Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1181: : Women sing with husband (2 more)

Wang Mingming sang two songs, and many passers-by were shouting when he stepped down.

Can listen to live performances of Hong Kong stars, fashionable in 85 years?

It's not in vain that everyone blew the cold air all morning!

It's a pity that today's highlight is the fashion show. Wang Mingming's singing is a lively atmosphere. It's a pity to watch the crowd.

The music changed slowly. The tall young girl stepped out on the stage. There are no ready-made models in the mainland. Ji Ya has no time to train new models from scratch, so she can only temporarily invite them from Hong Kong.

She originally wanted to invite people from abroad, but it didn't count as the model's remuneration. The round-trip air tickets for more than a dozen models were not a small amount of money!

The failed wedding banquet wasted a lot of money. George is not a banknote printing factory after all, and Jiya also had to consider saving part of the cost.

She always feels that Hong Kong models are inferior to those in the United States. These Hong Kong models just take pictures on Hong Kong Island and engage in shopping mall celebrations. They are not professional at all.

But for the mainland audience in 1985, the impact is really great!

The tall young girl twisted her buttocks with her big white legs. The pants were good. Those in skirts were walking on the platform 50 cm above the ground. The breeze could see the scenery at the bottom of the skirt.

Ji Ya is in line with international standards in all aspects. International Fashion Week is like this. They are all released in advance. What is the highlight of the winter show, and it is tightly wrapped-this is the release of Elegance's 1986 spring and summer models in advance!

The big white legs shook the onlookers of the turtles.

The pants are too short!

The skirt flies too high!

My goodness, this is damaging.

Some mothers took their children to watch, and now they quickly cover their eyes.

Young girls think the clothes are pretty good-looking, like in foreign movies.

Young **** men look at each other and are afraid that others will laugh at themselves improperly. They look at it sneakily.

With all kinds of thoughts, the onlookers immediately forgot Wang Mingming.

The reporters and editors invited by Ji Ya also remembered the purpose of being invited, and quickly picked up the camera to take some photos. Editor-in-Chief Cui sat steadily. He hadn't been to contain Zhang Xiao before. At this time, he also watched the show with a scrutiny eye.

Fashion shows are very important to fashion magazines.

Some brands in China have run fashion shows, which proves that China's fashion is really sprouting.

"Elegance, if the ready-to-wear brand continues the style of the show, it is really elegant. Although these models imitate the works of international brands, the requirements for Chinese designers should not be too high. If you do not learn from it at all, the whole world The vast majority of designers will be unemployed..."

Editor-in-chief Cui took out a small book and wrote the main points.

The performance of the show was in line with editor Cui's expectations, and he was very happy that China Fashion had sold such a step.

But Elegance can run a fashion show, can this brand sell well in China?

Editor Cui knows nothing.

Elegance's customer positioning is probably professional women with good jobs and good financial situation? This group of talents has the conditions to evolve in the direction of "elegant and tasteful" dressing.

But how much income is needed to consume Elegance? Editor-in-chief Cui doesn't know!

A skirt is 50 yuan, and a skirt is 100 yuan, there is a big difference between the two price ranges. If the latter price is used, there will be very few that can afford Elegance clothes.

Editor-in-Chief Cui has only one point to be sure. If the entire show is Ji Ya's work, then Ji Ya is talented in costume design.

People who understand design don't necessarily understand business.

Elegance had studied Luna’s soft advertising before. The fashion show was first proposed by Elegance. It should have caused a big sensation. Just now, Luna’s Chen Xiliang said “Sell a piece of clothing and donate 1 yuan.” This kind of killer move started at the fashion show. Before it was released, many reporters were absent-minded.

The editor of the magazine was interested in the catwalk on the runway.

However, the publication of magazines lags behind that of newspapers and television stations. Today, reporters from newspapers and television stations obviously want to interview Zhang Xiao and Chen Xiliang.

Editor Cui shakes hands.

So he was right, Luna really didn't fall so easily.

Elegance is doing fashion, Luna is doing business.

Editor-in-chief Cui is still more optimistic about Luna...The endless marketing methods can make Elegance and other clothing brands stunned!


"Ji Ya's design is pretty good, Old Chen, don't you think?"

Xia Xiaolan is telling the truth.

Chen Xiliang also tried his best to get rid of subjective disgust and appreciate it from an objective standpoint.

"It's pretty good."

So what?

It has taken a year to create a brand, and Chen Xiliang is no longer the dare to change the orders of customers. It's useless to dream of this thing floating in the sky, and you have to walk on your feet down-to-earth.

Being talented is one thing, and whether or not talents can be realized is another matter.

To build a clothing brand is not as simple as staying in an air-conditioned room, wearing beautiful clothes, and drawing design drawings with coffee on hand. Even if it is a clothing factory managed by a brother-in-law, Chen Xiliang and "Chen Yu" have a lot of wrangling. He has to worry about every link, and a single omission can make the whole team's long hard work vanish!

Where is Ji Ya?

I don't know if the other party has personally visited the workshop to see what the environment of the garment factory is.

Chen Xiliang felt that what he said just now was the pinnacle of his life. He never expected that he played so well:

"Didn't we grab the attention, this time Jiya will regret it."

Wang Mingming didn't like Luna, so Luna pushed Zhang Xiao to the top.

Grandma Xia said, as long as Zhang Xiao cooperates with Luna's promotion today, and when Luna's advertisement is shown on TV, Zhang Xiao will definitely be more popular than Wang Mingming in China!

Xia Xiaolan shook her head, "Jiya has spent so much money and energy, and she is definitely not willing to use the fashion show to pave the way for Luna. After the show, she will lavishly win over the reporters who come to the scene today. We and Ji Ya still have a 50-50 chance of winning."

Chen Xiliang's face suddenly became bitter.

Zhou Cheng knew what his daughter-in-law meant. After all, the deceased Ji Lao was a leader in the education industry. It was not surprising that there were acquaintances in newspapers, magazines, and even TV stations.

But can the Ji family completely control public opinion?

Not to mention that life is like a lamp extinguished, Ji Ya is not equal to the dead Ji Lao.

Just say that when the two news are put together, they have different intentions.

One is fashionable, and the other is worthy of discussion.

Which one is more in line with socialist values, and more in line with the propaganda of reform and opening up?

Zhou Cheng looked at Chen Xiliang, "After the fashion show, you go back to the hotel to prepare. Don't accept interviews from too many reporters. You are not expensive. Find the most influential one... Forget it, I will arrange this for you. Don't worry about it. You organize your own business process, what can be said and what can not be said, you can consider it yourself, or discuss with Xiaolan. Today's limelight can be grabbed by Elegance, and your official interview will be posted on the 26th, advertising Isn’t it also broadcast on the 26th?"

Chen Xiliang's head is like pounding garlic.

Zhou Cheng has a lot of background. The people I asked before to warn Ke Yixiong, Chen Xiliang had seen it with his own eyes.

Xia Xiaolan leaned close to Zhou Cheng's ear, and the heat from her mouth blew onto Zhou Cheng's ear, making him itch.

"Worthy of being my man! I like your double bombing!"

Why does Xia Xiaolan like Zhou Cheng?

When she killed someone, Zhou Cheng was beside her to help set the fire.

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