Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1232: : This is going to be on the street! (1 more)

"Doing it or not, it's secondary now. I'm just telling you that tonight will be very lively, and some people will be invited to be witnesses!"

Please enter the urn and examine Ke Kazuo at night.

Xia Xiaolan straightened up, "Let me think about it, Du Zhaohui, and the Xia family...It's very lively, when will Ke Yixiong come?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw several cars coming from the street.

"Don't get out of the car, wait until they are all in, then you can go in and watch the excitement."

Zhou Cheng persuaded Xia Xiaolan to be patient.

She and Zhou Cheng are now staying in the jeep, just parked in the courtyard of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. The fire has been stopped and the lights have been turned off. Others can see a car parked here, and they will not notice anyone.

Invisible to others, Xia Xiaolan can see everything.

The first car stopped, several police officers came to surround the car, the door opened, and it was Ke Yixiong inside.

Ke Yixiong seemed to be a little anxious, and the kindness on his face was gone, more of a gangster.

Harmony was originally Ke Yixiong's disguise. A young man who can twist many gangsters into a rope is naturally impossible to be soft-hearted.

Is it romantic to be a gangster?

Xia Xiaolan can only say that she has read too many romance novels and her brain is faulty!

A person who is deceived and deceived to do everything, the money he earned from doing bad things is not panicked in his heart?

While he is talking to you, he is also abducting women and children... It's disgusting to think about it. Where can there be so much romance, the brain is squeezed!

Ke Yixiong should have noticed something wrong, no wonder he was restless.

He did not stay in the yard for too long, and was soon sent to the Public Security Bureau. When Ke Yixiong walked through the door of the Public Security Bureau, the city bureau staff seemed to be relieved. The subordinates who were invited to investigate were not so polite, and were sent to the bureau whether they wanted it or not.

There is a future for gangsters?

It really caused harm to the society. The state believes that this cancer should be removed. The police and even the armed police and the army are dispatched. No matter how arrogant the underworld is, no one can escape.

Not to mention, Du Zhaohui, who got off the last car, couldn't help but shrink his neck after seeing the scene with his own eyes.

The night breeze made Master Du's neck chill.

The Mainland and Hong Kong are really different. In Hong Kong, the police station dare not drag Mr. Du out of bed in the middle of the night to cooperate with the investigation.

Even if someone really kills, there are lawyers who deal with the sons of wealthy merchants.

Societies are rampant, fighting in the street, severed hands, broken legs and intestines are all over the floor, which is extremely common in Hong Kong.

In the mainland?

Don't think about it, the one who ambushed him last time was already a gangster.

Hey, why do you have a guilty conscience? I haven't done anything bad in Pengcheng. Didn't you really tie a stone to sink a man into the sea? He was invited to cooperate with the investigation. Why are you afraid?

Du Zhaohui raised the collar of his coat, "It's so cold tonight!"

A Hua nodded, "Young Master, hurry up and cooperate with the Public Security Bureau to finish the question, and you can go back."

Ah Hua still doesn't know what happened in Jinsha Pool last night. He just felt something was wrong with such a big battle. His young master wouldn't be cold anyway, wouldn't it be Ke Yixiong?

Bad boy!

What a gangster, I took the opportunity to go ashore in Peng Rong Group, but became more aggressive and arrogant when I went to Pengcheng. Now I'm going to rush to the street!

When Du Zhaohui took the bodyguards in, Xia Xiaolan could see the last person clearly.

It was Xia Hongxia who was shaking in the night wind!

Xia Xiaolan was in a daze, "It's been a long time since I saw her."

Entrance to university, moved away from Anqing, and Xia Hongxia are really two passers-by, and there is no chance to see it.

Xia Hongxia is not as bad as Xia Ziyu. This guy is stupid. She was deceived by Xia Ziyu. She stood on Xia Ziyu's side and was stunned to run Xia Xiaolan.

Behind the scenes, make a small report and speak bad things, so stupid that you are not even qualified to be a bad person. Compared with Xia Ziyu, the destructive power is too small.

"She is also a typical person who was trafficked, so I asked her to come."

Correct Ke Yixiong?

Xia Hongxia couldn't have seen Ke Yixiong participate in the trafficking incident with his own eyes.

But asking Xia Hongbing and Wang Jingui to entangle them, it would be better to ask Xia Hongxia to come.

After a short glance, the other party and Xia Xiaolan have nothing to change in their memory. They are still normal and obese. They probably came to Pengcheng to live for a period of time, which is better than their original rusticity when they were in southern Henan?

Zhou Cheng only opened the car door when all these people entered the city bureau.

"Go, take you inside, you are also a suffering master."

The Luo family is also a suffering master. The Luo family is too difficult to deal with, and Zhou Cheng obviously does not intend to let them know everything.

The two walked in together.

Ke Yixiong and others had been taken to the interrogation room, but Du Zhaohui and Xia Hongxia were still outside. Seeing Xia Xiaolan coming in, Du Zhaohui's eyes lit up.

Suddenly I saw Zhou Cheng next to Xia Xiaolan again.

Du Zhaohui was upset, "Mr. Xia, congratulations. I heard that Jinshachi sold one-third of the house today. It's hard for you to make money on this market! But shouldn't Mr. Xia be busy today? Come to the Public Security Bureau to do it. What?"

"I will do what Du Shao will do."

Xia Xiaolan didn't want to say more, but Du Zhaohui's mind turned quickly.

If he is Xia Xiaolan's boyfriend, he should sleep with Xia Xiaolan in his arms at this time, and come to the Public Security Bureau in the middle of the night... for Ke Yixiong?

Is that so important?

A gaze fell on Du Zhaohui, and Zhou Cheng glanced at him.

Du Zhaohui was short of breath, and was afraid that Zhou Cheng could see through his "condition" at a glance.

No, the X-rays in Hong Kong hospitals have not detected the defects, can they be seen through by human eyes?

What is his guilty conscience? Xia Xiaolan, the boyfriend, is just a little taller, and his face is two points handsomer than him. When he doesn't speak, he looks strangely scary... Hehe, this is the son of a high-ranking cadre in the mainland. Is it bad? Everyone who has the ability is better than bank deposits!

Money can pile up confidence, Du Zhaohui also looked at Zhou Cheng a few more times.

Of course, he didn't meet Zhou Cheng's eyes. He saw that Zhou Cheng was wearing ordinary clothes, and he secretly looked for the pleasure that overwhelmed Zhou Cheng in this regard!

Xia Hongxia was completely dumbfounded.

At first she didn't recognize that the person who walked in was Xia Xiaolan.

The face is still the same, but I don't dare to recognize it at all when dressed.

Xia Xiaolan wore a cashmere coat that was as long as her ankle. She could see that she had no makeup on her face, and her skin was clean and translucent. She was tanned a bit in the summer, and she was already white.

This, this person is actually Xia Xiaolan?

Xia Hongxia hadn't seen Xia Xiaolan for a long time, and it was unexpected that the two would meet again on this occasion.

Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng stood side by side, enough to make Xia Hongxia feel ashamed.

Xia Hongxia suddenly remembered that at the gate of the County No. 1 Middle School, Xia Xiaolan seemed to have said something to Xia Ziyu, "It's not uncommon for a man like Wang Jianhua to **** it away, and I will find a better one"... In this case, Xia Xiaolan did say Have you passed?

This is the man Xia Xiaolan found, the better one?

Xia Hongxia only knew that the other's family was very powerful, so her second uncle dared not go to Xia Xiaolan and her former aunt again.

But Xia Hongxia didn't expect it at all, but she was so outstanding from a good family background!

——The good things in this world are all taken up by Xia Xiaolan? Xia Hongxia red eyes, really want to cry. ####Good afternoon at noon~

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