Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1215: : Amorous people are also soft (4 more)

Will spend and earn.

Xia Xiaolan didn't expect Teacher Mao would comment on her like this.

Teacher Mao was worried about her, and Xia Xiaolan would not be unkind.

It was heard that Wu Daonan chose the house in Jinshachi instead of cash, and Xia Xiaolan was even more happy.

"The house in Jinshachi will sell more securely. Master Wu is still very wise."

Now that he gave Tang Yuanyue face to run, Wu Daonan sent the Buddha to the west, and he simply gave enough favors. He wanted a house in Jinshachi, which was more convincing to Hong Kong buyers!

What is Master Wu's favor?

If the house had bad feng shui, Master Wu wouldn’t have a real estate here.

When Xia Xiaolan was overjoyed, she did not forget to tell Ge Jian: "Enter Mr. Wu well. Qihang and him may also cooperate in the future. We are not only building this real estate. By the way, have you seen Manager Ying?"

"I haven't seen Manager Ying since I came back."

Xia Xiaolan is helpless, have the mortgage procedures been completed?

Tang Hongen asked her to wait three days to see the result, which was the next night.

She called home, and Grandma Yu said that Tang Hongen was still in the capital. During the day, she ran with her mother before and after, accompanied her to the store, and asked her mother to go to the movies... It is absolutely irresistible.

Mayor Tang Da is really in no rush.

It seems that when I came to Beijing, I was really just for peace and quiet, and didn't take the trouble of someone to my heart.

Does this mean that the situation is really not serious?

Xia Xiaolan can only trust Tang Hongen's guarantee. No news is good news. At least according to Ge Jian, Qihang has not received any notice from the bank asking for "early repayment".

Mortgage procedures can’t be done, so for the time being, we’ll stop buyers who can buy a house in full.

10% off for the full purchase of a house, the incentives are still great.

Taking a set of 70㎡, priced at 1999 yuan/㎡, the total price is 139,930 yuan, and the full price is 125937 yuan, which saves nearly 14,000 yuan. Hong Kong people have money, and their money does not fall from the sky. If they can pay the full amount, many people are unwilling to borrow money to pay interest to the bank.

There are more than one hundred suites, if all the money is purchased, Xia Xiaolan will receive at least 3 million less!

She doesn't feel sorry for the money, she is happier than anyone else to get the funds back so quickly.

In fact, after she increased the unit price, the 10% discount was more than 1999 yuan/㎡. Don’t believe that the profiteers will really give a discount. The wool is on the sheep!

Ge Jian didn't see Ying Jinchuan, and Xia Xiaolan couldn't ask about the situation. She could only think with an optimistic attitude:

"It's okay, you have a good view of the construction site. The more the real estate is going to be sold, the more it will not show up. If there is not enough manpower, please ask the brothers of Baijia Wuguan to help temporarily, and you will be rewarded afterwards. Ge Jian, I But I leave the safety issues to you. I will come to Pengcheng on the 13th. Before I arrive, there can be no accidents in Jinshachi, do you know?"

Ge Jian promised that he didn't need to swear by the curse, what Xia Xiaolan ordered, so far he has not done anything.


"This is all on the 11th, and the mortgage procedures for Qihang haven't been completed yet, Xia Xiaolan is really in no rush."

Huo Chenzhou also actively wanted to lend Xia Xiaolan. Xia Xiaolan said that she would consider it, but there was no news about this consideration. It seems that the other party has found a way to fill the loan of 16 million.

Apart from Dongfeng Holdings, who can borrow such a large sum of money to set sail?

Unless, Mayor Tang made another move to find another way to set sail.

Huo Chenzhou crossed his fingers, "I didn't expect Mayor Tang to be such a passionate person. I'm afraid you and your uncles have misunderstood him."

The hero is short of breath, and his sons and daughters are long in love... This sentence can one day be used to describe Tang Hongen, unexpectedly, but also reasonable. Didn’t Tang Hongen remember his ex-wife in the past, but Huo Chenzhou refused to believe it, thinking that it was the idiotic situation portrayed by Mayor Tang.

If it is not a disguise, is it true?

Tang Hongen is such a contradictory person, so grandpa valued each other in this way.

There is no conflict between ability and strong feelings. If a person in an official career is perfect and has no weaknesses, his colleagues will be wary of him, go to the summit to beware of him, and his subordinates will not believe him-a person without weakness is true It's terrible, and will abandon allies at any time!

"Mom, I don't think Mayor Tang will change people anymore. You are right. We can only get in touch with the mother and daughter whom he currently recognizes. The second aunt is also in vain."

What's the use of Sheng Xuan's great strength?

Tang Hongen doesn't value her from beginning to end. Some **** men like to be chased by women, and some people don't like it.

Song Nanzhen muttered to herself: "Do you know that Tang Hongen has been in the capital these past two days? Set sail does not need Dongfeng's help anymore."

Sheng Xuan was already very smart, and she called the door to force Liu Fen without bluffing.

Instead, he approached Liu Fen to find out the details of Liu Fen, then turned around and went to work in Pengcheng neatly, presumably Sheng Xuan had his own plan. However, no matter how good the plan is, it is useless. The tricks are not wonderful. It depends on whether the opponent takes the move... Sheng Xuan and Tang Hongen are not equal opponents. Sheng Xuan can't arouse Tang Hongen's interest, everything is in vain!

So Shen Zhou is right, Tang Hongen is actually such a passionate person.

Is this a good thing for her and Shen Zhou mother and son?

Song Nanzhen thinks the answer is yes.

Passionate people are soft-hearted, and the old man has the kindness of promotion and teaching to Tang Hongen, and Tang Hongen will also be emotional.

So many people in the Song family may have used the wrong strategy. They should not "command" Tang Hongen with a strong attitude, but talk to Tang Hongen and influence him with a gentle attitude.

"Shen Zhou, we went the wrong way before! I don't know when other people in the family will react. I hope they will keep their original attitudes. But you and I have made changes, and we have already come to the front. You go find Tang Hongen, give him a new plan. Don’t take advantage of the Pengcheng government. It doesn’t matter if you give up a little more profit. First, let Tang Hongen trust you instead of repelling and warning you. Your grandpa likes you so much, and you will definitely Let Tang Hongen like you."

Wouldn't it be his attitude to please grandpa to please Tang Hongen?

Tang Hongen was still the mayor of Pengcheng, and he was far from grandpa's height. Huo Chenzhou hesitated a little.

Would it be too flattering to do so.

His face is also a little uncomfortable.

He didn't take Tang Hongen too seriously before, because Tang Hongen happened to work in Pengcheng, a special economic zone of the country's reform and opening up. Dongfeng Holdings' investment could not completely avoid Pengcheng, and Huo Chenzhou would take the initiative to come.

But he never let go of his arrogance. After all, Tang Hongen was the "retainer" of the Song family, and it was only natural that the other party helped him.

Now that Song Nanzhen asked him to change his attitude, Huo Chenzhou couldn't accept it for a while.

Why did his mother suddenly say this, Huo Chenzhou suddenly raised her head:

"Have you seen Grandpa recently?"

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