong was obviously very excited.

Although she had returned home before the beginning of school, she could leave home to study. Who would think that she would go home too many times?

Yang Yonghong was not too hypocritical, "If you don't bother you, just take me by the way!"

"What's the trouble, I also want to thank you for being with me. It is not safe to drive long distance alone. I am not afraid of two people together."

She also wanted to send Liu Fen on the train before setting off. Liu Fen disagreed: "You can see clearly when driving at night? Or go early. Xiao Yang is more stable than you. Mom can rest assured if she is with you."

Young people are slimy.

Zhou Cheng asked for leave to accompany Xiaolan. Xiaolan drove to see him, and the relationship between the two would last for a long time.

Liu Fen bought the evening ticket this time, and when he arrived in Yangcheng, he would meet with his sister-in-law Li Fengmei.

But when she arrives at the Yangcheng Railway Station, she will probably see Tang Hongen... Liu Fen's cheeks are a little burnt, and her daughter should go out to be the target person. She is so old, what is the matter with Tang Hongen?

Saying that there is no target, why should you agree to others to go to Xiangshan?

Saying that there is no object, there are so many excuses. If you ignore it, you just ignore it. With a cold attitude, Mayor Tang naturally retreats.

Liu Fen asked himself two questions at once, but couldn't justify himself for a while!

"You hurry up, go now, and you can get to North Hebei Province earlier in the evening."

Liu Fen helped Xia Xiaolan carry things, and Yang Yonghong quickly took it over: "Don't move, let me come, I'm strong!"

She has a lot of strength, and two big boxes can be easily moved.

Xia Xiaolan started the car, and Yang Yonghong did not dare to move in the passenger compartment. The car was so beautiful.

"If you drive me back to the village, our whole village will be a sensation."

Now I am driving to North Hebei Province. When I arrive at the destination, it is night. Xia Xiaolan will definitely send Yang Yonghong home. Now that he is at Yang's house, she will simply stay at Yang's house for one night. The next morning Xia Xiaolan will go to Zhou Cheng again, even if she doesn't send Yang Yonghong. , She went to the Army Academy very late, it was impossible to go to the Academy to find Zhou Cheng at night, it did not conform to the academy's discipline!

Yang Yonghong is also a little bit vanity. She is not the one who drives the car, but her classmate, a good friend.

Seeing her curiosity, Xia Xiaolan told her how to drive. Yang Yonghong felt itchy: "I can learn to drive too? I have classmates who learn to drive when they don't study. We are only sophomore, and they have already joined the work unit as drivers."

A car is a high-end gadget. Knowing how to drive is not only a practical skill, it is a skill that can be used to find a job.

Before going to work in Pengcheng, Yang Yonghong also considered sending Yang Jie to learn how to drive, but the tuition fee for learning to drive this year is not cheap. Nothing.

When he arrived in Pengcheng, Yang Yonghong changed his mind, and felt that Yang Jie had better repeat it.

If Yang Jie doesn't have the brain to study, there is obviously hope. Yang Yonghong himself has the enthusiasm to repeat the three-year Huaqing exam, and still hopes her brother can choose the best path.

"There is nothing you can't learn, and driving is not too difficult. It is easy to get started with someone who teaches you by hand. You can figure out professional knowledge. Are you afraid that you can't learn this? Look at my mom, she doesn't have a degree or a diploma. I didn’t learn how to drive quickly. Now, isn’t this car that she uses every day! Boss, if you want to learn, go to my house in your spare time, and you won’t have to learn it soon. Driving is also a practical skill, and your job might be in the future. It’s a lot more convenient to drive to the construction site often."

What Xia Xiaolan said is reasonable. Yang Yonghong was originally like a gay, and there is no concept that gays should learn to drive. Anyway, if gays can, she should know how. Xiaolan said it was useful, so learn it.

Now that she can't afford a car, it doesn't mean she hasn't used it all the time.

Private can't afford it, she can still open a unit!

A part-time job during a summer vacation gave Yang Yonghong more career planning than the others in bedroom 307.

After graduating from university, do you really have to rely on the state to assign jobs?

What if she is assigned to a unit she doesn't like.

If she doesn't obey the state's assignment, can she find a job by herself? She ran behind Li Dongliang for two months and really liked the enthusiastic atmosphere of the construction site.

Talking all the way, Yang Yonghong helped guide the way, and the car drove to a small village in northern Hebei Province.

The beeping horn disturbed the guard dog in the village, and the barking sounded one after another.

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