Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1174: : Stop writing to me (4 more)

Shao Guangrong wanted to continue listening for a while, but Zhou Cheng had no intention of testing humanity. Before Shi Da Niang answered, he rang the aspect.

"Madam, are you at home? This is Zhou Cheng, come back to the capital to see you!"

Across the door, Wei Juanhong almost jumped up.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Cheng came so suddenly, did Zhou Cheng hear those words just now?

Wei Juanhong didn't know whether he wanted Zhou Cheng to hear it well or not. Aunt Shi did not suffer from gains and losses like her daughter-in-law, she put down the insole in her hand and opened the door.

At the door stood Zhou Cheng and Shao Guangrong.

"Auntie, this is my friend, he drove me over."

"Hey, come in quickly, you both come in, it's cold outside!"

At the end of November, I was wearing overcoats. The cigarette factory was doing well. The unit’s house was already heated, and a gust of heat would blow out as soon as the door was opened. Shao Guangrong didn't feel cold at first, but he felt the temperature difference as soon as he compared it.

The living room is small, not crude, just like an ordinary person, and there is even a black-and-white TV set on the cabinet.

Shao Guangrong couldn't help but look at it twice. It wasn't a bad day. He thought it was pitiful before.

Shao Guangrong's sight touched Wei Juanhong, and Wei Juanhong quickly lowered her head.

Aunt Shi did not seem to notice the surging of the dark tide, and enthusiastically greeted them to sit down, and called Wei Juan to make tea with braised water. Zhou Cheng said that as long as boiled water was enough, she could not sleep after drinking tea at night, and Aunt Shi said that he brought so many things. :

"You, you can come here. My lady hasn't seen you for a long time. I don’t need anything at home. You saw that TV, which your mother sent me last month and said you don’t need it at home. I’m worried that I’ll be at home by myself. I have to panic, I moved here!"

It turns out that the TV was sent by Guan Hui Mo.

Although Zhou Cheng doesn't go home often, he knows that the black-and-white TV set in the house was changed a few years ago. Why is it not useful?

It should be his mother that she was afraid that Aunt Shi would have a psychological burden to collect things, so she lied to Aunt Shi that she was eliminated from the family. Xiaolan said that regardless of the Shi family, she would throw her hand away, and Guan Hui Mo also said that she didn't care, but she still had to worry about her son.

Zhou Cheng didn't expose his mother. "It's good to watch TV if it's okay, but you have to pay attention to your eyes. What kind of insoles do you have when the light is so dark?"

Speaking of insoles, I also reminded Mrs. Shi that she hadn't finished the one pair in her hand, but there were a few finished ones in the room, and they all gave them to Zhou Cheng:

"Try it, it doesn't fit."

It turns out that Aunt Shi’s insoles were made for Zhou Cheng. Aunt Shi and Zhou Cheng and her family did not know how to repay the care of Shi’s family. Thinking about Zhou Cheng, it seemed that she didn’t lack anything. She gave a few pairs of insoles to express her heart. .

Insoles are not valuable, but this intention is very valuable.

Zhou Cheng also didn't see him, so he changed the insoles right away and walked a few steps in the house and said seriously: "It fits your feet, it's quite comfortable to walk, and your feet won't slip in your shoes!"

Aunt Shi's eyebrows were open and she was very happy to be able to help a little.

Aunt Shi seems to have come out of the pain of losing her child. She did not shy away from mentioning Shi Kai. She also said that Shi Kai's feet were one size smaller than Zhou Cheng. She had no choice but to insole Shi Kaina before, and she couldn't see it.

"The things in the past are over. Listen to what the auntie said, you have to look at it yourself. If you have time, come and see the auntie. Can the army go home and be the master by yourself? The auntie knows, don't always think about it. Regarding Shi Kai, Shi Kai would be so happy to see that we have today!"

Shao Guangrong respected Aunt Shi.

Regardless of whether Aunt Shi is really not sad, she can say these things to make Zhou Cheng feel at ease, she is a kind and generous person.

Zhou Cheng also knows.

He did not dare to express much grief in front of Aunt Shi. He and the Shi family were not involved, but Shi Kai's sacrifice made him and the Shi family fettered, and sometimes they needed mutual encouragement to get out of the pain.

Always indulging in an atmosphere of sadness, does life need to do business?

"Madam, I know that you should also take good care of your health. The good days are yet to come, and you have to enjoy a few more years!"

Aunt Shi nodded, "Yeah, I want to bring Dabao and Xiaobao up, there are still many years left."

Aunt Shi and Zhou Cheng kept talking, but Wei Juanhong didn't get the chance to talk, and was anxious beside him. Did Zhou Cheng really not hear her just now? She did not know if the letter she wrote to Zhou Cheng was delivered to Zhou Cheng.

After finally Zhou Cheng came to the house, Wei Juanhong didn't want to miss the opportunity.

When Zhou Cheng and Shao Guangrong said they were leaving, Wei Juanhong hurriedly put on her leather shoes, "Mother, it's frosty and cold outside. You watch the children at home, and I will go downstairs to send Camp Commander Zhou."

Before Aunt Shi refused, Wei Juanhong stood outside the door.

Shao Guangrong lowered his head to hide the ironic smile, Zhou Cheng's expression did not change at all.

Aunt Shi stood by the table, "Don't talk to Zhou Cheng too much, it's so cold outside, don't delay Zhou Cheng going home."

Aunt Shi seemed to have something to say, Wei Juanhong was upset.

"Madam, I'm going back, and I will see you again next time."

Zhou Cheng and Shao Guangrong walked in front and went downstairs, Wei Juanhong followed behind with his leather shoes. After following to the place where the car was parked, Wei Juanhong couldn't drag it any longer and then spoke:

"Commander Zhou, did I disturb you when I wrote to you? I don't mean anything else. Our family doesn't know anyone else in the capital. I don't know who to tell a lot of things we encounter—"

Zhou Cheng interrupted her suddenly, "Sister Wei, are you saying that you are not used to living in Beijing? Then do you want to go back to your hometown? Although it is troublesome, I can give it a try."

Wei Juanhong was stupid.

She didn't want to go back to her hometown at all.

Seeing the prosperity of the capital, what can the poor counties do?

She just wanted to complain to Zhou Cheng and talk about changing positions, but Zhou Cheng opened her mouth and said to send her back to her hometown.

Yes, I didn't say to send the Shi family back to their hometown, only to send her!

Wei Juanhong was frightened, but Zhou Cheng had already opened the door and got into the car. "Sister Wei, please go upstairs, it's cold outside. You don't want to write to me anymore. You can ask my mother to tell me something. I'm not always in the army. Stay in one place and your letter may not be mailed."

Wei Juanhong made a big red face.

In the darkness, she seemed to hear Shao Guangrong's laughter, turning back and ran upstairs like burning buttocks.

Shao Guangrong started the car and couldn't help but want to laugh, "Brother Chengzi, I'm sorry, I don't disrespect the family of the martyrs, I think this person is really interesting. Why don't you agree to someone's request and give me a new job? Just glanced at the document she had left on the table, the word was ugly, and there were a lot of typos."

"Even if I change her a hundred positions, she won't be able to work long if she doesn't endure hardship or delve into it."

Hearing Wei Juanhong's words, Zhou Cheng knew that this person's heart was still undecided.

Even if college students are assigned jobs by the state after graduation, they will be assigned wherever they are. Whether there is a chance to rise in the future or transfer to other units, they have to rely on their own efforts.

Wei Juanhong has always been picky about work, but she doesn't want how many people want her job.

Zhou Cheng worried from start to finish like an old mother, Wei Juanhong would not be grateful, but would be picky. To be really good for the Shi family, he must refuse Wei Juanhong's request!

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