Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1185: : Chao Xiaoshao has no future (2 more)

Xia Xiaolan coughed twice, and Yuli wanted to be as arrogant and disgusting as Liang Huan, Xia Xiaolan would not say a word of nonsense.

She considered the words and coughed dryly:

"I'll call you Xiaoyou, you are all used to it. Xiaoyou, you are only 16 years old now. You see that the national marriage age is 20 for lesbians. Is it too early for you to be anxious at such a young age... …At this age, you haven’t graduated from high school yet, are you still studying?"

Xia Xiaolan was also uncertain whether Yuli was a student, after all, the two times I saw her were on weekends.

Yuli shook her head, "I didn't study, I just finished junior high school."

In fact, there are still two or three months to finish junior high school. Later, the teacher sympathized with her family situation and let her get her diploma.

She didn't tell her family's situation to gain sympathy.

After failing to ask the street office for help, Yuli didn't expect anyone to help her for no reason.

What can she do, isn't it just a young and clean body?

This is the only thing she can exchange. It is hoped that Shao Guangrong can help the mother and daughter get out of the current environment. If Shao Guangrong really doesn't like her, Yuli will probably have to find someone else.

I just don't know if those men talk about credibility.

You Li said lightly, and Xia Xiaolan heard something unusual.

If Yuli cried and said how miserable she was, Xia Xiaolan would definitely respond very much after the incident of Qijing Murata Xiaoyan.

Yuli refused to mention why she didn't continue studying.

Xia Xiaolan parked the car again according to the place Yuli said, and looked for it according to the house number given by Zhou Cheng. General Tie locked the door and locked it with a layer of ash... Well, she was right, since Zhou Cheng bought this Most of the house has never been opened.

Xia Xiaolan opened the lock, and Youli stood behind and didn't move forward.

"Sister Xia, you have found a place, then I will go back first?"

"Are you busy? If not, just take a look with me."

Yuli obediently followed in.

This yard is very dilapidated, but the place is not small. It is much larger than the yard of Yuli's house, with several rooms and patios.

There are still many flower pots piled up in the patio, but no one takes care of these potted plants, and most of them are dead.

On the contrary, there is a winter plum that is taller than Xia Xiaolan. At the end of November, it is full of small buds, and it seems that it will bloom in half a month. Xia Xiaolan turned around, and the yard was actually quite elegant, but unfortunately no one took care of it, and it looked dilapidated.

It's not as big as the courtyard house where the Shi family lived temporarily, but renting out each room separately will cost about 500 yuan a year, right?

Put it here for nothing!

Xia Xiaolan has a net worth of millions, and still can't accept this kind of waste.

Assets are in a virtuous circle, and they need to be carefully managed to increase in value.

Xia Xiaolan carefully checked the condition of the house, and Yuli stood in the patio very cautiously. Whose home is this, Sister Xia's home? It's not like, no one can't even find their own house. Xia Xiaolan obviously came here for the first time, but she had the key.

You Li was puzzled, and suddenly heard Xia Xiaolan ask her:

"Are the houses near you easy to rent?"

Yuli really didn't know.

The place where she lives is not rented, it is the ancestral property of her stepfather's house.

There was that house at the beginning, and the stepfather was an out-and-out capital from Beijing. She and her mother could be taken in by such a person. Who wouldn't outsiders say that her mother was blessed?

Yes, blessed, the blessing is too great to bear!

"It should be possible to rent it out. I often hear about whose children have no room for a house when they get married. Someone wants to build a house in the yard. The whole yard is upset. But I don't know how much money can be rented. Sister Xia, Don't I help you ask?"

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "Then I won't be polite to you, I just don't know if it will delay your work."

Now many units are single off.

The workshop in the factory is on shift.

Yuli did not go to school, and Xia Xiaolan was not sure whether she had a job.

Yuli agreed, "I just do some odd jobs, don't delay!"

Part-time job, that means no job?

At a young age, do you really want to be a girl who cheats on the street? Xia Xiaolan felt that Yuli's personality was not very similar.

"Have you ever thought about doing something?"

Why didn't Yuli think about it.

She also wanted to set up a street stall in the past. Compared with relying on men to eat, there is no shame in setting up a street stall.

But she has no capital.

The stepfather would not give her the capital, and every time she made some money, she would be searched away, for fear that she would have money and ran away. Yuli felt ridiculous, pinching her mother in her hands, how could she run away by herself. Xia Xiaolan's words made You Li very ashamed, "I want to find a job, and I can earn 200 dollars a month, but I have no education, no skills, and can't enter the factory..."

Xia Xiaolan was expressionless, "You and Shao Guangrong are dealing with each other, and expect him to introduce you to a job with a monthly salary of 200 yuan? Or do you expect him to give you 200 yuan a month? The first type is difficult even if you have academic qualifications and skills. , Formal work requires qualifications. No one gets such a high salary at the beginning. The second is even more difficult. Shao Guangrong’s salary is not 200 yuan yet. The car he drives is also someone else’s, that is, Kang Wei. Haven't you seen it this time?"

At 200 yuan/month, Shao Guangrong’s salary is not so high, but he still retains a little share in the building materials store, which can be used at will.

But these don't have to be told to Yuli.

The meaning of Xia Xiaolan's words is that if Youli counts on Shao Guangrong to "provide", this idea must be dispelled.

As a friend of Shao Guangrong, Xia Xiaolan did not want to interfere with Shao Guangrong’s private life, but if Shao Guangrong did not resist the crookedness and really raised a 16-year-old girl, the Shao family discovered what Xia Xiaolan did not know, and Zhou Cheng probably did it. Shao Guangrong will be beaten to death.

In order to save Comrade Xiao Shao from being beaten, Xia Xiaolan reluctantly managed to get back to his business.

Yuli shook her head vigorously.

When Xia Xiaolan looked at it with suspicion, Yuli felt embarrassed.

"No, Sister Xia, I never thought about taking Shao Shao's money. Really, I won't see Shao Shao anymore!"

She said that she turned around to leave, and Xia Xiaolan stopped her:

"Don't run, you stop first, I can't tell if you run like this, can you really not see Shao Guangrong?"

Yuli nodded vigorously, "No see!"

"If you really don't have this idea, I have misunderstood you, and I apologize to you! Xiaoyou, if you can do what you say, and stop playing Shao Guangrong's idea, you want to make 200 yuan a month instead of having no chance. Do me a favor first, help me find out the prices of rented houses in these places, and then come to me, can you? You haunt Shao Guangrong with no future, he has no money for a poor man."

Xia Xiaolan took out the pen and paper she carried with him, wrote down the addresses of the seven properties that Zhou Cheng did not rent out, and asked Yuli to run errands.

You Li held the address given by Xia Xiaolan, her palms were sweaty in the winter:

"...Sister Xia, are you serious?"

Xia Xiaolan spread her hands, "That's not necessarily, it may be a lie to you, you decide whether you want to do what I told you. Let's go, I'm done reading, and I will send you back."

Yuli folded the paper with the address and put it in her pocket carefully.

Whether it's true or not, she will try it.

If she can get this job, she can save her own money and rescue her mother. Where is there time to pester Shao Guangrong!

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