Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1205: : Another way of propaganda (2 more)

Sands Pool is about to open!

Tang Yuanyue realized this, and also knew Xia Xiaolan's intention to invite Feng Shui.

He couldn't help laughing. Xia Xiaolan didn't believe a word of Feng Shui, she was an atheist who grew up under the red flag.

Then why do you still need the famous Feng Shui?

Naturally, it was to deceive Hong Kong people into buying a house in Jinshachi!

If you really want to believe in feng shui, you should ask your husband for advice before you break the ground. Where to build the pool, where to build the building, and where the house faces is very particular.

Xia Xiaolan ignored everything, and only invited the master to come over after building the house. What can the master come over? Will she really listen to the master’s opinion and rebuild the house? Most of the time, I asked the master to go through the scene, so that she could take the opportunity to promote the famous Feng Shui master and sell the house in the "Jinshachi".

"Do you think she is interesting? The golf course next door asks Hong Kong female celebrities to endorse advertisements, and she asks Mr. Feng Shui to promote..."

Tang Yuanyue sounded like talking to himself, and the assistant naturally joined in, "Miss Xia is a different way. A sewage tank can change drastically in Miss Xia's hands. No wonder you like her too."

Mr. Tang must have seen a lot of beautiful women, and it is rare to see a woman who is as beautiful as Miss Xia to a certain extent.

If there are clever minds, resources are scarce.

Tang Yuanyue refrained from smiling, "For real estate developers, the first real estate developed by himself is very commemorative. The environment of Jinshachi is good, and it’s not bad to keep it in your hands for appreciation. I don’t have a house I like, so I started with a set."

Is this asking him to buy it, or buying it for Mr. Tang?

Smart assistants don't know the bottom line. Since Mr. Tang asked him to buy a set, there must be a reason.

Ms. Xia is different from those Hong Kong female celebrities. The other party will not like the things like sending a house or a car. Mr. Tang has money even if he buys a building, but if he does that, it will probably be self-defeating.

The woman wanted to do business on her own, and she lowered her style in an instant, and no one would be happy to change it!

"The projects you are optimistic about will definitely not lose money. When the Sands Pool opens, I think if the price is right, you can buy two more sets with a loan."

Tang Yuanyue said nothing, these are trivial matters.

Xia Xiaolan is not the kind of woman who can easily impress, very challenging.

Xia Xiaolan wouldn't pay attention to her sense of existence.

Unless the two really have any co-investment cooperation, as a partner, her attitude will change, and there will be more opportunities for contact.

After buying the house in Jinshachi, I don't know how much capital Xia Xiaolan can have.

Tang Yuanyue thought about Meihua's next investment plan, so he still has to deliberately pick a small project with a scale of tens of millions to engage in?

Tang Yuan thought for a while, and he deliberately ordered a few words to his assistant, "Don't tell the story about finding Mr. Feng Shui. I don't want to know what happened tonight. Someone else will know about it tomorrow, do you understand?"

The assistant understood God, "Don't worry."

Don't let anyone know? It must be Young Master Du.

The assistant knew that Young Master Du hadn't dealt with their President Tang recently, and he was still a little bit against President Tang, but now there is no sign of President Tang.

Why is there a conflict of interest between the two companies?

The assistant suddenly thought of a possibility, but didn't believe it.

-It's exactly what he thought. Isn't it a disaster?

Sheng Xuan.

As the name suggests, like a flower in full bloom, even if she wears the uniform of the bank, she doesn't degrade her beauty a bit.

Very bright looks, if you dress up carefully, you will look better... just like that, Comrade Lao Tang was not taken down, Comrade Lao Tang's willpower to resist sugar-coated cannonballs is really strong!

"Director Sheng, I have been admiring for a long time. I wanted to meet with Director Sheng for a long time, but there was no suitable opportunity."

Xia Xiaolan looked at Sheng Xuan, and Sheng Xuan was also looking at Xia Xiaolan.

The silhouettes of Xia Xiaolan and Liu Fen are somewhat similar, but Xia Xiaolan is younger. Although she is charming, she walks like the wind and handles affairs in a turbulent manner.

This is Liu Fen's daughter.

Sheng Xuan thought that if a divorced woman brought a child when she reorganized the family, the child would probably be called a "oil bottle" by outsiders.

But if the children you bring are as good as Xia Xiaolan, where is there a saying that drags oil bottles?

No matter who Liu Fen remarries with, daughters like Xia Xiaolan are not a drag, but a help.

"Am I calling you Mr. Xia, or Comrade Xia, or classmate Xia? I dare not be for a long time. You came here to set sail for a mortgage loan. Let's talk about it."

Xia Xiaolan smiled all over her face, "Director Sheng, you can call me Xiaoxia, I just want to ask, what is the qualifications of Qihang here, please give me some advice. We will definitely follow the requirements of Director Sheng. Rectification."

Later, the Bank’s regulations were very strict, and there was a conflict between mortgages and mortgage loans.

But now it's 1985, and the management of loans is messy, not to mention the mortgage loans for commercial housing. This is not a common thing in the first place. There are no hard and fast rules.

Xia Xiaolan looked at Sheng Xuan.

She could not take a loan from Sheng Xuan, but if Sheng Xuan transferred to Pengcheng just to catch Xia Xiaolan's neck, Xia Xiaolan was not a big bag.

Is it great to be backed by the Song family?

Not to mention that Sheng Xuan is not surnamed Song, even if it is really Song, Xia Xiaolan cannot give in.

This is to cut off Xia Xiaolan's fortune. It's strange that Xia Xiaolan doesn't work hard!

Sheng Xuan also arrived in Pengcheng and took over Director Pan’s work, only to find out that Xia Xiaolan had loaned more than 10 million yuan to the bank, which was mortgaged with the land of Jinshachi, and there was no violation of regulations in operation.

But Xia Xiaolan was able to get the ground, saying that without Tang Hongen's help, Sheng Xuan would not believe it.

There are so many related units, and no one else got the land, so Xia Xiaolan got it?

Tang Hongen also let Xia Xiaolan and Song Nanzhen's son do business together... I really love the mother and daughter!

Sheng Xuan has been in contact with Liu Fen, but not Xia Xiaolan.

Liu Fen is very gentle and low-key, while Xia Xiaolan is more aggressive.

Also, young girls are smart and think they can control the world.

"I’m older than you, so I really ask you to call you Xiaoxia. Xiaoxia, I have no harm to you. You may know who I am, but you may not know. I can introduce you to the reason why I am here. I know Mayor Tang and I admire him very much. It’s just that Mayor Tang didn’t get out of the influence of the last marriage, and I was far away from him... Then I heard about him and your mother. Your mother was very lucky. I I’ve been in contact with her and I admire her for her current career. I don’t lie to you, I am transferred to Pengcheng to work with my own selfishness, but I am not here to embarrass you. You don’t need to be so wary of me. Everyone You have the right to pursue happiness yourself, as long as I don't hurt others, Xiaoxia, are you right?"

There is nothing wrong with it.

It is Xia Xiaolan being used by the other party to take advantage of her position and forcibly called over to receive an education on the "Love Freedom Theory". Xia Xiaolan thinks this is a kind of mental injury!

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