Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1216: : Who is more embarrassed (1 more)

"Shen Zhou, this is not ashamed, it is most important to get what you want."

Song Nanzhen didn't admit it, but didn't deny it either.

Huo Chenzhou was immediately sure that his mother had gone to see the old man.

The old man did not support his descendants in politics, and Huo Chenzhou was naturally among them.

Dongfeng Holdings is a state-owned capital. Huo Chenzhou is able to get the help of his family in today's situation, but he hasn't got any results, so he still can't get mixed up!

He still can't fully grasp Dongfeng Holdings, and the current situation cannot match Huo Chenzhou's ambitions and expectations.

Is Tang Hongen really promising?

Huo Chenzhou clenched his fists and exhaled after a long while: "I will re-draw a plan for Mayor Tang to see."

He lowered his posture to get more. Even his grandfather had a lot of ups and downs. Huo Chenzhou wanted to imitate the person he admired the most... Isn't it just to withdraw his arrogance in front of Tang Hongen? He can do it!

"Although Mayor Tang is in the capital, he is not necessarily willing to be disturbed. I will go to Pengcheng and wait for him to return. I will see Sheng Xuan by the way!"

Once Huo Chenzhou figured it out, his brain reacted quickly.

Song Nanzhen smiled relievedly: "Yes, you go and see what Sheng Xuan wants to do. Sheng Xuan wants to find another way. You can also take advantage of the trend, interrupt Sheng Xuan's thoughts, and give this favor to Tang Hongen!"

Neither mother nor son put Sheng Xuan in their eyes.

The old man doesn't like fighting in the family, but Sheng Xuan is not from the Song family, and the relatives who have been separated a few times, what good is the face?

Anyway, Song Nanzhen doesn't have many worries, Song Nanzhen is not afraid of trouble.

After the mother and son discussed, Huo Chenzhou immediately left for Pengcheng.


Xia Xiaolan was locked in school this week, and for the first time she couldn't calm down.

After finally getting through the afternoon of the 13th, she went straight to the airport after the last class.

Watching her leave school in a hurry, Ning Xue couldn't help shaking her head:

"When people are impetuous, they can't learn much."

Ji Jiangyuan just heard it, but didn’t agree with it: “The real estate in Jinshachi will be on sale tomorrow. Naturally, Xia Xiaolan is in a hurry. Ning Xue, how do I feel that Xia Xiaolan is not paying attention to you now, but you are paying attention to her-you have already Are you treated as an imaginary enemy and competitor?"

How rare!

Ning Xue is the snow of the high mountains and the flower of the high ridge. People who are not stained with dust and only pursue the "avenue" in her heart are actually so concerned about Xia Xiaolan.

If she is a gay, Ji Jiangyuan suspects that Ning Xue likes Xia Xiaolan!

Why did Ji Jiangyuan know that Jinshachi's real estate will be on sale tomorrow? Naturally, George told him.

The flyers of Sands Pool were all over the place, and there were advertisements in the newspaper. George couldn't ignore it.

George wanted to do something and was stopped by Bill. Bill meant to wait and see if Jinshachi would be popular. The price of Jinshachi is far ahead in Pengcheng. It can be said that the real estate is the most expensive... if it can be sold. , The prospects of the golf course project is certainly good.

Ning Xue didn't speak, and looked up after a long while, "Ji Jiangyuan, can you buy a ticket for me?"

"Do you want to see the Golden Sands Pool?"

I am really obsessed with Xia Xiaolan's "works".

Ning Xue nodded without pretense, and admitted Ji Jiangyuan's guess.

"I think Xia Xiaolan didn't want to let others visit before. Since she will be on sale tomorrow, she will always open to the outside world!"

This is correct. All people who go to Jinshachi tomorrow will be "excellent guests" to Xia Xiaolan. Even if Ning Xue doesn't buy a house, he is always eligible to visit the next model building in the community.

Ning Xue and Ji Jiangyuan are both very interested in Xia Xiaolan's Golden Sand Pool.

Ning Xue was interested in what the house was built.

Ji Jiangyuan is interested in how much benefit the entire project will bring to Xia Xiaolan.

Ning Xue is still thinking of the proud girl in the ivory tower, but Ji Jiangyuan's thinking has a lot of social atmosphere.

It is the most normal to view a certain commercial project in terms of revenue.

Say a thousand words and ten thousand, is Xia Xiaolan's first real estate profitable?

If you make money, how much money can you make in the end!

Which of the promotional methods she has used is not easy to replicate, and which ones can be used for reference?

Ji Jiangyuan had an intuition that even though Harold returned to the United States, he was still paying attention to the Sands Pool. Bill is Harold's eyes and ears in Pengcheng, to check and balance George, not to let George do too much, and also to monitor Xia Xiaolan's movements.

Bill said he wanted to see if Sands Pool would be popular. This is more like Harold's idea, right?

Ji Jiangyuan laughed, Ning Xue was curious about Jinshachi, and what was strange about Xia Xiaolan.

Not only is one person watching Xia Xiaolan's movements.

Friends and family hope her project will sell well.

Opponents and enemies are secretly hoping that her project will sink into the sand!

A lot of eyes are looking at Xia Xiaolan.

"I'm going to the airport too. I can't buy the air ticket today. I should be able to buy the air ticket tomorrow morning. I will send someone to you."

Ji Jiangyuan waved goodbye to Ningxue. There was only one flight in the afternoon. It seemed that he and Xia Xiaolan would take the same flight to Pengcheng.

On December 14th, the Jinshachi building was officially launched for sale.

On December 15, the franchise store of the Elegance brand will officially open.

Ji Jiangyuan obviously should pay attention to the latter, but he couldn't help but want to pay more attention to the former.

Ji Jiangyuan now feels a little bit about what Tang Hongen said at the time. Hua Guo is on the eve of major changes. He, Xia Xiaolan and Ning Xue, a group of students, just caught up with this era.

Time makes heroes, everything is possible.

Echoing the slogan of "reform and opening up", there are countless wonderful things. The myth of getting rich overnight is always happening, and being in it will make people excited... Under such a pattern, **** Jiya created a clothing brand, actually for Be jealous, in order to get revenge?

It makes Ji Jiangyuan too speechless!

The money George invested was wasted.

Such a good time was wasted.

Ji Jiangyuan was unable to complain, and didn't bother to pay attention to how Elegance's business would be after its opening. It shouldn't be too bad, but it's limited to this. It's definitely not as exciting as the official sale of Sands Pool!

With this thought, Ji Jiangyuan rushed to the airport.

He knew that he would be on the same flight as Xia Xiaolan, but he didn't expect Tang Hongen and Liu Fen to be on the plane.

This is more embarrassing. Tang Hongen, Liu Fen and Xia Xiaolan all look like a family.

Min Xiaoju twisted around in the seat, and the driver Xiao Wang stared at the back of the seat in front of him, without squinting.

I don't know how the leader will deal with it?

If Grandma Yu was here, she would definitely say that this is a precious learning opportunity.

Tang Hongen deserved to have seen the big scene, nodded at Ji Jiangyuan, and ignored him.

Now, it was Xia Xiaolan and Liu Fen who were even more embarrassed... Especially Liu Fen, at first glance, it seemed that she was playing a ghost, letting Tang Hongen not even care about the son of his ex-wife.

The father and son are so strange!

Ji Jiangyuan's mood is also very complicated.

This is to fulfill what I said at the wedding banquet. Where there is Tang Hongen, there can be no Ji family.

Ji Jiangyuan originally didn't have any deep feelings for Tang Hongen. Tang Hongen was too close to him, but he would not adapt.

But Tang Hongen really said what he said, and managed to ignore Ji's family, and Ji Jiangyuan was left out...Ji Jiangyuan didn't seem to feel very comfortable either.

Xia Xiaolan felt that if she were Ji Jiangyuan, she would have to be driven mad.

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