Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1209: : Hit the wall (2 more)

Fan Yu has indeed been unable to eat or sleep well recently. Xia Dajun was frightened when she saw her big belly, fearing that her baby son would not look good.

Xia Dajun was really willing to make Fan Yu feel good when he returned to southern Henan.

In fact, I just don't want to admit that I don't have any abilities, I can't hang around in the special zone, and I want to run away when I encounter setbacks. Pengcheng has changed from a place that made him proud to embarrass him.

Fan Yu's proposal was given to Xia Dajun.

He was very willing to go back to his hometown in southern Henan. Xia Hongbing's family, including Mrs. Xia, were all dumbfounded.

"I won't go back! The people in the city don't do it, go back to their hometown to farm, army, you are not filial..."

Old Lady Xia was the first to be unwilling.

I don't know that she came to the city to enjoy the blessing, and she really wants to go back to the south of Henan to face the people in the village.

Before Xia Dajun spoke, Fan Yu said faintly: "Mother, you are getting old, and you can't be a long-distance child. You will stay in Pengcheng and your uncle's family. We will pay for your living expenses. When Dajun and I go back and settle down, we will pick you up again?"

Fan Yu was so considerate. Old lady Xia seemed to be stuffed with a fly. She didn't know if she was swallowing or vomiting.

The news was so sudden, Xia Hongbing and Wang Jingui wanted to discuss before making a decision.

However, Xia Hongxia's attitude is very firm, no matter whether her parents return, she will never return to her hometown.

She couldn't accept that the days got worse, because the objects in Anqing County were also divided, and Xia Hongxia wanted to stay in Pengcheng. At least she came to the SAR with a border defense permit, so she can stay here upright, so why should she go back?

Xia Dajun's ears were soft, and for a while he felt that he was awesome, and all three nephews received Pengcheng to go to school.

Suddenly fell down from the clouds again, listening to Fan Yu's words to go back to his hometown, the poor three children were tossed.

Xia Junfeng and Xia Junshan must have followed their parents. Xia Junbao, the youngest son of Xia Changzheng, is now supported by his second uncle Xia Junbao. Fan Yu also knew that other blood-sucking worms could be thrown away, and this oil bottle would be brought with him for the time being, but he didn't say that he would not bring Xia Junbao.

When Xia Junbao came back from school, he was unbelievably well-behaved. He called out "Second Aunt" and talked with the unborn little brother in his second aunt's belly, the most discerning of the three boys.

The house was so noisy, Xia Dajun hid for a while.

Neighbors are discussing the advertisement in today’s newspaper, because Fan Yu wanted to buy a house in Jinshachi before, and Mrs. Xia went out early to brag, saying that her son was renting here for the time being at a company in Hong Kong for the purpose of buying Jinshachi. The house moved.

He also said to take Pengcheng account.

At this time, the neighbor pulled Xia Dajun:

"The house in Jinshachi is about to be bought, don't you know? The house is so beautiful, but it is expensive, or your family is rich!"

It's really expensive. The newspaper stated that it will be on sale on December 14th, starting at 1999 yuan/㎡.

Apart from Hong Kong people, such an expensive building can only be imagined by people like Dajun Xia who work in a large company in Hong Kong, right?

Ordinary people just listen to the excitement.

Speaking of Jinshachi, Xia Dajun was startled. Both he and Xiaoyu had planned the future. Who knew that the plan would not change quickly... Thinking of the unfavored Jinshachi house, thinking of the Pengcheng residence that he had hoped to get, Xia The army's heart is empty and uncomfortable.

Ke Yixiong's people instructed him to find someone at Jinshachi, saying that Xia Xiaolan was in Jinshachi.

What is the relationship between Jinshachi and that wicked girl?

Didn’t that wicked girl go to university in the capital, she’s only sophomore this year!

Is it Liu Yong, or someone else?

The thought of Xia Xiaolan relied on finding a good partner to show off her power and help her former eldest brother-in-law who was idle, and Xia Dajun's mood became more complicated.

"Naughty girl, the six relatives don't recognize it and make trouble everywhere, I think God does not have eyes..."

Xia Dajun muttered to himself.

If God had long eyes, he wouldn't let a person whose six relatives didn't recognize the vicious methods forever be proud of him.

People's thoughts change over time, and the environmental impact is very large.

Xia Dajun went through the initial guilt, followed by the shame of failing to reconcile, and then went to marry a sweet wife, and show off proudly to have a son with her sweet wife... Now he can't get along in Pengcheng and wants to go back to his hometown. The mood of this stage has changed, not to mention how complicated Xia Dajun's mood is now.

He didn't dare to go to Jinshachi, not only because of the threat that Hui Mo originally threatened him, but also the fear.

Afraid that Xia Xiaolan's mother and daughter are doing too well now, Xia Dajun can't accept this result.

If you don't inquire, don't know, you won't be uncomfortable.

"Dajun, how big is your family going to buy? Your family has a large population. I'm afraid you have to buy a 135㎡, large-sized cross-floor. Both floors are yours!"

"Tsk, it's the first time I heard of a leap..."

"It also says that there are small apartments, 70 square meters is also called small, this area must be allocated by the unit leader, right?"

Anyway, I can't afford it, so I just want to talk about it.

The neighbors may not be malicious, Xia Dajun was surrounded by buzzing discussions and couldn't help bending down.

For a 2,000 yuan per flat house, he would have to work together for a few years if he was still with Master Du.

It is indeed completely unaffordable now.

Xia Dajun had a faint intuition that to meet Du Zhaohui might be the only opportunity in his life to develop.

Such an opportunity is lost, and there is no possibility of meeting the second time again, just like his lost college student daughter, an unaffordable house, and missed qualifications to settle down... Xia Dajun suddenly yelled, slammed his head against the wall, and smashed the neighbors. All freaked out.

"It seems to be true. He was fired from the Hong Kong company."

"Now that I drive a big car for people, my income is still not low. Don't even think about buying a house in Jinshachi."

"Shhh, don't irritate him, go and ask his family to come out!"

It's scary, it's **** from hitting the wall.


"The house in Jinshachi is about to start selling."

Ke Yixiong has lost a lot of weight lately, the flesh on his round face is gone, and people look not as kind as before.

All of his previously arrested men have been sentenced.

Cao Liu was the mastermind, and the sentence was the heaviest.

He was directly convicted of becoming a "underworld group", not only slashing White Pearl, but Ke Yixiong had to stand on his heels in Pengcheng and grab the ground with the local snake. He had done a lot of fierce fighting.

Those people were robbed of the site by Ke Yixiong and held a grudge against them for business. When Ke Yixiong's people were arrested, they naturally wanted to jump out and fall into trouble. Cao Liu and others were convicted and sentenced.

Fortunately, Cao Liu was loyal to Ke Yixiong and took all the charges down.

Ke Yixiong has been investigated many times, but he has not been arrested for the time being. He also knows that he is the target of the police.

He naturally did not dare to act rashly, and others took the opportunity to steal a lot of business from him.

The transport team under him was spotted, and the battlefield was frequently investigated. The business here has suffered heavy losses.

Originally thinking that the Zhengrong Group could rely on and take a few more projects from Du Zhaohui to make up for the losses, but Du Zhaohui turned his back on him and completely forgot his previous promise.

It's really good!

Ke Yixiong is now worried about both internally and externally. He used to worry about Xia Xiaolan a lot, but now he hates it. Hearing that Jinsha Pool is about to open, Ke Yixiong lowered his eyes:

"Every waste is useful, you know what to do, do it cleanly."

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