Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1231: : Please enter the urn (4 more)

This meal was really invited in a big restaurant.

I don't know who took the lead to toast Xia Xiaolan first, she really drank a lot.

At the end of the drink, she was shaking when she walked. After a few tries, the door of the car was not opened. He held her from behind with both hands, but it was Zhou Cheng.

"Aunt Liu, let me take care of her."

Liu Fen believed in Zhou Cheng very much. Liu Yong coughed twice, "She is going to vomit what is going on in your car. You can send her back to the hotel as soon as possible."

The young man was full of blood, Xiaolan drank a lot of wine again, Liu Yong was worried about Zhou Cheng!

When the uncle is sure to worry about his niece, although the relationship is stable, some things should be left until after marriage...No matter what you say, Zhou Cheng won't suffer, Xiaolan is different.

Liu Yong defended Zhou Cheng as a thief, Zhou Cheng pretended not to hear it:

"I really have something to do with Xiaolan, wait until she wakes up a little bit, don't worry, uncle, it's safe to have me guarding her!"


It's not safe to have you.

Xia Xiaolan was very docile and was taken away by Zhou Cheng.

In fact, she was still conscious, drunk, her eyelids heavy, she was quite comfortable leaning on Zhou Cheng, and she didn't bother to open her eyes.

Zhou Cheng will not harm her, staying with Zhou Cheng is safe and reliable.

Xia Xiaolan is not drunk, she is really tired... Luo Yaozong fell downstairs, so Xia Xiaolan did not rest all night, today Jinshachi sold a house, and she was busy all day without touching her feet.

She knew that Zhou Cheng hugged her on the seat and fastened her seat belt.

After driving the car for a while, Zhou Cheng found that Xia Xiaolan was asleep.

"How tired is this..."

He leaned his head and kissed it lightly, and the remaining alcohol on his lips was not unpleasant.

As long as it belongs to his wife, not to mention the smell of alcohol, even the smell of sweat is fragrant.

Xia Xiaolan still didn't wake up, Zhou Cheng's eyes were deep, and she wanted to continue to indulge herself, watching her exhausted, but she was reluctant to wake her up, gently tossed her red lips and had fun, and finally took off her coat and covered her.

Xia Xiaolan was sleepy and slept for more than two hours.

It was 11 o'clock in the evening when I came out of the restaurant, but now it's 1 o'clock in the morning.

Xia Xiaolan wanted to look at her watch in a daze: "Where are we going, haven't we arrived yet?"

Zhou Cheng handed her a water glass, "You must be thirsty after drinking, you must drink some first."

Many people who have drunk too much, the first thing to do when they wake up is to go to the toilet, and the second thing is to drink water.

Xia Xiaolan was a winning general at the wine table in her last life. How could she get an order if she wasn't bold enough to drink? I lack exercise opportunities in my life, and I think I’m worth a catty. In fact, half a catty is worth it.

Her throat was about to burn, and it took half a glass of water to get better.

Zhou Cheng touched her forehead, afraid that she would be uncomfortable, and put her hand down for a long while:

"I've arrived long ago. Seeing you sleep too deeply, I want you to sleep a little longer. We are in Yangcheng."

In the middle of the night, what did you come to Yangcheng for?

Xia Xiaolan's spirits lifted up, "...Do you want to do something with Ke Yixiong tonight?"

Zhou Cheng nodded, "Luo Yaozong woke up. Those little characters couldn't resist interrogation. Ke Yixiong was really smart. None of these people had seen him. They said it was a man named Mosquito who ordered them to do it. The death of Luo Yaozong Now, setting sail must spend money to settle this matter. The mosquitoes promised them that the money that was corrupted would be divided equally, and these people agreed to do it!"

Xia Xiaolan was curious, "How much are they going to ruin?"

"One million, 5 people split equally!"

It turned out that one ran away. Xia Xiaolan sneered: "These **** are too naive. Ke Yixiong will let each of them spend 200,000 casually? How long will it take for Ke Yixiong to earn 1 million on the battlefield!"

People die for money, and birds die for food.

One person can divide 200,000, so it's no wonder that Luo Yaozong dared to push Luo Yaozong downstairs and fell to death.

Not to mention 200,000 yuan, it is 20,000 yuan, and some people dare to take this job. 200,000 is enough to buy a 90-square-meter house in Jinshachi, with three Pengcheng settlement indicators. With such a sum of money, there are not many self-employed people in the mainland.

A business that can earn millions of dollars in a good end was almost destroyed by these abusers. Xia Xiaolan's unfinished drinking spirit was almost burning up:

"Ke Yixiong is so cunning, even if these people confessed, the people at the police station must not be able to find the person called the mosquito."

Zhou Cheng nodded, "Yes, the mosquito has been missing for several days. But finding this person is still secondary, but to paralyze Ke Yixiong. The real goal is to catch Ke Yixiong. He thought he was invited to the police station to cooperate with the investigation... When he walks into the police station, it is impossible to go out again."

Please enter the urn!

Can Ke Yixiong run?

The police are all staring at him, how can he run?

The suspicion was settled as soon as he ran. Ke Yixiong thought that the evidence could not be involved in him, but he did not expect that this was just an excuse.

"Be locked up for the trial and investigate slowly. He thought he was invited because of the missing mosquitoes, but he didn't know that the human trafficking case had already happened."

Zhou Cheng asked Ke Yixiong to walk into the police station by himself.

Xia Xiaolan felt that she couldn't be too relieved.

At this time, she finally saw where Zhou Cheng had parked the car. It was the Yangcheng Public Security Bureau!

The police station couldn't handle it anymore. People from the city bureau were dispatched directly, and Ke Yixiong was really a big deal.

"When I was investigating this matter, Mayor Tang also asked the secretary to run and provided me with some evidence. Do you know how Ke Yixiong caught up with Du Zhaohui?"

There was light in Xia Xiaolan’s eyes, and Zhou Cheng couldn’t bear to betray her: “This has something to do with the Xia family. The Xia family wanted to go to Pengcheng, but they were abducted when they got off the Yangcheng Railway Station. Xia Dajun also reported the case. I found someone. Later, it is estimated that Dajun Xia begged Du Zhaohui to come forward. Shao Du greeted him, and Ke Yixiong, a local snake, quickly found the Xia family and handed it to Du Zhaohui."

This was discovered by Tang Hongen.

The Xia family clashed with Liu Fen at the time, and Chen Xiliang reported the case and arrested him.

The Chengrong Group saved Xia Dajun, but it couldn't save Xia Hongbing's family of three.

In fact, Tang Hongen didn't like Xia's family always disturbing Liu Fen, so he wanted Xia Dajun to divert his energy. Of course, this is not a fake public aid for personal gain. Who said Xia Hongbing and the three really lost the letter of introduction and could not prove their identity. The public security in Yangcheng was just a little stricter.

At that time, Tang Hongen was also wondering why he didn’t even have a letter of introduction. I checked it by the way and found that the three of Xia Hongbing’s family had been abducted for a period of time. It was found by Ke Yixiong. Ke Yixiong used this as a favor to meet Du Zhaohui... Du Zhaohui always couldn’t figure out why. Mayor Tang didn't wait to see him, he was always with people like Ke Yixiong, so naturally he was not welcome!

However, Tang Hongen did not attract attention at the time.

This time Zhou Cheng found out that the traffickers were selling stolen goods at the Yangcheng Railway Station, and Tang Hongen remembered it again.

Ke Yixiong quickly found the Xia family not because of his identity as a local snake. If the person was abducted and sold by his subordinates, he would be able to find it back how quickly he could sell it.

"Even originally, this was what Ke Yixiong did against Du Zhaohui?"

It was obviously a serious occasion, Xia Xiaolan wanted to laugh inexplicably.

Du Zhaohui, who is so gloomy and cruel, knows that he has been deceived by Ke Yixiong, he will probably really tie Ke Yixiong to a stone and sink into the sea! After the head-to-head encounter between the dragon and the earth snake, it's not possible to see... It's a pity!

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