Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1204: : Target is Hong Kong customers (1 more)

Xia Xiaolan has some abilities, and Tang Hongen knows more than others.

What did Sheng Xuan do, Tang Hongen didn't care about it herself.

There is not only one bank in Pengcheng, Sheng Xuan asks for a mortgage to set sail, the big deal is to change the bank directly, can he really be stumped by Sheng Xuan?

Don't take your own abilities too high. Without Zhang Butcher, others don't want to eat pigs!

"I heard Xiao Peng say that your house has been repaired, and is it going to be sold so soon?"

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "How can I withdraw funds if I don't sell it? I'm very confident in this market, the environment is very good, and I still take the lead!"

For a high-quality real estate like Jinshachi, there are probably only the golf course projects under construction next door. The Wilson family’s investment is large, and the purchase of land is more than 2,000 acres. It is still repairing the stadium. If the stadium is not repaired, this project has no outstanding advantages... So it cannot catch up with the sand pool in terms of speed, 2000 The multi-acre project is to be developed in stages, and Jinshachi only has 23 acres of land, which can be completed in a few months!

Once the Jinshachi house was sold, Xia Xiaolan didn't care about how the Wilson house next door would operate their plate.

However, Tang Hongen listened to Xia Xiaolan’s price of the house and watched her for a while:

"If you do this, let's not say whether you can sell the house. The price is beyond the reach of ordinary people. When you want to get the land, it's not like that.

Xia Xiaolan was quite guilty, "I didn't expect to be able to dig out the sands when I got the land. I was planning to build a mid-range community. Now the quality of the house has been fixed, and the money that should be spent is also spent, so I can't sell it at a low price."

There are also unit welfare houses of 200-300 yuan/㎡.

People who are not in the unit cannot buy it, and the quality of the house is there, let alone any living environment.

Commercial housing and public housing are inherently different. The land used to repair public housing does not require money. Jinshachi does not count the premium that was later speculated. Xia Xiaolan really spent nearly 3 million Chinese yuan to buy it.

At the same price as the welfare house, she would really lose tens of millions.

It might as well sell the land to Tang Yuanyue or Du Zhaohui and let them repair the villa.

"Except for the higher floors, there is no difference between the environment of Jinshachi and the villa area. To tell you the truth, the construction cost is close to 1,000 yuan per square meter. I really can't afford it, but Uncle Tang, this is a commercial housing, a high-end real estate."

People who wanted to buy a commercial house in 1985 were not ordinary people.

If you want a better quality of life, you have to fight on your own.

Don’t those who follow the rules and work in formal units just try to be stable? The salary is fixed and the increase is slow, but fortunately, the unit will divide the room... The husband's room facilities are not good, the bathroom and kitchen must be shared, and the family is crowded in a small room. This is no way.

Those who can afford to buy commercial houses are the very few who get rich first.

You can’t just watch the thief eat meat without seeing the thief being beaten. It’s also very risky to go north and south and to dump supplies. In the area of ​​“reform and opening up,” the country’s policies in the past two years have been loose and tight, and accidentally became a “speculation”. Those who got rich first all made money by tying their heads to their waistbands. If you don't have the courage, and the vision and opportunity, don't be jealous that people can buy a commercial house.

Tang Hongen frowned: "It's useless to convince me. Let's see if the house can be sold."

What Xia Xiaolan said was not pleasant, but it was the truth.

The current per capita wage is still too low.

Tang Hongen's salary is now only 300 yuan. Since he assigned the work, he has worked hard for more than 20 years, but that's it.

On the contrary, some foreign-invested factories in Pengcheng can earn 300 to 400 new employees every month. This may be a new change brought about by reform and opening up, right? No one can have wealth overnight. He knows that Xia Xiaolan has invested more than 10 million in Jinshachi. According to the current plan, a total of more than 100 suites have been built. The house price has to be set too low. Xia Xiaolan will really lose money. Sea!

No matter what he is worried about, "Jinshachi" is the same as the original "East Lake Liyuan", and the target customers are all Hong Kong people.

Xia Xiaolan was very confident herself.

Not only does she want to advertise, she also actively invites customers to come to see buildings.

She ate dinner at Tang Hongen's residence and lingered for a while. More than two hours passed. Ge Jian had already returned when she went downstairs. He seemed to have never left in the rented car.

"Are you back?"

Ge Jian nodded, "The things you ordered, President Xia, have been done."

It seems that Ge Jian has sent the letter to Fan Yu, and Xia Xiaolan yawned: "Ge Jian, dare you go to Hong Kong?"

"You mean—"

"You go to a Hong Kong newspaper to post an advertisement, and then find out about Mr. Feng Shui, who is highly recognized by Hong Kong people. As long as he is willing to cooperate with the promotion of Jinshachi, you can give him 200,000 Hong Kong dollars, or choose a suite in Jinshachi!"

The top Feng Shui Mr. is serving the Hong Kong giants, but Xia Xiaolan believes that no one will feel too much money.

200,000 Hong Kong dollars, or Jinshachi’s choice of a suite, is enough to impress the other party, and it won’t take much time.

Ge Jian agreed, but Xia Xiaolan was afraid that he would not be able to contact people in this area when he went to Hong Kong. Xia Xiaolan knew only a limited number of Hong Kong businessmen. After much deliberation, only Tang Yuan could recommend her.

Alas, this is more troublesome, you shouldn't walk the other party too hard.

Yuan Hui was setting up the office for the other party recently, Xia Xiaolan could find a way to speak... However, Tang Yuanyue had finally calmed down recently, and Xia Xiaolan really didn't want to provoke the other party by herself.

Which one to choose between money and face?

Xia Xiaolan considered the money for five seconds.

No way, the house in Jinshachi couldn't be sold, and she couldn't fill it up after losing the money.

Back at the hotel, Xia Xiaolan got through Tang Yuanyue's phone.

Tang Yuanyue was naturally very pleasantly surprised. For the first time in history, Xia Xiaolan took the initiative to ask him for help!

There are two people Xia Xiaolan knows who can do this, one is him and the other is Du Zhaohui. Xia Xiaolan asked him instead of Du Zhaohui for help, which can explain the problem.

"This is a trivial matter. Since Miss Xia has spoken, I will do something beautiful for Miss Xia. I don't know if Miss Xia has time to be together tomorrow—"

"Mr Tang, I owe you a favor! I'm so sorry tomorrow, I have an appointment with someone at the bank."

Tang Yuanyue laughed loudly: "Then I have to keep this favor. When I need Miss Xia's help, Miss Xia shouldn't shirk too much."

Xia Xiaolan promised simply: "Okay, as long as you don't violate the law and morality, I will help Mr. Tang once!"

Tang Yuanyue might be joking, but Xia Xiaolan wished to do so, and the two exchanged greetings before Tang Yuanyue hung up the phone.

Please Mr. Feng Shui?

Xia Xiaolan was bold enough to play these in the mainland.

"No, she is trying to kill Hong Kong people as fat sheep. It seems that Golden Sands Pool is about to open for sale..."

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