Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1175: : Malnutrition (Plus)

Zhou Cheng particularly calmly rejected Wei Juanhong's request, and Shao Guangrong didn't feel surprised.

Zhou Cheng has always been a special man. Regardless of beauty and ugliness, there are more girls who offer him courtesy, and I haven't seen Zhou Cheng take care of anyone. If anyone pretended to be pitiful in front of Zhou Cheng, he would be softened. In the 20 years before he met Xia Xiaolan, Zhou Cheng was cut off by other girls long ago.

Shao Guangrong didn't know that Zhou Cheng's spirit had changed a little for a while, and if he changed Kang Wei, who knew the inside story from beginning to end, he would have done a good job!

"You threw me in the street and went to the hospital to see Xiaoyou. You used to be very considerate to those girlfriends, you were so fierce to Xiaoyou. I think she is not very old, so if you don't deal with someone, just talk to others. Clear."

It must be wrong to stop the car, there was no accident today, and there will be accidents in the future.

I heard that he is still under 18 years old. Zhou Cheng thinks that it is normal for Xiaoyou to be naive.

Shao Guangrong was a dumb eater. He was embarrassed to tell Zhou Cheng that Xiaoyou was not only young, but he actually took a 16-year-old girl as a female companion. What a crime!

"Hey, it's okay, Brother Chengzi, I'll take you home and go to the hospital. I told the doctor that people who haven't seen me are not allowed to let her go."

Shao Guangrong drove Zhou Cheng to the house happily. Wei Juanhong stood in the corridor for a long time, watching the car disappear from sight. The cold wind kept flowing back towards the stairs, and soon let Wei Juanhong blow to her heart.

I don’t know how long it took before she walked back with a heavy footstep. Her cheeks were blown by the cold wind. Zhou Cheng told her not to write letters in the face of her friends. Wei Juanhong felt that her face was trampled under her feet. .

Can Zhou Cheng say that?

She didn't mean anything else.

"Isn't it just a matter of saying something?"

Wei Juanhong is still aggrieved. She admits that she can't do well in office work, which is embarrassing enough.

With the energy of the Zhou family, just a single word could change her position, but Zhou Cheng refused her!

Wei Juanhong was embarrassed and at a loss at this time. If Zhou Cheng didn't help her, she could do nothing with Zhou Cheng... She wanted to go out crying and tell her that Zhou Cheng was not good to the Shi family? Wei Juanhong knew it would not work.

Shi's staying in the capital, the smooth arrangement of work and the quickest house allocation are already the result of Zhou Cheng's help.

Cross-regional transfers and house allocation are big things for anyone. Ordinary people don’t know how hard it is to do one thing well. Zhou Cheng helped Shi's family to do both things well. Wei Juanhong will complain to others again. Can drown her.

With a mess in her mind, Wei Juanhong walked home and found her mother-in-law still sitting there, picking up the insoles.

An unnamed fire suddenly raged: "You have a good use of doing this. The Zhou family does not lack these things. Don't you have money and power, and you can't buy insoles with money? You won't appreciate it if you are--"

Aunt Shi slapped the table: "Shut up! You are the daughter-in-law of the Shi family, not from the Zhou family. The Zhou family yells, don’t tell me! I think Zhou Cheng likes it very much. If you don’t want to do your current job, , I gave up my old face and went to the Zhou family and sent our family back to our hometown!"

Wei Juanhong was rejected by Zhou Cheng and scolded by her mother-in-law. She was very aggrieved. She opened the door and threw herself on the bed crying.

In order not to delay her work, Aunt Shi brought her two children to sleep in a room, and the other room was for Wei Juanhong to sleep alone.

As for Shi Ping, he lives in the next room. Simple-minded people fall asleep early and know nothing about what happened at home.

Listening to Wei Juanhong's sobbing and sobbing, Aunt Shi hardened her heart and ignored her, still slowly filling in the insole.

She didn't tell a lie today, she really had to take good care of her health, and was counting on Wei Juanhong to bring up the two children. Is Wei Juanhong's mind on the children? After I came to the capital, I changed a person, not as practical and diligent as I used to be in the countryside.

Always thinking of reaching the sky one step at a time, losing the duty of being a human being.

Aunt Shi was disappointed and uncomfortable, and tears fell on the insole in her hand:

"Akai, my mother will take care of the mother-in-law for you one day alive, so as not to let her lose the face of the Shi family, and not to discredit the identity of the family members of the martyrs..."


Shao Guangrong took Zhou Cheng home and drove to the hospital by himself.

Once deceived by Xiao You, he didn't believe in Xiao You's guarantee, fearing that he would go to the hospital and make a fuss.

If it's not right, ask the doctor if he has any internal injuries. If it's okay, he won't need to see that girl!

Seeing how well-behaved was useful, he was so courageous that he even dared to lie. Shao Guangrong firmly believed that Xiaoyou was not a fuel-efficient lamp. It's just right for people to run, lest he get upset when they see him... If people don't run, Shao Guangrong suspects that he can't help but twitch people.

When he arrived at the hospital, Shao Guangrong knew that he was thinking too much.

Xiaoyou is not guilty at all, she is asleep on the bed in the emergency department.

"Doctor, have you checked, where did this girl fall?"

The doctor looked at Shao Guangrong's eyes a little bit unkind, "Did you hit her by driving?"

Shao Guangrong shook his head and nodded, "No, no, no, she knows me, and when she saw me driving, she suddenly rushed out to say hello, and fell down by herself."

The conscience of heaven and earth, he really didn't hit anyone.

The doctor's complexion eased a little, "She is not in a serious condition, and a bruise on her elbow is not a big problem, but she is not injured, but she is a little malnourished."


This girl is only 16 years old. She has **** and buttocks. How does it look like malnutrition?

Besides, this is almost 86 years old, and even farmers can fill their belly. Shao Guangrong really did not expect that there are still people malnourished in Beijing. The poor at home can't afford to eat? Then this girl is still in the mood to find someone else!

Shao Guangrong didn't fight, settled the hospital account, and woke up Xiaoyou under his anger.

"Oh, are you going to spend the night in the hospital? Hurry up and wake me up, or I will leave you alone and tell you to go back!"

Xiaoyou bounced off the bed and landed on the ground.

Shao Guangrong couldn't help but look at it more. He was not short, and his chest was not big, he could see the ups and downs...cough cough, Shao Guangrong secretly scolded himself a few words, it was not that he had never seen a woman's breasts, he See what this **** girl is doing!

Xiao You felt that his vision was different and was very disturbed:

"Shao Shao, I didn't leave, I apologize to you, it's really my fault tonight..."

Shao Guangrong interrupted her impatiently, "Shut up, tonight is an accident. This is the last time we met, okay? I don't want to listen to you talking nonsense, so obediently follow in the car, I will send you back and we will not be involved!"

Xiaoyou obviously disagrees with this statement.

However, Shao Guangrong was obviously on the verge of running away, and she might be backfired if she wanted to stalk her face.

She was very quiet all the way. Shao Guangrong sent her to the alley where she was last time. It was strange to see her getting out of the car silently. He couldn't help but owe:

"What did you do with the wild boar last time?"

More than two hundred catties of meat can be eaten for a long time, and eating meat all day will cause malnutrition.

Xiao You was stunned for a long time, this question embarrassed her.

"...I sold it. The wild boar is too nasty. Others dislike it. I sold it for one yuan per catty for 216 yuan. I have no money to pay you back. Can I give you an IOU?"

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