Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1186: : Brother Liu, whose navy are you? (3 more)

Xia Xiaolan drove Yuli to the place where she had boarded the car before.

She really didn't deceive people for 200 yuan a month's work, so she wouldn't use this to deceive Yuli.

Yuli is not short, has a good build, and her features are not ugly.

Apart from being younger, it seems to have no shortcomings.

Under the age of 17, the virginity is a bit small, and the work is not small. Some of the top leaders are all of this age. Many of the educated youth who went to the countryside and went to the countryside a few years ago, too, were many teenagers?

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. What's the situation with Youli? Xia Xiaolan is too lazy to ask, but Liu Fen is about to open the 4th and 5th branch, just when there is a shortage of staff. Training other people to be clerks, it doesn't matter if you have one more Yuli, anyway, Yuli is pretty good, and selling clothes is quite suitable.

Yang Yonghong was going to work part-time in a clothing store, but Xia Xiaolan stopped, thinking that Yang Yonghong was wasting the knowledge she had learned.

When Yuli is going, Xia Xiaolan has no such worries.

Without skills and education, she is left with compelling youth, and Yuli can only eat this bowl of youthful rice first.

It would be good to be able to break the job. The 200 yuan/month salary Xia Xiaolan did not brag, and the best sales clerk in several stores took more than this. Xia Xiaolan gave Yuli a salary expectation. Whether she can get it depends on whether Yuli is not hard at work. This salary does not depend on seniority. The basic salary of ordinary shop assistants is the same. Whose performance is good will get more. It's fair!

"I'm doing a good deed, but I don't want to return it?"

Xia Xiaolan didn't even talk to Shao Guangrong, because Shao Guangrong was also helping to run errands. Before leaving, Zhou Cheng seemed to tell him to contact Chen Xiliang to interview him.

In the evening, Xia Xiaolan saw the Beijing Evening News.

Signed by "Reporter Liu Xuan", this person actually posted two articles in one go, one is "The Early Winter, Fashion Show on Wangfujing Street" and the other is "Actor Zhang Xiao Donated Tens of Thousands of Advertising Salaries? 》

Xia Xiaolan quickly scanned the first article.

The position given on the page is good, but Liu Xuan's writing is too watery.

"Jiya didn't pay enough money for the money?"

Xia Xiaolan was puzzled, and the report written by Liu Xuan in the Evening News was actually dry. Xia Xiaolan couldn't believe it. A newspaper with such a large circulation is of such a level as a reporter.

It is the second article that Zhang Xiao donated money, and the writing is full of emotions, which is very sensational.

"Is this Liu Xuan a fan of Zhang Xiao? This filter is too thick!"

Naturally, Xia Xiaolan couldn't understand the psychological changes of reporter Liu Xuan, but this was a good thing for Luna. If Ji Ya read the evening paper, she would be very depressed. Xia Xiaolan thought that reporters would mix the two events in a single report, especially after Ji Ya spent money on public relations, and even undertook what Zhang Xiao and Chen Xiliang said. The Evening News was a surprise, not only a single report was published. , The quality of the article is still so high.

Xia Xiaolan doubted whether Ji Ya had written the wrong name on the envelope because it took time to run the pen!

Liu Xuan also wrote about Chen Xiliang who said he would donate money, but Chen Xiliang is not a public figure, what if he just said it casually?

Liu Xuan didn't say it too deadly either, and he was skeptical of Chen Xiliang's saying "Sell a piece of clothing, donate 1 yuan."

Obviously, reporter Liu wanted to clarify the matter before reporting on it. Zhou Cheng told Chen Xiliang not to accept interviews. Chen Xiliang hid after returning to the hotel and did not show up.

Just as Xia Xiaolan guessed.

Evening paper with a large circulation in the capital, it is impossible for Ji Ya to not read it!

The quality of the article bought with money is not as good as that of another article written by Zhang Xiao, Ji Ya is naturally angry:

"What's the matter with reporter Liu from the Evening News?"

He promised well, but was actually bought by Xia Xiaolan?

Wang Mingming and agent Le Feng were also not satisfied.

Hong Kong newspapers are vertical and traditional, while mainland newspapers are horizontal and simplified. The reading habit is very torturous.

After finally reading the two articles, Wang Mingming felt uncomfortable.

"This is deliberately aimed at me!"

Can people not compare two articles together?

Zhang Xiao donated all his tens of thousands of rewards. Luna’s Chen Xiliang said, "Please Hong Kong stars for 100,000 rewards." Liu Xuan did not say anything bad about Elegance, but deliberately emphasized that Elegance invited "Hong Kong actress Wang Ms. Mingming sang live and filmed the commercials"-Putting the two articles together, as long as they are not mentally handicapped, everyone knows that the Hong Kong star who is paid 100,000 is Wang Mingming!

When changing to other things, Wang Mingming would also like to thank Liu Xuan for promoting her worth.

Only at this time can't it!

Wang Mingming looked at Le Feng, expecting his agent to come out with a charter.

Le Feng gritted his teeth, "The actors in mainland China are so low-paid, I don't believe that Zhang Xiao is willing to donate 10,000 yuan to the pupils to buy school uniforms!"

Ten thousand yuan, the white-collar workers working in Zhonghuan have to save for a few months. The mainland's per capita income is so low, can Zhang Xiao get 1,000 yuan for a movie? Le Feng didn't believe that the other party was willing to donate such a large sum of money.

Le Feng once again offered a plan to Ji Ya: "Can we send someone to interview Zhang Xiao and be sure that she is cheating."

Not stepping on the opponent to death seems to have an impact on Wang Mingming's image.

Seeing Ji Ya's low interest, Le Feng's mind turned quickly, "Zhang Xiao donating money is a fake, and Luna's surname Chen is naturally also a liar. Businessmen want to make more money, so where are they willing to pay for them?"

What kind of wealth are the wealthy people in Hong Kong who are engaged in charity?

The richest man donated how much money to gain a good reputation. Even the richest man didn’t say how much money he would donate when he sold an off-the-plan property. No one can predict what will happen in the future. Once such words are said, as long as the brand does not go bankrupt, the money will continue. Donated.

Ji Ya threw the newspaper on the table:

"Mr. Le, don't care about such trivial matters. You may not know much about Xia Xiaolan. She will not leave this kind of handle waiting for us to catch it."

Ji Ya despised Xia Xiaolan and Liu Fen because the mother and daughter were shameless, relying exclusively on men to take the lead, thinking about Pan Gaozhi.

But Xia Xiaolan does have some skill in doing business.

Le Feng was going to investigate the donation. Ji Ya suspected it was a pit, and deliberately exposed it to lure her into being fooled.

If you really took the reporter to investigate, and Zhang Xiao really donated school uniforms, wouldn't it be a vain promotion for Luna? Ji Ya would not do such a thing.

What she has to do now is to stop discussing Zhang Xiao and Luna in the newspaper.

Elegance's fashion show must be allowed to prevail.

Liu Xuan, the reporter of the Evening News, has already made a mistake, and this situation cannot happen again in other newspapers tomorrow!

By the way, Zhang Xiao did the commercial for Luna. Seeing that, the commercial was already filmed?

Ji Ya has discovered the most serious problem now: where will Luna's advertisement be played!

Zhen Wenxiu has helped Ji Ya so much that she can only get to the dark one by one.

Although the fashion conference was not perfect, it ended successfully anyway, except for the chaos caused by Zhang Xiao and Chen Xiliang, the VIPs who originally ordered clothes in Ji Ya's studio were also very happy to watch it.

They prefer the style of Elegance, if mass production, the price of the clothes will definitely drop.

Zhen Wenxiu also attracted attention:

"They didn't move so fast? Did they send the advertisement to CCTV! I'll ask you about it."

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