Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1180: : The routine is deeper than you think (1 more)


George looked confused. "What did they say?"


The piles downstairs all speak Chinese, and George, an American, doesn't understand it.

He has been in China for so long and only recently started to learn Chinese in Pengcheng to manage the project. He used to feel that China was backward and poor, and he never had the idea of ​​learning Chinese!

George's current level is that he can understand simple daily conversations.

Chen Xiliang said such a big deal, Chinese people with slow brain response will have to digest it for a while, not to mention him, an American who is new to Chinese!

No one answered George's question, and Wang Mingming's agent Le Feng couldn't help but tremble.

Lefeng smelled a familiar taste from it, from Zhang Xiao's sudden appearance to unexpected developments-first attracting attention, then misunderstanding and condemning, and finally reversing the plot to reveal the "truth", which is more than TVB giants' tricks to fool the audience. Still proficient! Shameless, it's too shameless, who the **** came up with?

If the other party joins the Hong Kong showbiz circle, does an agent like himself still have a way to survive?

"Let the host announce the start, it can't be delayed anymore..."

Le Feng was so embarrassed that he had known that it would be better to "please" Zhang Xiao just now, and arrange the newspaper afterwards to prevent them from writing, which is better than now! But the bad idea of ​​not rushing people came from Le Feng. Now Zhu Bajie is not a human being in the mirror.

Was it the idea that Zhang Xiao came up with?

Or is it Luna's little-known Chen Xiliang?

No, it must be Xia Xiaolan!

Ji Ya looked at Xia Xiaolan from the second floor, and Xia Xiaolan looked up if she felt something.

Xia Xiaolan smiled at Ji Ya, who closed the window with a bang.

"Don't worry about them, let the host start, and amplify the sound of the music a little bit!"

The reporters still surrounded Chen Xiliang and Zhang Xiao not willing to let it go. Some reporters finally came back to their senses and repeatedly confirmed whether Chen Xiliang's "sell a piece of clothing and donate 1 yuan" was true or false, which tied together the marketing of charity and public welfare. Means, no one used it in China in 1985.

The first fashion show in China is a major event in the fashion industry and will be recorded in the annals of history.

Chen Xiliang said that he donated money when he sells clothes, but it is a major social event. They all say that reform and opening up is to let "get rich first and get rich later." Achieve common prosperity—it is true that some people get rich first, but how can they lead the poor to become rich?

Some people set up township enterprises, and an entire village became a shareholder to set up factories.

There are also people who lead fellow villagers to make a living, such as those from Zhejiang Province who gather together in Muxiyuan.

This new form of Chen Xiliang has appeared for the first time. It has **** the development of the enterprise and donated donations to help poor students. It is not clear to write an article to discuss it. The reporters must want to ask more details.

At this time, the music rang, and the loud speakers were placed around the T station. The sound was too loud. It suppressed the voices of the reporters and Chen Xiliang. The reporters could not help but turn their heads in anger. The interruption feels so uncomfortable!

Chen Xiliang was not angry. He smiled and took out a few small cards with the address and contact number of the hotel where he lived. Obviously, everyone is welcome to ask questions.

The reporters were finally comforted, and slowly returned to their seats.

The sound of music finally shook the limelight away, and the host took the stage and announced the official start of today’s Elegance fashion show:

"Elegance is elegant. Ms. Ji Ya, the founder and chief designer of the brand, has been studying abroad for many years, bringing the most cutting-edge international fashion back to China, vowing to decorate the Chinese lesbians with novel styles and colorful colors. Wardrobe..."

It's pretty pretty.

However, the attention of reporters is always inseparable from Zhang Xiao and Chen Xiliang who are seated again.

Shao Guangrong thought, can we not rely on administrative orders, but in this way let reporters chase them willingly?

He gave Xia Xiaolan a thumbs up:

"Sister-in-law, how did you come up with it! Selling a piece of clothing to donate a dollar, this is absolutely impossible!"

Even if Shao Guangrong is not as interested in doing business as Kang Wei, his brain is not stupid, knowing that this method is not a burden for Luna at all. The price is higher by one yuan. A shirt originally supplied to franchisees for 20 yuan has now become 21 yuan...Who can bite Luna?

Zhou Cheng patted his hand:

"Don't flatter, take a good look at this fashion show, can you learn from experience."

What do you learn from this experience?

Shao Guangrong suddenly realized that Luna will have to do her own fashion show in the future.

Shao Guangrong stopped talking, Zhou Cheng held Xia Xiaolan's hand, and the two had a tacit understanding. What happened today was originally discussed by the two of them. It was Xia Xiaolan's idea that Zhang Xiao blew himself up with the income and attracted reporters' criticism.

Zhou Cheng believes that Luna should also be added. The inspiration came from Xia Xiaolan's idea that Qihang Real Estate would "help students".

Zhou Cheng meant that Luna and Qihang Real Estate should engage in a "linkage to help students". First, Luna will explore the way, and then set sail and then take care of it. Luna used Zhou Cheng's money to invest, but the shareholder in the face is Xia Xiaolan, and Qihang is a wholly-owned company of Xia Xiaolan. Luna makes some noise, and Xia Xiaolan's future plans will be easier to implement!

In fact, the best effect is to let Zhang Xiao be wronged for a few days. Today, I only said half of what I said. When the reporter went back and sent the manuscript, the community began to discuss Zhang Xiao’s advertising rewards, and then came forward to clarify that Zhang Xiao had already donated the rewards— -Zhang Xiao thought about this operation for a long time and agreed, but Xia Xiaolan opposed it.

The reason for the objection is to clarify after the fact. Some people may think that Zhang Xiao changed his mind under pressure.

This affects Zhang Xiao's image very much, even if it is popular, it is also black and red!

30 years later, black and red are also red, so many artists can't ask for it.

But in 1985, it didn't work. If an actor was questioned about his morals, it would be too dangerous... This kind of popularity risk is too great, Xia Xiaolan can never give Zhang Xiao to the pit for the greatest publicity effect.

When she stopped like this, Zhang Xiao was also very moved, and she really regarded Xia Xiaolan as a friend.

Xia Xiaolan shook Zhou Cheng's hand, the host stepped down, the music sounded, and Wang Mingming appeared.

Voices came from the crowd.

Just now Zhang Xiao was besieged by reporters, and many people seemed to rush in to get close to the movie actors. Fortunately, the valuable security was very effective today, and the onlookers did not rush in.

Now is the second round of climax. The song Wang Mingming sang was performed on the Spring Festival Gala, and the crowds onlookers were too familiar with it.

Wang Mingming's typhoon is very stable, and it looks like it has been tried and tested.

However, Xia Xiaolan always felt that Wang Mingming was not in a high mood, and when she glanced at the seats of her and Zhou Cheng, she was rather unhappy.

——Haha, what's unhappy about breaking the contract? Luna wants to promote herself, she wants to hold Zhang Xiao up, is Xia Xiaolan blamed? Wang Mingming should be fortunate, fortunate that Zhang Xiao is not a singer, or Xia Xiaolan would really let Zhang Xiao go to grab Wang Mingming’s rice bowl ####好午午~~

(Take Xia Tao Lulan to say hello to the masters~!)

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