Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1210: : The sky falls and there is a tall man (3 more)

"Boss, we know, we've been waiting for a long time today!"

If it weren't for the stinky lady surnamed Xia, Cao Liu and others would not have been caught by the police.

There are rules in the Tao. The stinky lady surnamed Xia is nosy, and this time she will taste the bitter fruit of nosy!

Everyone thought that Boss Ke was going to protect the stinky lady, after all, the Boss had always been fascinated by her.

Fortunately, the boss didn't let everyone down, this time he wants to avenge Cao Liu and the others!

Ke Yixiong's men were very excited, and Ke Yixiong raised his hand to signal the others to be quiet:

"For another two days, let’s do it now. Maybe the Jinshachi side will hold things down, and wait until the sale starts, so that they will be caught off guard. Things must be done beautifully. We can only grasp the Jinshachi handle, and we can’t reverse it. Come and be caught!"

Several of Ke Yixiong's men agreed.

Someone couldn't help but said: "Boss, we have ruined a lot of business because of her, so we just want to be ostentatious, so we don't want to make money?"

Ke Yixiong sneered, "Picture money? The police are staring at us, and you will be blackmailed whenever you appear."

What's the use of him asking for a hush fee?

He just wanted to see how the aloof white swan would solve this kind of crisis.

If it can't be solved, Ke Yixiong is also "willing" to help, but he must make Xia Xiaolan pay the price.

Don't think about taking money to send him away.

Recently, the business has suffered severely, but Ke Yixiong has really made a lot of money before, and he has no shortage of money.

He just can't suffer this loss.

If you don't retaliate against Xia Xiaolan, the position of Ke Yixiong's boss will be unstable!


Xia Xiaolan doesn't care about anything now.

The only thing that really matters is the opening of the Sands Pool.

Because the mortgage procedure was suddenly blocked, the original "mortgage" in newspaper advertisements was also removed. Now the advertisements are vague and uninteresting.

This made Xia Xiaolan not happy when she returned to the capital.

At this time, Huo Chenzhou didn’t know where to get the news. He called to ask if Xia Xiaolan regrets it now and whether he needs to join forces to resist the others in the Song family. Xia Xiaolan guesses that someone is targeting Tang Hongen behind his back, which means that Sheng Xuan can’t get up. How much effect, how can she agree?

What Tang Hongen can't solve, Huo Chenzhou can't solve it!

Others respect the Song family because of the old Song family, not because the Song family itself is particularly awesome.

The Song family wants to be really awesome, why do they always want to instruct Tang Hongen to control Tang Hongen?

"Manager Huo, it's not that I don't want to cooperate with you. To tell you the truth, I have two months to go abroad. After the house in Jinshachi is sold, my small company has to take a break for the time being."

Huo Chenzhou frowned.

Sheng Xuan has stuck the money in the bank, can Jinshachi sell normally?

Xia Xiaolan really didn't see the coffin and didn't cry. At this time, she was still sloppy with him.

Huo Chenzhou asked Xia Xiaolan to reconsider, "If Qihang really needs it, Dongfeng Holdings can borrow to Qihang."

Is Xia Xiaolan moving?


Borrowing from enterprises does not need to be reviewed like a bank. If Huo Chenzhou can be the master, borrowing more than 10 million will soon be credited.

There is no need to let Sheng Xuan know, Qihang can take the initiative to process early repayments, and then go to other banks to go through the mortgage procedures, and take Qihang out of Director Pan’s suspension of investigation.

To be honest, Director Pan has nothing to do with Qihang if there is no accident, and it is naturally not easy to get involved with Tang Hongen.

Xia Xiaolan almost agreed in one fell swoop, but Huo Chenzhou had a criminal record and wanted to get her off the hook before.

What can Xia Xiaolan have to pay back for such a big personal affection?

Maybe he agreed to Huo Chenzhou, which really pitted Tang Hongen.

"Manager Huo, I am really grateful for your kindness. I will ask the people in the company first and then give you an answer?"

OK, what's wrong.

Huo Chenzhou was not in a hurry, it was Xia Xiaolan who should be anxious.

Huo Chenzhou heard about this, but he still didn't realize that it was aimed at Tang Hongen.

It can be seen that Huo Chenzhou does not fully understand the situation.

In other words, the tentacles are not really extending in all directions, just taking advantage of Song Lao's momentum, he has not yet reached the point where he is truly awesome!

Xia Xiaolan wants to ask Tang Hongen's opinion, as long as Tang Hongen is safe, Jinshachi will be safe and sound. But when she called Pengcheng, she knew that Tang Hongen had already set off for Beijing.

Xia Xiaolan put down the phone.

"Is it serious enough..."

Even Lao Tang can't sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, so he wants to come to the capital to find a backer?

Xia Xiaolan also ran back home when there was no class at noon. It was very troublesome to make a phone call at school. There were always others who wanted to hear, and she couldn't say a lot of things.

There is no one at home now. On the first day of Luna’s return to Yangcheng, Chen Xiliang signed 27 franchisees. When Xia Xiaolan returned to Beijing, the franchisees who paid the money had become 31 people. Those people were eager to send people to the capital for training. Grandma Yu went to clean up the training venue.

Liu Fen went to see the decoration of the new store.

The business of the Luna franchise store in Xidan is very good, and the business of the Xidan branch with Lanfeng Phoenix is ​​also much better.

This was probably the only news that made Xia Xiaolan happy in the last two days.

Everyone in the family was busy, and Xia Xiaolan was too lazy to cook at home. As soon as she locked the door and prepared to eat something to prepare for the afternoon meal, she saw a familiar car driving into the alley.

The car stopped in front of her, and the other party was obviously surprised:

"Aren't you supposed to be in school at this time?"

Xia Xiaolan wants to ask this too!

"Uncle Tang, what are you doing?"

Hey hey, the fire is about to burn eyebrows, and I'm still in the mood to build a relationship with her mother!

Xia Xiaolan had just called Pengcheng, and Tang Hongen must have left the airport directly to Shichahai.

The person sitting in the car is Tang Hongen.

As soon as his thoughts turned, Tang Hongen knew that Xia Xiaolan must be worried, and he frowned:

"When the sky is falling, there is a tall man against it. This is not a big deal. You should go to school if you should go to school! Do you not trust me or Ying Jinchuan?"

He is the man behind the scenes.

At the bank, it was Ying Jinchuan.

Tang Hongen thinks things are well arranged. Seeing Xia Xiaolan's restlessness, how much affects her study?

When doing business on weekends, she is a businessman and the boss of sailing.

From Monday to Friday, she should remember her identity as a student.

Xia Xiaolan reopened the door and invited Tang Hongen into the house for tea:

"Wait for a while at home now. I don't think you are paying attention to lunch. I asked the restaurant to fry some dishes and bring them. You let me not worry about ten or twenty million things, and the long time for me and the company. I know you’re not worried about it! I know that the person you introduced must be very good, but you didn’t give me any answer as to where the manager Ying is! You just came, and Huo Chenzhou offered to borrow Give me the money, how can I reply to him?"

Tang Hongen thought he could eat a meal with A Fen, but he didn't expect the wind and dust to come over. Comrade Liu Fen was busier than his mayor and was not at home at noon.

"Ying Jinchuan is an individual talent. You should believe him. Such a person would not go to your newly established small company if it hadn't been changed. Since you asked, I'll just say a few words to you."

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