Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1211: : A Fen, am I sick (4 more)

Xia Xiaolan quickly poured a cup of tea for Tang Hongen to soothe her throat.

Asking the restaurant to deliver food to such a trivial matter does not require her to go personally. Naturally, Xiao Wang will run away.

Tang Hongen briefly talked about the origin of Ying Jinchuan.

This man was extremely smart and gifted in mathematics, and later entered the banking system to work.

It's just too capable and jealous.

Coupled with the great turmoil in the previous years, Ying Jinchuan suffered a hardship in his family. He has a wife who works as a teacher in a college. The couple have never had children, but their relationship is very good.

It's just that his wife didn't hold it back, and died of illness during the turbulent years.

Ying Jinchuan was hit hard at that time.

"I know he regrets that he did not take his wife out of the country in the first two years. He had the opportunity to avoid the chaos, but he was not willing to leave his family behind. Last year, Ying Jinchuan handled his problem well and transferred it to Kazakhstan. The old father of the provincial farm also died of illness and could not wait for Ying Jinchuan to be rescued."

So, there is no old on the top, no small on the bottom, is this a lonely lonely person?

"Has he no siblings?"

Xia Xiaolan thought, it is really like people gather together. Ying Jinchuan and Tang Hongen were in a similar situation, but Tang Hongen is better than him because he has hope for his son and pursues career.

Judging from Ying Jinchuan's appearance of Buddhism, he didn't pursue much career.

A person who wants nothing, naturally has no motivation to work hard. No wonder Ying Jinchuan is very Buddhist.

Tang Hongen shook his head, wondering if Ying Jinchuan had no relatives, or the question is hard to say.

Tang Hongen said that Ying Jinchuan had worked in a bank, and Xia Xiaolan would not simply understand being a teller in a bank... It should be a real boss. He was not only slammed Xia Xiaolan, but also many younger juniors. .

Xia Xiaolan is really curious about what Ying Jinchuan did.

However, with this qualification, it is no wonder Ying Jinchuan can set sail to reach 16 million in mortgage loans.

The credit is due to the boss, but others think that there is a shameful deal in it. I really think too much!

"Then Huo Chenzhou wants to take the initiative to lend me money, so I will refuse him. I still want to promise him that he will get the money from Dongfeng Holdings and repay the bank loan first."

Tang Hongen glanced at her, "Then turn Pan Yijun out of the tank? You still pay too much attention to short-term results, frizzy!"

The east wall was broken to make up the east wall, and the crack in the west wall turned around to make up the west wall. Fortunately, Xia Xiaolan was also doing business. She wants to seek development within the system, but Tang Hongen disagrees.

Xia Xiaolan was very slick, Tang Hongen knew it early in the morning, saying that she actually couldn't help but **** up the corners of her mouth.

Xia Xiaolan was considering it for him, fearing that he would be involved in this loan incident, and using Huo Chenzhou's money to repay the loan, she naturally left him aside.

How did Tang Hongen give back to Xia Xiaolan?

After eating the food Xiao Wang called back, Xia Xiaolan was rushed to school, and she was not allowed to leave school for the last three days!

"If you look at the results three days later, it should be clear. Don't be out of business all day."

That faint resentment of Xia Xiaolan.

Is this because she is afraid that she will disturb Comrade Lao Tang and her mother, and deliberately give her a foot ban?

Tang Hongen also asked Xiao Wang to send Xia Xiaolan back to school. Such care and love clearly meant that even Xiao Wang would be sent away. Then he rode out on Xia Xiaolan's low-key second-hand bicycle, which attracted the attention of his neighbors.

The neighbor, Uncle Zhao, knew him, and the middle-aged man who came to Liu's most frequently was Tang Hongen.

Uncle Zhao greeted him, and Tang Hongen responded.

He rode his bike all the way out of the alley, and the whole alley knew that Liu's was a guest.

He came in a car and rode a bicycle out of Liu's house. This is really not out of sight!

When Tang Hongen found Liu Fen, he threw the bicycle at the clothing store and came back with Liu Fen's Chevrolet. Who else in the alley didn't know that this was Liu Fen's object?

"It seems that the Liu family will have a treat again soon..."

Uncle Zhao carried the bird cage and couldn't help swallowing.

He was saying that the Liu family was going to have a happy event, and the other veterans who played chess all agreed.

The old comrades are also men, and the revolutionary friendship and the look in the eyes of a certain **** loves it, so they can’t tell them apart!

——That is Liu Fen's object!

——Good guy, people are decent and stylish, they must be personalities.

The Liu family is self-employed, and they have not concealed it.

At first, some people said sour words, especially after Liu Fen had a car.

But no matter how much sour words are said, Liu Fen's shop has not collapsed, but the scale of his business has expanded. Who in this neighbor can guarantee that he will not get someone else's head?

Single lesbians look more beautiful, and naturally gossiping about doing big business alone.

The sour talker is nothing more than an attack on this point, saying that Liu Fen is good-looking and has a lot of money, and he is definitely not a serious person.

Uncle Zhao said that he had caused red eye disease.

Others live so enviously that there is nothing wrong with it, and it is not right to be jealous and spread rumors.

There are also three women in Liu's family who have money but no power. If they want to spend money for Liu's family, they will introduce them to Liu Fen... Liu Fen has all been rejected. Grandma Yu knocked the melon seeds and said that Liu Fen had an object and no neighbors were needed. We worry about it.

Uncle Zhao happened to have seen Tang Hongen several times. Tang Hongen and Liu Fen watched each time getting closer. Those who were careful, really lost their eyes and pretended not to see!

Uncle Zhao feels that the Liu family will have a happy event soon.

In the living room next door, Liu Fen and Tang Hongen sat next to the table, one by one.

Min Xiaoju said that the car was dirty. Regardless of how cold the weather was, she carried a bucket of hot water to wash the car. Only Liu Fen and Tang Hongen sat facing each other in the living room.

"Affin, do you have anything to tell me?"

Other women, isn't it time to sue at this time? At least ask who Sheng Xuan is. A Fen is really calm!

Liu Fen glanced at him, "Why are you running to the capital again? Didn't you say that when I go to Yangcheng, you will go to Yangcheng, won't you delay your work?"

This is an agreement between the two.

Liu Fen had to make at least one trip to Yangcheng every month, and sometimes two trips.

She has more opportunities to meet Tang Hongen than Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng.

No matter how busy Tang Hongen is at work, people are free.

The two also agreed to meet in Yangcheng.

In addition, Tang Hongen remembers to make a phone call every day, sometimes before 7 in the morning, sometimes after 9 in the evening, the emotional heat is steadily rising, and the degree of stickiness is no less than that of young people.

Liu Fen and Tang Hongen naturally became more and more casual when they talked.

Sometimes I think he is the mayor, but the mayor is also a flesh and blood person. Most of the time, Liu Fen will forget the identity of Tang Hongen.

For example, at this time, Tang Hongen suddenly gave a "surprise". He showed up at noon before calling the city in the morning, and said everything on the phone. This person is really strange.

Tang Hongen sighed, "Of course I want to work, but I suddenly learned that Sheng Xuan had come to you, and you didn't tell me, I was worried about your misunderstanding. I couldn't concentrate on work, so I wanted to come to you to explain, you Make a noise with me. I must be upset. You are silent and jealous, and I am not very comfortable, Affin, do you think I am sick?"

Liu Fen made a big red face.

Obviously speaking with a serious tone, how do you feel that you are teasing her? !

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